Answer Set Programming (ASP) has become an established paradigm for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, in particular, when it comes to solving knowledge-intense combinatorial (optimization) problems. ASP’s unique pairing of a simple yet rich modeling language with highly performant solving technology has led to an increasing interest in ASP in academia as well as industry. To further boost this development and make ASP fit for real world applications it is indispensable to equip it with means for an easy integration into software environments and for adding complementary forms of reasoning.
In this tutorial, we describe how both issues are addressed in the ASP system clingo. At first, we outline features of clingo’s application programming interface (API) that are essential for multi-shot ASP solving, a technique for dealing with continuously changing logic programs. This is illustrated by realizing two exemplary reasoning modes, namely branch-and-bound-based optimization and incremental ASP solving. We then switch to the design of the API for integrating complementary forms of reasoning and detail this in an extensive case study dealing with the integration of difference constraints. We show how the syntax of these constraints is added to the modeling language and seamlessly merged into the grounding process. We then develop in detail a corresponding theory propagator for difference constraints and present how it is integrated into clingo’s solving process.
T. Schaub—Affiliated with the School of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, and the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
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- 1.
Alternatively, this could also be done before instantiation.
- 2.
More elaborate forms of aggregates can be obtained by explicitly using function (eg. #count) and relation symbols (eg. ).
- 3.
The ground routine takes a list of pairs as argument. Each such pair consists of a subprogram name (e.g. base or acid) and a list of actual parameters (e.g. [] or [42]).
- 4.
The planning horizon is the maximum number of steps a planner takes into account when searching for a plan.
- 5.
In order to construct atoms, symbolic terms, or function terms, respectively, the clingo API function Function has to be used. Hence, the expression p(a,b) actually stands for Function("p", [Function("a"), Function("b")]).
- 6.
In our case, \(n=2\) would be sufficient.
- 7.
Alternatively, this can be invoked by #include \(\texttt {<}\) incmode >
- 8.
The Python as well as a Lua implementation can be found in examples/ clingo/iclingo in the clingo distribution.
- 9.
These names have no general, predefined meaning; their meaning emerges from their usage in the associated script (see below).
- 10.
For simplicity, we consider normalized difference constraints rather than general ones of form \(x_1-x_2\circ k\).
- 11.
This distinction is analogous to that between head and input atoms, defined via rules or #external directives [20], respectively.
- 12.
See [18] for different ways of associating theories with nogoods.
- 13.
Unit propagation extends an assignment with literals complementary to the ones missing in unit nogoods.
- 14.
For brevity, we below drop the qualification Propagator and use its function names unqualified.
- 15.
Program literals are also used in the aspif format (see Appendix A).
- 16.
Note that clasp’s preprocessor might associate a positive or even negative solver literal with multiple atoms.
- 17.
Depending on the configuration of clasp, threads can communicate with each other. For example, some of the recorded nogoods can be shared. This is transparent from the perspective of theory propagators.
- 18.
More general settings are discussed in [26] and made available at https://potassco.org/clingo.
- 19.
The assignment maintains the decision level; it is incremented for each decision made and decremented for each decision undone while backjumping; initially, the decision level is zero.
- 20.
A solver literal might be associated with multiple edges (see Footnote 16).
- 21.
In one solving step, the clingo API guarantees that a (grounded) theory atom is associated with exactly one solver literal. Theory grounded in later solving steps can be associated with fresh solver literals though.
- 22.
Here we assume that the user supplied a valid theory atom. A propagator for production should check validity and provide proper error messages.
- 23.
Python’s setdefault function is used to update the mappings. Depending on whether the given key already appears in the dictionary, the function either retrieves the associated value or inserts and returns the second argument.
- 24.
The optional arguments tag and lock of add_nogood can be used to control the scope and lifetime of recorded nogoods. Furthermore, if a propagator adds nogoods that are not necessarily violated, function control.propagate can be invoked to trigger unit propagation.
- 25.
Note that in each solution all tasks are executed as early as possible. This is no coincidence and actually guaranteed by the algorithm implemented in the Graph class.
- 26.
ASP Intermediate Format.
- 27.
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A Intermediate Language
A Intermediate Language
To accommodate the richer input language, a more general grounder-solver interface is needed. Although this could be left internal to clingo 5, it is good practice to explicate such interfaces via an intermediate language. This also allows for using alternative downstream solvers or transformations.
Unlike the block-oriented smodels format, the aspif Footnote 26 format is line-based. Notably, it abolishes the need of using symbol tables in smodels’ formatFootnote 27 for passing along meta-expressions and rather allows gringo5 to output information as soon as it is grounded. An aspif file starts with a header, beginning with the keyword asp along with version information and optional tags:
where \(v_m,v_n,v_r\) are non-negative integers representing the version in terms of major, minor, and revision numbers, and each \(t_i\) is a tag for \(k\ge 0\). Currently, the only tag is incremental, meant to set up the underlying solver for multi-shot solving. An example header is given in line 1 of Listings 1.13a and 1.14. The rest of the file is comprised of one or more logic programs. Each logic program is a sequence of lines of aspif statements followed by a 0, one statement or 0 per line, respectively. Positive and negative integers are used to represent positive or negative literals, respectively. Hence, 0 is not a valid literal.
Let us now briefly describe the format of aspif statements and illustrate them with a simple logic program in Listing 1.13 as well as the result of grounding a subset of Listing 1.6 in Listing 1.14.
Rule statements have form
in which head H has form
where \(h \in \{\texttt {0},\texttt {1}\}\) determines whether the head is a disjunction or choice, \(m \ge 0\) is the number of head elements, and each \(a_i\) is a positive literal.
Body B has one of two forms:
Normal bodies have form
where \(n \ge 0\) is the length of the rule body, and each \(l_i\) is a literal.
Weight bodies have form
where l is a positive integer to denote the lower bound, \(n \ge 0\) is the number of literals in the rule body, and each \(l_i\) and \(w_i\) are a literal and a positive integer.
All types of ASP rules are included in the above rule format. Heads are disjunctions or choices, including the special case of singular disjunctions for representing normal rules. As in the smodels format, aggregates are restricted to a singular body, just that in aspif cardinality constraints are taken as special weight constraints. Otherwise, a body is simply a conjunction of literals.
The three rules in Listing 1.13a are represented by the statements in lines 2–4 of Listing 1.13b. For instance, the four occurrences of 1 in line 2 capture a rule with a choice in the head, having one element, identified by 1. The two remaining zeros capture a normal body with no element. For another example, lines 2–7 of Listing 1.14 represent the four facts in lines 1 and 2 of Listing 1.7 along with the ones (comprising theory atoms) in line 6 of Listing 1.7.
Minimize statements have form
where p is an integer priority, \(n \ge 0\) is the number of weighted literals, each \(l_i\) is a literal, and each \(w_i\) is an integer weight. Each of the above expressions gathers weighted literals sharing the same priority p from all #minimize directives and weak constraints in a logic program. As before, maximize statements are translated into minimize statements.
Projection statements result from #project directives and have form
where \(n \ge 0\) is the number of atoms, and each \(a_i\) is a positive literal.
Output statements result from #show directives and have form
where \(n \ge 0\) is the length of the condition, each \(l_i\) is a literal, and \(m\ge 0\) is an integer indicating the length in bytes of string s (where s excludes byte ‘\0’ and newline). The output statements in lines 5–7 of Listing 1.13b print the symbolic representation of atom a, b, or c, whenever the corresponding atom is true. For instance, the string ‘a’ is printed if atom ‘1’ holds. Unlike this, the statements in lines 8–11 of Listing 1.14 unconditionally print the symbolic representation of the atoms stemming from the four facts in lines 1 and 2 of Listing 1.7.
External statements result from #external directives and have form
where a is a positive literal, and \(v \in \{0,1,2,3\}\) indicates free, true, false, and release.
Assumption statements have form
where \(n\ge 0\) is the number of literals, and each \(l_i\) is a literal. Assumptions instruct a solver to compute stable models such that \(l_1,\dots ,l_n\) hold. They are only valid for a single solver call.
Heuristic statements result from #heuristic directives and have form
where \(m\in \{0,\dots ,5\}\) stands for the (m+1)th heuristic modifier among level, sign, factor, init, true, and false, a is a positive literal, k is an integer, p is a non-negative integer priority, \(n \ge 0\) is the number of literals in the condition, and the literals \(l_i\) are the condition under which the heuristic modification should be applied.
Edge statements result from #edge directives and have form
where u and v are integers representing an edge from node u to node v, \(n \ge 0\) is the length of the condition, and the literals \(l_i\) are the condition for the edge to be present.
Let us now turn to the theory-specific part of aspif. Once a theory expression is grounded, gringo 5 outputs a serial representation of its syntax tree. To illustrate this, we give in Listing 1.14 the (sorted) result of grounding all lines of Listing 1.6 related to difference constraints, viz. lines 2/3, 11, 15/16, and 19, as well as lines 1 and 13.
Theory terms are represented using the following statements:
where \(n \ge 0\) is a length, index u is a non-negative integer, integer w represents a numeric term, string s of length n represents a symbolic term (including functions) or an operator, integer t is either -1, -2, or -3 for tuple terms in parentheses, braces, or brackets, respectively, or an index of a symbolic term or operator, and each \(u_i\) is an integer for a theory term. Statements (1), (2), and (3) capture numeric terms, symbolic terms, as well as compound terms (tuples, sets, lists, and terms over theory operators).
Fifteen theory terms are given in lines 12–26 of Listing 1.14. Each of them is identified by a unique index in the third spot of each statement. While lines 12–20 stand for primitive entities of type (1) or (2), the ones beginning with represent compound terms. For instance, line 21 and 22 represent end(1) or start(1), respectively, and line 23 corresponds to end(1)-start(1).
Theory atoms are represented using the following
where \(n \ge 0\) and \(m \ge 0\) are lengths, index v is a non-negative integer, a is a positive literal or 0 for directives, each \(u_i\) is an integer for a theory term, each \(l_i\) is an integer for a literal, integer p refers to a symbolic term, each \(v_i\) is an integer for a theory atom element, and integer g refers to a theory operator. Statement (4) captures elements of theory atoms and directives, and statements (5) and (6) refer to the latter.
For instance, line 27 captures the (single) theory element in ‘{ end(1)-start(1) }’, and line 29 represents the theory atom ‘&diff { end(1)-start(1) }<=200’.
Comments have form
where s is a string not containing a newline.
The aspif format constitutes the default output of gringo 5. With clasp 3.2, ground logic programs can be read in both smodels and aspif format.
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Kaminski, R., Schaub, T., Wanko, P. (2017). A Tutorial on Hybrid Answer Set Solving with clingo . In: Ianni, G., et al. Reasoning Web. Semantic Interoperability on the Web. Reasoning Web 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10370. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61033-7_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-61033-7_6
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-61032-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-61033-7
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