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Trace Gases, Troposphere - Detection from Space

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Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing

Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series ((EESS))

  • 411 Accesses


The increase of human activity over the last 100 years has resulted in an enormous increase in atmospheric concentrations of various gases of anthropogenic origin, polluting the atmosphere and changing climate on Earth. The detection of the stratospheric ozone hole raised awareness that human activities can lead to dramatic changes in atmospheric composition, with large consequences for life on Earth. The satellite maps of air pollution and greenhouse gases in the troposphere (this is the lower 10–16 km of the atmosphere) over the last 5–10 years made people realize that our lifestyle does not only influence the ozone layer but also our daily living environment and the air we breathe.

Trace gases in the troposphere

The atmosphere consists of nitrogen (78 %) and oxygen (21 %), with only a minor contribution from other gases (1 %), which are called trace gases due to their low abundance. Although their abundance is low, trace gases play a key role in climate change and air...

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Levelt, P.F., Veefkind, J.P., Boersma, K.F. (2014). Trace Gases, Troposphere - Detection from Space. In: Njoku, E.G. (eds) Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, New York, NY.

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