A methodology for PROgram development by SPECification and TRAnsformation is described. Formal requirement specifications are the basis for constructing correct and efficient programs by gradual transformation.
A uniform treatment of algebraic specification is presented to formalise data, programs, transformation rules, in fact the program development process itself. It is shown by example that the development of meta programs, for example an efficient transformation algorithm incorporating the effect of a set of transformation rules, is analogous to program development: the transformation rules act as specifications for the transformation algorithms, and the negation of their applicability conditions as development goals.
The paper focusses on the combination of functional programming and algebraic specification and reasoning, leading to a considerably higher degree of abstraction, avoiding much repetitive development effort, the use of homomorphic extension functionals, homomorphic properties for reasoning about correctness and optimisation, and the recursion schema of homomorphic extension as a program development strategy and as an induction schema for proofs.
The research reported herein has been partially funded by the Commission of the European Communities under the ESPRIT Programme, Project #390, PROSPECTRA (PROgram development by SPECification and TRAnsformation)
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Krieg-Brückner, B. (1989). Algebraic specification and functionals for transformational program and meta program development. In: Díaz, J., Orejas, F. (eds) TAPSOFT '89. TAPSOFT 1989. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 352. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-50940-2_26
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-50940-2_26
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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