UFS Webinar Series – Unified Forecast System

UFS Webinar Series

The NWS Science and Technology Integration-Modeling Program Office is coordinating with partners to establish a UFS Webinar Series. The goal of these webinars is to share advancements in science and technology in all aspects of the UFS, in both research and operational settings. We welcome speakers from NOAA and other collaborating organizations. Speakers can be recommended using the Speaker Recommendation Form.

The webinars are tentatively held monthly at 3pm EST every second Thursday, and registration is required to participate. 
If you have any questions please reach out to us at ufs.modeling@noaa.gov

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Recent Webinars

The Origin, Structure, and Tracks of the Monsoon Onset Vortex – Integrating Theory and Predictability Studies using the UFS for early season impacts on the Monsoon

Mr. Shreyas Dhavale

Novel grid capabilities in GFDL’s dynamical core FV3

Dr. Joseph Mouallem

Improving Dust Emission Models: Wind Speed Bias and Alluvial Flows

Emily Faber

The UFS-AQM Online Prediction System for Enhanced Fire Predictability

Dr. Jianping Huang NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC

Ongoing Research and Developments for NOAA’s Next Generation Air Quality Model

Dr. Patrick Campbell George Mason University/NOAA-ARL Affiliate

Seasonal Prediction with the Unified Forecast System

Presenter(s): Philip Pegion, OAR/Physical Sciences Lab

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