Community-developed tools
This is a large, but definitely not complete, collection of open source community-developed tools.
If you've built your own Slack library, plugin, or open source app, please get in touch and we'll add it to this list.
- matterbot - A native Mattermost/Slack bot framework
- slacking - C++11 library for communicating with the Slack Web API
C# / .NET
- Slack.NetStandard - .NET core package for working with OAuth, Events API, Web API, and interactivity.
- Cake.Slack - Cake AddIn that extends Cake with Slack messaging features
- margiebot - A .NET library designed to make building bots for Slack fast, easy, and fun
- - Slack client library written in C#
- Slack.Webhooks - Even simpler integration with Slack Incoming / Outgoing webhooks
- SlackAPI - Full Slack API library, including WebSockets
- SqlServerSlackAPI - A SQL Server CLR assembly for direct communication with Slack via TSQL
- clj-slack - Use Slack REST API from Clojure
- clj-slack-client - A Clojure client for the Slack RTM and Web APIs
- lunch-bot - A Slack bot that manages group lunch activities
- slack-hooks - Papertrail's collection of webhook receivers for Slack
- Surfs - A library aiming to make creating Slack surfaces enjoyable.
- jarvis - A JARVIS for your team - your most powerful bot and loyal butler.
- jinora - Slack webhook app to create anonymous public channels
- slack - Go ahead and code Slack bots and Web API clients with this library supporting the Web API and RTM APIs. Oh, and we love the Slack gophers!
- slack-markov - A markov chain bot for your Slack channel
- slack-redmine-bot - Redmine issue name expander for Slack
- slackrus - Slack hook for Logrus
- slclogger - Simple Slack Client for logging written in Go
- webhook - Easily run commands in response to HTTP webhook requests from Slack
- gitblit-slack-plugin - Post Gitblit events to a Slack channel
- gocd-slack-build-notifier - GoCD plugin to push build notifications to Slack
- irackbot - A bot for relaying messages across Slack and IRC channels
- jbot - A Java framework (inspired by Howdy's Botkit) to make Slack bots in minutes
- jslack - Java library to easily integrate your operations with Slack. (You'll notice this is now our official Java Slack SDK!)
- simple-slack-api - A Slack client library in Java
- slack-client - HubSpot's carefully crafted, extensible Java wrapper around the Slack Web API includes robust rate limit handling.
- SlackMC - Bukkit/Bungee plugin for Slack
- Botpress- Build, debug and deploy AI-based conversational assistants.
- Bottender - A framework for building conversational interfaces for Slack and beyond.
- bunyan-slack - Bunyan stream for Slack chat integration
- Notifications for Fluid - Use native notification center for Slack in
- Overcast - A SSH-based cloud management CLI with Slack support
- slack-assembla-plugin - Watches Slack channels for messages about Assembla and acts accordingly
- slack-bot-api - Simple way to control your Slack bot
- slack-block-builder - Lightweight, zero-dependency library for declaratively building Slack Block Kit UI.
- slack-irc - Connects Slack and IRC channels by sending messages back and forth
- SlackLateX - Bot that posts Latex pictures
- slack-notify - A Node.js wrapper around the Slack Webhook API
- slack-quick-bots - A slack bot solution for enterprise
- slack-wrapi - Wrapper for Slack Web API
- slackbotapi - node.js Slack RTM API module
- SlackOverflow - A simple app to search Stack Overflow with a Slack slash command
- tesla-slack - Track your Tesla from Slack
- slacko - A neat interface for Slack
- alfred-slack - Open a conversation with a contact in Slack
- BotMan - A framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots
- laravel-slack-slash-command - Make a Laravel app respond to a slash command from Slack
- MantisBT-Slack - MantisBT plugin to send bug updates to Slack
- monolog - Sends your logs to Slack
- slack-app-framework - This modern PHP-based library is inspired by the Slack Bolt framework.
- Slack-Events - Slack Events API for PHP Laravel 5
- slack_mediawiki - An extension for MediaWiki that sends updates into Slack
- slack-php-api - This PHP interface for the Web API is powered by our OpenAPI specification.
- slackbot - A PHP Slack Bot using the new Event API
- worldcup-slack-bot - Notify a Slack channel for every match during a World Cup
- PoshBot - PowerShell-based bot framework
- Powershell-SlackBot - Slack bot using the Real Time Messaging API and WebSockets
- blockkit - a library for building UI interfaces for Slack apps, with its own website that allows you to paste a JSON payload from Block Kit Builder and obtain the corresponding Python code
- django-slack - Slack integration for Django, using the templating engine to generate messages
- django-slack-oauth - Slack OAuth module for Django
- django-slack-utils - Verify request signatures from Slack in your Django app
- err - A plugin-based chatbot designed to be easily deployable, extensible and maintainable
- limbo - A simple, clean, easy-to-modify Slack chatbot
- mqttwarn - Notify Slack from MQTT
- python-slackclient (pypi) - A basic client for Slack, which can optionally connect to the RTM API
- slack-pyblock-builder - An easy way to construct your UI using Block Kit
- slackbot - A chat bot for Slack
- slackbridge - Bridge Slack channels between companies
- slacker-cli - Messages to slack from the command line
- slappd - A Slack integration for Untappd
- slouch - Lightweight Python framework for building cli-inspired Slack bots
- wee-slack - A WeeChat plugin for Slack
- slackr - A package to send webhook API messages to Slack channels/users from R
- fastlane - iOS deployment workflow that posts notifications to Slack
- redmine_messenger - Messenger plugin for Redmine with Slack support
- redmine-slack - Send Redmine updates to Slack
- slack-gamebot - A game bot for Slack
- slack-smart-bot - Create bots on demand
- slack-poster - Simple gem to post messages on Slack using webhooks
- slack-ruby-bot-server - Write a complete Slack bot service using Ruby, complete with the "Add to Slack" button
- slack-ruby-client - A Ruby client for the Slack Web and RealTime Messaging APIs.
- slackistrano - Send Capistrano deployment messages to Slack
- snarkov - Sinatra-based Markov bot for Slack
- spoilerbot - Displays a random card from the latest Magic: The Gathering set
- trebekbot - A Jeopardy! bot for Slack
- rust-slack - A rust crate for sending messages to Slack via webhooks.
- Slack Morphism for Scala - A type-safe reactive client supporting most Slack app features like Block Kit and the Events API.
- slack-scala-client - A Scala Slack client for the Web and RTM API
- slacktee - A bash script that works like the tee command
- stash_slack - Atlassian Stash integration with Slack through external web hooks
- eggdrop-slack - Simple Message Relay from IRC to Slack
Other tools
- slack (Drupal) - Send messages from a Drupal website to Slack
- slack-chat (Drupal) - Allow your visitors to send instant messages from your website to your Slack account
- steno - A Slack app testing companion: record and replay your incoming & outgoing HTTP requests
- Unofficial TeamCity Slack plugin - Send notifications from TeamCity to Slack