VehicleSec'25 Lightning Talk Submission
VehicleSec'25 Lightning Talk Submission
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Information and Submission Guidelines for Lightning Talks:

We will host a Lightning Talks session at the symposium. We solicit short and engaging 5-minute in-person presentations on any topics that can be worth a timely shout-out to the VehicleSec community, which includes but are not limited to emerging hot topics, work-in-progress research ideas, and preliminary results, practical problems encountered, lessons learned, tips and tricks, simulators/simulations, data and visualizations (e.g., autonomous driving datasets), or other (interdisciplinary) topics related to vehicles. 

Note that the lightning talks are not intended for self-promotion or commercial advertisement. Specifically, share concepts, methodologies, or findings that can be broadly applied or spark meaningful discussions. Focus on the work itself, rather than promoting your product, service, or organization. Avoid sales pitches, advertisements, or excessive emphasis on personal or corporate achievements.

Please submit your Lightning Talk title and abstract (200 words or less) for full consideration via the Lightning Talk submission form by following the link below by May 1, 2025. Lightning Talk abstracts will be published on the symposium website.

  • All submissions must include the presenter's name, affiliation, and contact information.

  • Please note that the presenter must make all submissions. Submissions from PR firms will be rejected without review.

  • Time limits will be strictly enforced.

  • For additional information regarding Lightning Talks, do not hesitate to contact the Lightning Talk Chair Mert Pesé at

Presenter's Name
Presenter's Affiliation
Presenter's Email *
Talk Title
Is this talk on a published work? *
If "YES" to the previous answer, please write down the venue that the work has published
Abstract (200 words) *
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