Bug List

This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Mon Apr 1 2019 13:32:14 UTC
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39 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
3656 WS-Polic Primer plh RESO FIXE Using UsingAddressing Extension Element as a WS-Policy assertion 2006-09-05 2006-10-03
3791 WS-Polic Primer mhondo RESO FIXE primer/guidelines overlap 2006-10-04 2006-11-01
3792 WS-Polic Primer mhondo RESO FIXE section 4 of the primer overlaps with the guidelines document 2006-10-04 2006-11-13
3793 WS-Polic Primer yakov.sverdlov RESO FIXE Add example about policies in the context of relationships between multiple entities 2006-10-04 2006-11-15
3794 WS-Polic Primer mhondo RESO FIXE Section 3 overlap of primer with guidelines 2006-10-04 2006-11-01
3795 WS-Polic Primer mhondo RESO FIXE Section 2.4- usefulness 2006-10-04 2006-11-01
3797 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO DUPL Pl. remove references to proprietary documents 2006-10-04 2006-10-18
3809 WS-Polic Primer umit.yalcinalp RESO FIXE Primer uses an Assertion that does not exist 2006-10-06 2006-11-09
3815 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE A wg member neutral name is desirable 2006-10-11 2006-10-18
3827 WS-Polic Primer chrisfer RESO FIXE References section contains reference to obsolete version of WS-RM policy. 2006-10-13 2006-10-18
3952 WS-Polic Primer w3c RESO FIXE Change optional example from MTOM to security (Guidelines and Primer) 2006-11-04 2006-12-06
3965 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Clarify text surrounding PolicyReference and for usage of wsp:Name attribute 2006-11-09 2006-12-06
3966 WS-Polic Primer monica.martin RESO FIXE Inconsistency in Primer re: PolicyReference Extensibility 2006-11-09 2006-11-15
4041 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Update primer to mention ignorable as needed 2006-12-06 2007-01-19
4069 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Updating References for Use of xml:id 2006-12-11 2007-01-03
4103 WS-Polic Primer chrisfer RESO FIXE [Primer] Questionable use of fictitious corp. name "Contoso Ltd." 2006-12-20 2007-03-13
4213 WS-Polic Primer mhondo RESO FIXE [Primer] Use of empty policy for nesting should be exemplified 2007-01-13 2007-03-13
4253 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Basic Concepts section on Policy does not explain usage reasonably 2007-01-17 2007-03-13
4255 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Section 2.9 should also explain basic attaching 2007-01-17 2007-03-13
4263 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Add text to ignorable discussion on passing ignorable property of assertion to domain specific processing 2007-01-18 2007-03-13
4270 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Primer versioning example 2007-01-22 2007-01-31
4288 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Absence of Policy Assertions (editorial) 2007-01-30 2007-03-13
4300 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Misuse of best practices in primer 2007-02-05 2007-03-27
4339 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Update references to interoperability in Ignorable Policy Expressions section 2007-02-21 2007-03-13
4376 WS-Polic Primer chrisfer RESO FIXE [Primer] need to change qname for the ws-addr metadata elements in examples 2007-03-07 2007-07-17
4393 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Add text to strict and lax policy intersection discussion describing how a policy consumer can determine issues due to intersection mode conflicts 2007-03-14 2007-04-25
4414 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Versioning and Extensibility cleanup in Primer 2007-03-23 2007-05-25
4559 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Versioning: Requests for Expired Services 2007-05-16 2007-05-24
4857 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE [Primer] Updates For Nested Policy Expressions and Context for Primer 2007-07-16 2007-07-18
4943 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Action 338 - Compatibility Matching at Nested Level 2007-08-13 2007-09-12
5036 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Editorial change proposals for the primer 2007-09-12 2007-09-12
5038 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE potential issues for primer and guidelines 2007-09-12 2007-09-26
5039 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE potential issues for primer and guidelines #2 2007-09-12 2007-09-26
5187 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Update References - Primer 2007-10-13 2007-10-17
5188 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Incorrect Examples in Section 4 - Primer 2007-10-13 2007-10-17
5204 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Remove term vocabulary from primer 2007-10-17 2007-10-17
5219 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Primer 3.6 Policy Retrieval 2007-10-22 2007-10-24
5226 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Policy Retrieval Algorithms 2007-10-24 2007-10-24
6030 WS-Polic Primer fsasaki RESO FIXE Note on using xml:id should reference Canonical XML 1.1 and XML Signature, Second Edition 2008-09-05 2008-12-10
39 bugs found.