Tiantian Liu - Taichi Graphics
Tiantian Liu Tiantian Liu
Taichi Graphics

E-mail: ltt1598@gmail.com

About Me 

Tiantian is a principal research scientist at Taichi Graphics. His research interests include physically-based simulation, geometry processing, and their underlying numerical solutions.

Before joining Taichi, Tiantian worked as an associate researcher at the Internet Graphics group in Microsoft Research Asia. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania with Prof. Ladislav Kavan. He also had a Master's degree in Computer Graphics and Game Technology at the University of Pennsylvania, and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University.


Liangwang Ruan, Bin Wang, Tiantian Liu, Baoquan Chen
MiNNIE: a Mixed Multigrid Method for Real-time Simulation of Nonlinear Near-Incompressible Elastics
ACM Transactions on Graphics 43(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2024.
Paper | Supplemental Doc | BibTex | Code
Chang Yu(*), Yi Xu(*), Ye Kuang, Yuanming Hu, Tiantian Liu
MeshTaichi: A Compiler for Efficient Mesh-based Operations
ACM Transactions on Graphics 41(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2022. (* joint first authors)
Paper | BibTex | Video | Presentation | Code
Yu Fang(*), Jiancheng Liu(*), Mingrui Zhang(*), Jiasheng Zhang, Yidong Ma, Minchen Li, Yuanming Hu, Chenfanfu Jiang, Tiantian Liu
Complex Locomotion Skill Learning via Differentiable Physics
Arxiv 2206.02341 (* joint first authors)
Haowei Han, Meng Sun, Siyu Zhang, Dongying Liu, Tiantian Liu
GPU Cloth Simulation Pipeline in Lightchaser Animation Studio
SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Communications, 2021.
Paper | Presentation
Jing Li, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan, Baoquan Chen
Interactive Cutting and Tearing in Projective Dynamics with Progressive Cholesky Updates
ACM Transactions on Graphics 40(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2021.
Paper | BibTex | Video
Jing Li, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan
Soft Articulated Characters in Projective Dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020.
Paper | Appendix | BibTex | Video
Zangyueyang Xian, Xin Tong, Tiantian Liu
A Scalable Galerkin Multigrid Method for Real-time Simulation of Deformable Objects
ACM Transactions on Graphics 38(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2019
Paper | BibTex | Video | Code (VS Build) | Presentation | Featured in Two Minute Papers
Jing Li, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan
Fast Simulation of Deformable Characters with Articulated Skeletons in Projective Dynamics
Symposium on Computer Animation [Honorable Mention], 2019.
Paper | BibTex
Junior Rojas, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan
Average Vector Field Integration for St. Venant-Kirchhoff Deformable Models
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25(8), 2018.
Paper | BibTex
Dimitar Dinev(*), Tiantian Liu(*), Jing Li, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Ladislav Kavan
FEPR: Fast Energy Projection for Real-Time Simulation of Deformable Objects
ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(4) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH], 2018. (* joint first authors)
Paper | BibTex | Video
Dimitar Dinev, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan
Stabilizing Integrators for Real-Time Physics
ACM Transactions on Graphics 37(1) [Presented at SIGGRAPH], 2018.
Paper | BibTex
Jing Li, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan
Laplacian Damping for Projective Dynamics
VRIPHYS [Honorable Mention], 2018.
Paper | BibTex
Tiantian Liu, Sofien Bouaziz, Ladislav Kavan
Quasi-Newton Methods for Real-time Simulation of Hyperelastic Materials
ACM Transactions on Graphics 36(3) [Presented at SIGGRAPH],2017.
Paper | BibTex | Video | Code (VS Build) | Presentation
Petr Kadlecek(*), Alexandru-Eugen Ichim(*), Tiantian Liu, Jaroslav Krivanek, Ladislav Kavan
Reconstructing Personalized Anatomical Models for Physics-based Body Animation
ACM Transaction on Graphics 35(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2016. (* joint first authors)
Paper | BibTex
Tiantian Liu, Ming Gao, Lifeng Zhu, Eftychios Sifakis, Ladislav Kavan
Fast and Robust Inversion-Free Shape Manipulation
Computer Graphics Forum 35(2) [Proceedings of Eurographics], 2016
Paper | Supplemental Doc | BibTex | Video | Code (VS Build)
Sofien Bouaziz, Sebastian Martin, Tiantian Liu, Ladislav Kavan, Mark Pauly
Projective Dynamics: Fusing Constraint Projections for Fast Simulation
ACM Transactions on Graphics 33(4) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH], 2014
Paper | BibTex | Video
Tiantian Liu, Adam W. Bargteil, James F. O'Brien, Ladislav Kavan
Fast Simulation of Mass-Spring Systems
ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2013
Paper | BibTex | Video | Code (VS Build) | Code (CMake contributed by @chunleili) | Presentation
Dicko Ali-Hamadi, Tiantian Liu, Benjamin Gilles, Ladislav Kavan, Francois Faure, Olivier Palombi, Marie-Paule Cani
Anatomy Transfer
ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(6) [Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia], 2013
Paper | BibTex

Ph.D. Thesis

Tiantian Liu
Towards Real-time Simulation of Hyperelastic Materials
Paper | Presentation Slides


Playing with Your Data: A High performance Programming Guide with the Taichi Programming Language
SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Course
Course Note | BibTex | Video
The Taichi Graphics Course S1 (in Chinese)
Fall, 2021
Course Page | Videos

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Last Update: Oct. 2024