6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio : たそがれゴルファーのきまぐれ日記
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6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio




Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio


MC一般¥4,000 学生¥2,000(いずれも当日+¥500

6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09124436.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09130615.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09132384.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09134020.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09135570.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09142190.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09143689.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09145120.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09150804.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09152553.jpg
6/6(火) 100BAN(神戸旧居留地)Bob Kenmotsu with Kei Morishita Trio_a0302803_09154177.jpg

by tasogol_1311 | 2023-06-07 09:16 | ジャズライブ | Comments(0)