IEEE Technical Activities Operations | Volunteer & Board Resources | IEEE TA

Technical Activities (TA)
Mission and Vision

TA’s mission is to inspire and engage worldwide technical communities to:

  • foster dynamic interdisciplinary collaboration
  • motivate participation and leadership
  • nurture and promote leading edge innovative ideas
  • empower professionals with relevant knowledge and life-long development
  • provide value

The vision of TA is:

  • Technical communities working together to be the preferred home for all professionals, worldwide.

Communities in Technical Activities

TA encompasses 39 Societies and eight Councils. Additionally, there are more than twenty technical communities, and a number of  standing committees organized under the Technical Activities Board (TAB), including


Sign In

IEEE volunteers and staff must use their IEEE Account to access content within this Web site. In some instances, access to certain content areas may be further limited based on IEEE volunteer roles.

Please contact TA Answer Central if you require assistance.



What is TAB?

IEEE’s Technical Activities Board (TAB) is responsible to IEEE’s Board of Directors for: (Abbreviated, from the IEEE Bylaws)

  • directing the advancement of the theory and practice of engineering and the related arts, sciences and technologies, and the application of these technologies for the benefit of IEEE members worldwide and for the general public,
  • encouraging and supporting IEEE’s Societies, Councils, and Committees in developing and delivering to their global customers appropriate and timely intellectual property products, in either printed or electronic form, or through meetings on current or emerging technologies,
  • providing a means for IEEE Societies to be involved in the development of standards,
  • recognizing excellence through various awards, and keeping current with emerging technical activities throughout the fields of interest,
  • encouraging appropriate changes in the technical activities of the IEEE in recognizing new and emerging fields, as well as areas of declining technical importance.