Wallaby.js Open Source License

Wallaby.js Open Source License

Wallaby supports non-commercial open source projects by providing contributors or anyone who wants to run an open source project's tests with a best-in-class test runner tool free of charge.

Who can use the free Wallaby Open Source license?

Pretty much anyone. If you are:

  • an open source project(s) owner,
  • an open source project(s) contributor,
  • or just a person who opens and reads code of various open source projects,

then you may use the free Wallaby Open Source License.

What projects can I use the free Wallaby Open Source license with?

Open source projects that:

  • Are publicly available on GitHub with an open source license.
  • Do not provide paid versions of open source software or any commercial services around the open source project (e.g. paid support, consulting, etc).

The open source license doesn't suit my project, what other options are available?

We offer personal and company licenses for commercial and non-commercial closed or open source software development. You may use our free trial period prior to purchasing the licenses. We also offer a special discount for students.

How do I get the free Wallaby open source license?