Witches, cats and bunnies are out this Sunday, carrying willow branches ornamented with bright feathers and tissue paper. Most of Finland celebrates Palm Sunday with the same tradition: children dress up and go door-to-door collecting sweets in return for a willow branch.
They might show up at your door, where they will recite a rhyme wishing you good health for the following year. The children will then expect Easter candy in exchange for the branch, which you get to keep as a memory of their visit.
Last year social distancing measures cast a hex on door-to-door candy collection, as public health authority THL advised the little conjurers to stay close to home. No such guidelines are in force this year.
Reminiscent of trick-or-treating in the UK and North America, Finland's tradition of wandering witches is believed to mix Orthodox Easter blessing customs and pre-Christian spring rituals.