Easter witches make the rounds on Sunday | Yle
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Easter witches make the rounds on Sunday

Kids in Finland are once again going door-to-door as health authorities are not asking the little witches to socially distance.

Paljon virpojia yhdessä rykelmässä.
Witches and other creatures typically roam the streets on Palm Sunday. Image: Antti Haanpää/Yle
Yle News

Witches, cats and bunnies are out this Sunday, carrying willow branches ornamented with bright feathers and tissue paper. Most of Finland celebrates Palm Sunday with the same tradition: children dress up and go door-to-door collecting sweets in return for a willow branch.

They might show up at your door, where they will recite a rhyme wishing you good health for the following year. The children will then expect Easter candy in exchange for the branch, which you get to keep as a memory of their visit.

Helsinkiläisiä lapsia virpomassa Palmusunnuntaina 10.4. 2022.
Aino (left), Lilia, Minea and Anja were out in Helsinki on Sunday, 10 April, 2022. Image: Sasha Silvala / Yle

Last year social distancing measures cast a hex on door-to-door candy collection, as public health authority THL advised the little conjurers to stay close to home. No such guidelines are in force this year.

Reminiscent of trick-or-treating in the UK and North America, Finland's tradition of wandering witches is believed to mix Orthodox Easter blessing customs and pre-Christian spring rituals.

Sources: STT, Yle