- en: Requests for the bot flag should be made on this page. This wiki uses the standard bot policy, and allows global bots and automatic approval of certain types of bots. Other bots should apply below.
Robot atawa bot nyaéta prosés otomatis nu patali jeung Wikipedia sakumaha ilaharna éditor manusa.
Naha kudu bot
[édit sumber]Lamun hiji pamaké dibéré status bot hartia pamaké kasebut geus meunang kapercayaan sarta bisa disebutkeun yén éditan-éditanana 100% lain spam atawa vandal. Ku kituna, henteu perlu dipariksa deui ku nu sok nempo parobahan panganyarna. Alatan éta Mediawiki default-na henteu mintonkeun suntingan bot di halaman parobahan panganyarna sangkan para pemantau bisa berkonsentrasi mariksa suntingan-suntingan ti pamaké-pamaké dawam séjénna. Hal ieu kapaké dina kaayaan kawas dina Wikipedia basa Inggris anu mibanda rébuan suntingan unggal poéna. Ku jalan disumputkeunana éditan bot, mangka baris ngagancangkeun pamariksaan éditan pamaké. Éditan bot bisa ogé dipucunghulkeun ku cara nambahan hidebots=0 dina url-na.
Paménta status bot
[édit sumber]Tos janten Bot
[édit sumber]- Mangga tingal Log status bot jeung arsip paménta nu geus disatujuan.
- YurikBot ku pamaké Yurik ti 17:57, 7 Januari 2006 (ku m:User:Datrio)
- TediBot ku pamaké Tedi ti 20:34, 30 Nopémber 2006 (ku m:User:Paginazero)
- TottyBot ku pamaké ° kang iwan ° ti 20:35, 30 Nopémber 2006 (ku m:User:Paginazero)
- Thijs!bot ku pamaké Thijs! ti 12:24, 5 December 2006 (ku m:User:Paginazero)
- Escarbot ku pamaké Vargenau ti 17:06, 8 January 2007 (ku m:User:Dbl2010)
- TXiKiBoT ku pamaké eu:TXiKi ti 18:12, 11 January 2007 (ku m:User:Drini)
- BotMultichill ku pamaké Multichill / nl:Multichill ti 08:30, 6 Juni 2007 (ku Kandar)
- Byrialbot ku pamaké da:User:Byrial ti 09:38, 3 Juli 2007 (ku Kandar)
- PipepBot ku pamaké it:Utente:Pipep ti 20:22, 15 Agustus 2007 (ku Kandar)
- Loveless ku fr:User:Darkoneko ti 18:49, 27 Agustus 2007 (ku Kandar)
- SieBot nu dijalankeun ku User:Siebrand ti 05:39, 18 Séptémber 2007 (ku Kandar)
- JAnDbot nu dijalankeun ku Wikipedista:JAn_Dudík ti 19:45, 24 Séptémber 2007 (ku Kandar)
- VolkovBot nu dijalankeun ku ru:User:Volkov ti 00:35, 16 Januari 2008 Kandar
- Purbo T nu dijalankeun ku ksh:User:Purodha ti 19:04, 3 Maret 2008 ku Kandar
- BodhisattvaBot nu dijalankeun ku hr:Suradnik:Dalibor_Bosits ti 20:14, 5 Maret 2008 ku Kandar
Ménta status bot (Making a request)
[édit sumber]Bagéan ieu tempat ménta status bot ti komunitas. Ieu mangrupa prosédur standar nu disaratkeun ti meta. Ditulis ogé dina basa Inggris supaya bisa dibaca ku steward.
Put your request for bot status here
Run your bot for a couple of days before requesting bot status
Inactive bots will be revoked
Use the template below
===== botname ===== Responsible owner: ownername (bot owner username on main Wikipedia) Bot functions: Alréady used with bot status on: Your signature
Keur birokrat: digunakeun keur ngesét pamaké jadi bot.
- Responsible owner: m:User:CommonsDelinker
- Bot functions: interwiki linking
- Alréady used with bot status on: all local wikis
--kandar 13:16, 28 April 2008 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Satuju -- kontribusi >100; Oktober masih aktif ngupdate --Tedi (sawala) 01:38, 19 Oktober 2008 (UTC)
Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju--° kang iwan ° ✍ 18:31, 29 April 2008 (UTC)
- Responsible owner: Alexsh
- Bot functions:Interwiki
- Alréady used with bot status on:[1] 145 wikipedias, 9 wikinews...etc
--Alexsh 05:30, 28 Juni 2008 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju -- kontribusi <100, terahir update Agustus (contribution less than 100, Sept, Oct have no contribution)--Tedi (sawala) 01:41, 19 Oktober 2008 (UTC)
- Operator: WikiDreamer
- Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic
- Programming Language(s): Python (Pywikipedia framework)
- Function Summary: Interwiki from French Wikipedia
- Alréady has a bot flag in: 60 wikipedia, more details here
Thanks! --WikiDreamer 15:22, 13 Juli 2008 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju -- less contribution (<100), last edit: July --Tedi (sawala) 01:43, 19 Oktober 2008 (UTC)
- Operator: Luckas Blade
- Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic
- Programming Language(s): Python (Pywikipedia framework)
- Function Summary: Interwiki
- Alréady has a bot flag in: 43 wikis
Thanks! --Luckas Blade (sawala) 21:14, 18 Agustus 2008 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]- Responsible owner: ko:User:알밤한대
- Bot functions: interwiki links
- Alréady used with bot status on: 50++ wikis
Thank you! --Albambot (sawala) 05:58, 5 Oktober 2008 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]- Responsible owner: ?
- Bot functions: interwiki links?
- Requested by kandar (sawala) 15:39, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]Responsible owner: Tjmoel Bot functions: interwiki Alréady used with bot status on: id Tjmoel (sawala) 06:55, 19 Nopémber 2009 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Satuju bot nu mantuan keur interwiki, entong nu séjén. --° kang iwan ° ✍ 05:48, 29 Nopémber 2010 (UTC)
Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju -- belum setuju. kalau kontribusi sudah lebih dari 100, baru setuju --Tedi (sawala) 08:35, 23 Nopémber 2009 (UTC)
- Responsible owner: Mjbmr (bot owner username on main Wikipedia)
- Bot functions: Interwiki
- Alréady used with bot status on: Pléase See Here
- Automatic or Manually Assisted: Automatic
- Programming Language(s): Python (Pywikipedia framework)
Thank you in advance — Mjbmr Talk
13:57, 9 Désémber 2010 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]- Contributions: contributions here
- Operator: Béria Lima (main wiki:
- Programming language: Pywikipedia (Python)
- List of bot flags on other wikipedias: Wikipedias:,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - Wikiquotes: pt.wikiquote, it.wikiquote. (bot flags on other wikis)
- Purpose: maintain interwiki links.
Thanks in advance. Béria Lima msg 20:05, 16 Maret 2011 (UTC)
Satuju (Agree)
[édit sumber]Teu satuju (Disagree)
[édit sumber]- Operator : Hedwig in Washington
- Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic
- Programming Language(s) : Python (pywikipedia), daily update
- Function Summary : Interwiki, Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel-Category so it can be used properly and éasy. Double redirects will be added shortly
- Alréady has a bot flag (Y/N) : Yes: 31 Wikis so far, others pending. see here
- Function Details : just using the standard; paraméters: -auto -all - log -catr
I humbly request bot status on this wiki in order to update Interwiki, and improve Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel so it can be used properly and éasy by everyone.
Thank you for consideration! --Hedwig in Washington (sawala) 04:28, 16 Séptémber 2011 (UTC)
- Done. --kandar (sawala) 4 Juni 2012 12.49 (UTC)
I request for a bot status for Botrie
- Bot : - Botrie
- Responsible owner: (bot owner username on main Wikipedia)
- Bot functions: interwiki, cosmetic changes, welcome
- Alréady used with bot status on: id, jv, map-bms, bjn SUL meta
Riemogerz (sawala) 29 Méi 2012 16.27 (UTC)
I'm asking for bot status on this account.
- Bot:Ilhambot
- Responsible owner: Ilham.nurwansah
- Bot functions: ngarapihkeun ejahan, (spell corrector).
ilhamkang (sawala) 23 Méi 2016 13.40 (UTC)
I ask a bot status for this account.
- Bot:Uchup19bot
- Responsible owner: Uchup19
- Bot functions: créate stub article, (créate stub article).
Uchup19 (SAB17) ✉ 26 April 2017 04.30 (UTC)
I ask a bot status for this account.
- Bot: AABot
- Responsible owner: Medelam
- Bot functions: memindahkan kategori, melaukan perubahan teks, perubahan kosmetika
- Run on: PAWS