Makau - Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas Lompat ke isi


Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China[1]

Região Administrativa Especial de Macau da República Popular da China
Bandéra Macau Emblem Macau
March of the Volunteers
Marcha dos Voluntários
Location of Macau
Location of Macau
Basa lisan Tionghoa, Portugis[2]Kanton, Portugis
Démonim Macanese[rujukan?]
 -  Pupuhu Éksekutif Ho Iat Seng
 -  Portugal-pos dagang kakawasa 1557 
 -  Koloni Portugis 1 Désémber 1887 
 -  Kadaulatan dipasihan ka RRC 20 Désémber 1999 
 -  Cai (%) 0
 -  Perkiraan  2010 (2nd qtr) 544,600[3] (ka-165)
 -  Sénsus 2001 435,235[4] 
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2008
 -  Total US$31.271 billion (ka-99)
 -  Per kapita US$59,451 (ka-2)
GDP (nominal) Perkiraan 2009
 -  Total US$21.700 billion (94th)
 -  Per kapita US$39,800 (ka-18)
HDI (2004) 0.944[5] (very high) (ka-25)
Mata uang Macanese pataca (MOP$) (MOP)
Zona wanci MST (UTC+8)
TLD Internét .mo
Kode telepon ++853

Wewengkon Administratif Husus Républik Rahayat Cina Makau atawa disingket Makau mangrupa hiji wewengkon leutik di basisir kidul Cina.

Klenténg A-Ma
Katedral Santo Paul

Makau aya dina 70 km kulon-kiduleun Hong Kong jeung 145 km ti Guangzhou. Wewengkon ieu mangrupa koloni Éropa pangkolotna di Cina, ti abad ka-16. Pamaréntahan Portugal masrahkeun kadaulatan ti Makau ka Républik Rahayat Cina (RRC) di taun 1999, jeung Makau ayeunna mangrupa hiji Wewengkon Administratif Husus Cina.

Padumuk Makau kalobaanana panyatur basa Kanton; salian ti éta, basa Mandarin, basa Portugis, jeung basa Inggris ogé dipaké.


[édit | édit sumber]
 Artikel utama: Géografi Makau.

Makau dibagi kana 4 divisi nyaéta:

  1. Métro Makau
  2. Pulo Taipa
  3. Pulo Cotai
  4. Pulo Coloane

Dina opat divisi éta dibagi kana sababraha subdivisi nyaéta:

Divisi Subbagian
Métro Makau Paroki Pun Biang Fatima
Paroki Santo Anthony
Paroki Santo Lazarus
Paroki Santa Lawrence
Paroki Katedral
Pulo Taipa Paroki Pun Biang Karmo
Pulo Cotai Paroki
Pulo Coloane Paroki Santo Fransiskus Xavier


[édit | édit sumber]
  1. As reflected in the Chinese text of the Macau emblem, the text of the Macao Basic Law Archived 2012-02-05 di Wayback Machine, and the Macao Government Website Archived 2012-06-29 di Wayback Machine, the full name of the territory is the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Although the convention of "Macao Special Administrative Region" and "Macau" can also be used.
  2. (en) The Macau Basic Law states that the official languages are "Chinese and Portuguese." It does not explicitly specify the standard for "Chinese". While Standard Mandarin and Simplified Chinese characters are used as the spoken and written standards in mainland China, Cantonese and Traditional Chinese characters are the long-established de facto standards in Macau.
  3. "Population estimate of Macao (2nd Quarter/2010) ('000)". Statistics and Census Service. Macao SAR Government. Diakses tanggal 24 October 2010.  Archived 22 Nopémber 2017 di Wayback Machine
  4. "Global Results of Census 2001". Statistics and Census Service. Macao SAR Government. Diakses tanggal 24 October 2010.  Archived 9 Agustus 2011 di Wayback Machine
  5. "Macao in Figures 2010". Statistics and Census Service, Macau SAR. 2010. Diakses tanggal 2010-07-01.  Archived 2010-11-13 di Wayback Machine

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