Powering Communities and Opportunities - Steem

Powering Communities and Opportunities

Steem is a social blockchain that grows communities and makes immediate revenue streams possible for users by rewarding them for sharing content. It’s currently the only blockchain that can power real applications via social apps like Steemit.

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A new social media model
where contributors get
big perks

Shareholders of social media platforms made billions of dollars from user-generated content. The content creators? They made nothing.

Steem flips the model and returns the value to the people who contribute the most. Users become platform stakeholders, maintaining control over their data, and earning cryptocurrency rewards for each contribution they make.


Rewards paid out to Steem users since June

Welcome to the next generation of blockchain technology

Unlike most blockchains that are too slow and expensive to be used for apps, Steem is fast, free, and scalable.

Free Transactions

Intelligent bandwidth allocation enables free transactions

Fast Transactions

Processing occurs every 3 seconds, 24/7/365

Built to Scale

The only blockchain that can handle social applications at scale







Total transactions(TX) - Live 24h

Steem processes more transactions than Bitcoin and Ethereum

It’s already used by over 1 million people on more than 324 Steem-based apps.

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The top 3
Steem-based apps

Steem-based apps get a boost from the 1 million users already plugged into the Steem blockchain.

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Smart Media Tokens will revolutionize web applications.

A Smart Media Token (SMT) is a native digital asset on the Steem blockchain. SMTs are STEEM-like cryptocurrency tokens that can be integrated it into web applications and used to create incentives to entice your users to participate in, and grow, your platform.

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Go down the rabbit hole

Learn about the features and technology underpinning the Steem blockchain.

Steem Bluepaper

A high level overview of the Steem blockchain.

Steem Whitepaper

A technical explanation of how the Steem blockchain works.

SMT Whitepaper

A technical paper on the proposed Smart Media Tokens protocol.
