It is my pleasure to welcome you to the SSCS Chapters webpage.
I hope you will find this information helpful for learning about SSCS chapter activities, managing a chapter or starting a new group.
SSCS chapters are a vital component of the Society since they provide opportunities to participate in many local activities in your area. SSCS currently has more than 120 chapters worldwide, and growing.
Most of them organize first rate events, such as distinguished lectures, workshops, short courses, and replays of ISSCC tutorials and conference presentations, which are a great way to learn about the latest developments in your field and maintain or expand your professional network.
Please use the links on this page to find the chapter nearest you and participate in our activities.
Please email us your comments or suggestions.
Alvin Loke, Chapters Chair
Alvin Loke
Chapters ChairIntel Corporation
San Diego, California, USA
SSCS Chapters Steering Committee Members
Makoto Nagata
Vice ChairKobe University
Kobe, Japan
Sergio Bampi
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (BR)Porto Alegre, Brazil
Bruce Doyle
AppleLongmont, Colorado, USA
Victor Grimblatt
SynopsysSantiago, Chile
Anthony (Tony) Mauro
NexStream Technical EducationSan Rafael, California, USA
Mohammad Hunain Memon
University of Science and Technology China (USTC)Hefei, China
Brahim Mezghani
Ecole Nationale d’Ingenieurs de SfaxSfax, Tunisia
Farhana Sheikh
Intel CorporationPortland, Oregon, USA
Sandra Velijković
University of NisNis, Serbia