Conference Operational Procedures - IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society

Conference Operational Procedures

Conference Operational Procedures

  • All SSCS society conferences follow the IEEE Meetings and Conference Operations Manual
  • All conferences follow the Society Gift, Recognition and Meal Expense Policy
  • The Society requires conferences to have  procedures covering all conference operations including:
    • Conference Organizing Committee structure
    • Conference committee roles and responsibilities
    • Paper submission, review, selection process
    • Confidentiality agreement
    • Pre-publication rules
    • Plagiarism detection/prevention
    • Conference material archiving
    • Awards and recognition process
    • Committee membership rotation policy
    • General Chair and TPC Chair selection process
    • Meeting location and schedule
    • Complaint/issue resolution process
    • Tracking and reporting conference key historical statistics (submissions, attendance, acceptance rate)

Conference procedures are ideally published on the conference website or are made available upon request to the conference.

For additional information, choose one of the links in the menu.

SSCS Conference Organization and Participation

The objective of the society is to deliver world class conference events showcasing the entire community’s innovation. To that end, the technical focus, format, and structure of the SSCS conferences must continually evolve to stay relevant. There must be a focus on recruiting leading-edge investigators from across the diverse community to participate in the conference organization and content development. All activities must be guided by the IEEE’s commitment to diversity and Inclusion.

IEEE Diversity and Inclusion Statement: IEEE is committed to advancing diversity in the technical profession, and to promoting an inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes, engages, and rewards all who contribute to the field, without regard to race, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

The Solid-State Circuits society is committed to advancing these principals of equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion throughout all aspects of meetings development, organization, and participation. This includes fully supporting the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) pledge and growing participation from the world-wide community regardless of socioeconomic status and/or the availability to travel.

The following conference organization and participation guidelines are provided by SSCS:

  • Conference organizing teams must be selected from, and represent, the entire community.
  • Conference leadership positions must have term limits.
  • Each conference year at least 20% of the organizing team should be new recruit volunteers.
  • Conference invited speakers and panelists should reflect the diversity of the entire community.
  • It is recommended that search and selection of candidates/invited speakers is separated into two activities. Firstly, search the entire community for a list of qualified candidates. Then, review program content goals and make selections to fill positions from the candidate list.
  • The IEEE provides extensive resources to support and guide the work of the society and conferences [Links provided]

IEEE Resources

Inclusive Language and Content

The society’s goal is to make information easily and widely accessible to the entire diverse global community.

SSCS fully supports initiatives to make information more engaging and accessible by using inclusive language to replace terminology that may be offensive or disrespectful to others. This extends to test images and media data used. For example, SSCS abides by the following guidelines, which were adopted during the November 2023 IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) meeting:

IEEE’s diversity statement and supporting policies such as the IEEE Code of Ethics speak to IEEE’s commitment to promoting an inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes all. In alignment with this culture and with respect to the wishes of the subject of the image, Lena Forsén, IEEE will no longer accept submitted papers which include the ‘Lena image’.

The following references provide examples of inclusive language initiatives: