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2021 – 2022

Sl No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of Journal Indexing Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN number Link of the Recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1 Smart Algorithms to Secure Web based Applications from SQL Injection Attacks Joshi Padma N Journal of Xidian University Scopus Feb-22 1001-2400
2 Surigical Striking SQL Injection Attacks Using LSTM Joshi Padma N Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) Scopus Feb-22 0976-5166
3 A cloud-based buyer-seller watermarking protocol
(CB-BSWP) using semi-trusted third party for copy
deterrence and privacy preserving
Ashwani Kumar Multimedia Tools and Applications SCI Mar-22 13807501
4 Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Weed Optimization S.Sai Satyanarayana Reddy International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Scopus Dec-21 5071-5082
5 CoySvM-(GeD): Coyote Optimization-Based Support Vector Machine Classifier for Cancer Classification Using Gene Expression Data S.Sai Satyanarayana Reddy
Ashwani Kumar
Hindavi  Journal of Sensors SCI May-22  1687-7268
6 Smart Healthcare: Disease Prediction Using the Cuckoo-Enabled Deep Classifier in IoT Framework Ashwani Kumar, S.Sai Satyanarayana Reddy Hindavi  Scientific Programming SCI May-22 1875-919X


2020 – 2021

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1A cloud based buyer seller watermarking protocol using semi-trusted third party for copy deterrence and privacy preservingDr. Ashwani KumarCSEMultimedia Tools and Applications2020-20212224-3488
2EVBlocks: A Blockchain‑Based Secure Energy Trading Scheme for Electric Vehicles underlying 5G‑V2X EcosystemsDr. Ashwani KumarCSEWireless Personal Communications2020-2021 0929-6212
3A Study of incremental Learning model using deep neural networkDr.V.GouthamCSEIJATCSE2020-20212278-3091
4Fuzzy K-means clustering with fast density peak clustering on multivariate kernel estimator with evolutionary multimodal optimization clusters on a large dataset G. SuryaNarayana CSEMultimedia Tools and Applications2020-20211573-7721/1380-7501
55G Integrated Spectrum Selection and Spectrum Access Using AI-Based Framework for IoT Based Sensor Networks Surya Narayana GoddumarriCSEComputer Networks2020-20211389-1286
6Machine Learning based wireless Acoustic Communication with Enhanced PerformanceDr.D.ShanthiCSEMaterials Today2020-2021
7Artificial Intelligence Support for Cloud Computing Intrusion, Deep-Cloud IssuesVaddhiraju SwathiCSESolid State Technology2020-20210038-111X
8Early Stage Breast Cancer Detection Using Ensemble Approach Of Random Forest Classifier AlgorithmDr.D.ShanthiCSEJournal Of Microprocessors and Microsystems2020-20210141-9331
9A smart application to detect pupil for small dataset with low illuminationDr.Sandeep KumarECEInnovations in Systems and Software Engineering, A NASA Springer Journal2020-20211614-5054
10VLSI Architectures of Booth Multiplication Algorithms – A Review (Forthcoming artcile)Kantipudi M V V PrasadECEInternational Journal of Computing and Digital Systems2020-20212210-142X
11A Review on Smart Water Management in Various Domestic Areas: An Approach for Water Consumption and Leakage Perspectives V. A. Sankar PonnapalliECEInt. J. of Critical Infrastructures2020-20211741-8038
12Impact of Covid-19 on Indian
Higher Education
Dr. Kantipudi, MVV PrasadECELibrary Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal)2020-20211522-0222
13Time Series Data Analysis using Machine-(ML) ApproachDr.Kantipudi, MVV PrasadECELibrary Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal)2020-20211522-0222
14Precise and Robust Iris Segmentation
in Specular Noisy Iris Images for
Iris Biometrics
Pandu Ranga Rao JECEInternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking2020-20212233-7857
15Dector Signal Design for MIMO RadarDr.Pandu Ranga Rao JECEInternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking2020-20212233-7857
16A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Organic and Non-Organic Cotton DiseasesDr.Sandeep KumarECEMathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Journal Publication2020-20211563-5147
17Second harmonic generation and spectroscopic charcteristics of TiO2 doped Li2O-Al2O3-B2O3 glass matrtixA.Prabhakar ReddyH&SApplied physics A2020-2021
18Optical and dielectric studies of CdI2-doped silver borotelurate glass systemA.Prabhakar ReddyH&SJournal of Materials Science2020-2021DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-04859-6DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-04859-6DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-04859-6
19Design and fabrication of hybrid solar silicon PV systemHimabindu BantikatlaH&SMaterials proceedings2020-2021ISSN: 2214-7853Volume 19, Part 2, 2019, Pages 761-766
20Financial and Health Crisis During Covid-19 Pandemic Dr.A.HymavathiH&SJETIR2020-2021ISSN:2349-5162Vol.7, Issue 5, page no. 853-855, May-2020
21Corona Virus Disease-A PandemicDr.A.HymavathiH&SJETIR2020-21ISSN:2349-5162Vol.7, Issue 5, page no. 827-832, May-2020
22Analysis of thermal stresses and its effect in the multipass welding process of SS316LV Harinadh, Akella Suresh., Uma Maheshwer Rao, A. C., Gundabattini, E., & Buddu, R. K.MECHJournal of Process Mechanical Engineering2020-20210954-4089
23Formability: A review on different sheet metal tests for formabilityA.C.S ReddyMECHAIP 2020-21
24Prediction of Atmospheric Turbulence Characteristics for surface Boundary Layer Using Empirical MethodsVasishta Bhargava NukalaMECHRevista Brasileira de Meteorologia2020-2110.1590/0102-77863540083
25Simulation study on the Influence of Blank Offset in Deep Drawing of circular CupsAraveeti C S ReddyMECHAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing2020-21(AISC, volume 979)
26An autonomous VehicleMrs.Joshi PadmaCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
27Face Mask Monitoring SystemPuli SrilathaCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
28Machine Learning Based Fradulent online Recruitment Detection systemMr MA Ranjith KumarCSEComplexity International Journal2020-211320-0682
29People Counting and Tracking SystemMrs.P LavanyaCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
30Brain Tumor Detection Using CNNMrs A SwathiCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
31S2S TranslatorMr G Sravan KumarCSEComplexity International Journal2020-211320-0682
32Detection of Fraudulent Behaviour in Water ConsumptionMr N Santhosh Rama ChanderCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
33A Deep Learning Based Accident Detection SystemDr D ShanthiCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
34Night Vision Patrolling Robot Using Raspberry PiMr KK SwamyCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
35Construction Site Accidental AnalysisMrs. T JagadeeswariCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
36Rainfall Prediction using Machine LearningMrs. K Ramya LaxmiCSEComplexity International Journal2020-211320-0682
37Satellite Imagery AnalysisMrs.B Maha LakshmiCSEJournal of Resource Management and Technology2020-210745-6999
38Credit Card Fraudulent Detection Using Logistic RegressionDr.N.Swapna SuhasiniCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
39Cyber Threat Detection Based On Artificial Neural Networks Using Event ProfilesMrs. Srilatha PuliCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
40Secure Cloud Storage With Data Dynamics Using Secure Network Coding TechniquesDr. M. Jaya RamCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
41Hand Gesture Recognition System for Dumb and Deaf by Using Image ProcessingMrs P LavanyaCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
42Instant Augmented Reality Converter ToolMr. P.NagarajCSEGIS Science Journal2020-211869-9391
43An Efficient and Secure Deduplication Scheme for Cloud Assisted Health SystemsDR. Shaik Abdul NabiCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
44Airlines Price PredictionP.ArchanaCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
45Volume Control Using Hand Gesture RecognitionMrs. K. MadhuravaniCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
46Predicting Stock Market Trends Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsT.JagadeeswarCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
47Abnormal Activity Detection Using CNNK.Ramya LaxmiCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
48Smart Edge Healthcare Data Sharing SystemN.Santhosh RamchanderCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
49Sign Language Translator Using PythonY. SirishaCSEJournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research2020-210022-1945
50Human Computer Interaction Based Eye Controlled MouseV. BikshamCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
51Framework for Social Distance Monitoring with Computer Vision and YOLOV3Dr. Shaik Abdul Nabi CSEICICNIS 20212020-21
52Bitcoin Crypto Currency Prediction
Using Machine Learning
Mrs. Joshi Padma NarasimhachariCSEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2020-212349-5162
53Self-Diagnosing Health Care Chatbot Using Machine LearningP. NagarajCSEJournal of Information and Computational Science2020-21 1548 - 7741
54A System for Holistic Understanding of
World’s Essential Information
K. MadhuravaniCSEComplexity International Journal2020-211320-0682
55Breast Cancer Prediction Using CNNV.BikshamCSEComplexity International Journal2020-211320-0682
56Detection of Pepper, Tomato and Potato Leaves Condition Using Convolutional Neural NetworkP. ArchanaCSEInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts2020-212320-2882
57COVID-19 Epidemic Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning AlgorithmsM.SudhakarCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management2020-212582-3930
58Defensive Walls for Detecting and Preventing SQL Injection and XSS attacks in Dynamic Content Delivery Network Web ApplicationsJoshi PadmaCSEDesign Engineering2020-21119342
59A Study on Cyber Attacks & the Role of Efflorescing Technologies in Cyber SpaceDr. S Venkata Achuta RaoCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2020-210886-9367
60Field experiments and numerical analysis of
curling behavior of cast-in-situ short paneled
concrete pavement on lean concrete base
Sridhar Reddy KasuCivilInternational Journal of Pavement Engineering2020-21
61Influence of stiffness of dry lean concrete base on load stresses in the plain cement concrete slab of concrete pavementsSridhar Reddy KasuCivilRoad Materials and Pavement Design2020-21
62A Study of High Lift Aerodynamic Devices on Commercial AircraftsVasishta Bhargava NUKALAMechAVIATION2020-21
63A case study of wind turbine loads and performance using
steady state analysis of BEM
Vasishta bhargava, Sainath kasuba,
satya prasad maddula, Donepudi jagadish,
Md Akhtar Khan, Chinmaya prasad padhy
Hari prasad chinta, Chandra sekhar Verma chekuri, Yagya dutta Dwivedi
MECHInternational journal of
sustainable energy
64Influence of rotor solidity on trailing edge noise from wind turbine bladesVasishta bhargava nukala,
Satya Prasad Maddula
MECHAdvances in aerodynamics2020-20212524-6992
65Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of CO2 Laser Beam INCONEL 625 Welded JointsSuresh Akella, A. C. Uma Maheshwer RaoMECHApplied Sciences 2020-2021

2019 – 2020

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1Blockchain Technology: An OverviewDr. Shaik Abdul Nabi,
Dr.R. Nagagraju,
CSE International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology2019-20203463-3459
2A Hybrid approach of segmentation in Brain Tumor Data using Fuzzy C-means and Level SetDr. Shaik Abdul Nabi,
Allam Balaram
CSEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering2019-20201943-023X
3Elliptic Curve - Homomorphic ElGamal Based Mutual Authentication Scheme in Cloud ComputingV. Biksham,
CSEInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology2019-20203463-3459
4Public key and levelled attributes access policy oriented fully homomorphic encryption scheme
V. Biksham,
CSEInt. J. Computing Science and Mathematics2019-20201752-5063
5Color Object Detection Based Image Retrieval Using ROI Segmentation with Multi-Feature MethodSandeep KumarECEWireless Personal Communications-SCI2019-20201572-834X
6Detection and Identification of Animals in Wild Life Sancturies using Convolutional Neural NetworkDr. Rohit Raja, K.Ramya LaxmiCSEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering2019-20202277-3878
7ICT Utilization and Improving Student Performance in Higher EducationDr. Rohit RajaCSE International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering2019-20212277-3878
8An Effective Investigation on Distributed Computing
Model Security Dangers in Cloud Computing
Using Saas Model
K.NarsimhuluCSEThe International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis2019-20200886-9367
9Analyze Past Entrepreneur Investment Portfolio Using Partial ObservedMarkov Decision ModelK.NarsimhuluCSEAlochana Chakra Journal2019-20202231-3990
10Image Forgery DetectionP.LavanyaCSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
11Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease on Small Dataset: A Knowledge Transfer Perspective AIPadma Joshi CSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
12Galaxies Classification Usingdeep Learning Algorithmin Convolution Neural NetworksP.ArchanaCSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
13Quality of Prediction in fault Tolerance Management System on Virtual MachinesV.SwathiCSEJournal of Engineering Sciences2019-20200377-9254
14Multi-Traffic Scene Perception Based on Supervised LearningV.SwathiCSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
15Assessing Garbage Information By Using Deep Learning AlgorithmsR. Prashanth KumarCSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
16A video based vehicle detection, counting and classification systemP.NagarajCSEAlochana Chakra Journal2019-20202231-3990
17Human Activity RecognitionP.NagarajCSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
18Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Based Fusion Of Medical ImageDr. Rohit RajaCSEInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering2019-20202348-2281
19Effective use of cyber space and cyber
technology to prevent violence and
trafficking against women and children
Mr K.Rohith kumarCSEAlochana Chakra Journal2019-20202231-3990
20Smart Village: Solar Based Smart Agriculture with IOT Enabled for Climatic ChangeK.NarsimhuluCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20202278-4632
21Iot Based Smart Door Lock Surveillance System Using Security SensorsP.SrilathaCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
22Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning MethodsR.SatheeshCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-6612
23Pay-per-WatchPadma Joshi CSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
24Data Ingestion And Processing Using HadoopPadma Joshi CSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936--6612
25Student Grade Prediction Using Data AnalyticsP.ArchanaCSEThink India Journal2019-20200971-1260
26Securing Data In Iot Using Cryptographyand Steagnography TechniuesP.ArchanaCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7313
27Advance Vehicle Detection And Auto Penalty Collection At Traffic SignalsP.ArchanaCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7313
28Security Doors Unlocki Ng SystemM SudhakarCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
29Real-Time Criminal Identification System based on Face RecognitionR. Prashanth KumarCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
30Rainfall Rate Prediction Using an Artificial Neural Networks Kolisetti NavathaCSEJuni Khyat2019-20202278-4632
31An Empirical study on Security Issues and Mitigation Techniques in Opportunistic NetworksV.SwathiCSEThink India2019-20200971-1260
32Deep Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Age And Gender Classification With Facial ImagesK.NarsimhuluCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
33 Deep Learning Mechanism For Transforming Low Quality Image To High Quality ImageMrG.Sravan kumarCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
34Sensor Based Obstacle Detection Assistant for Visually ChallengedV.SwathiCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
35Smart Helmet For Rider’s SafetyR. Prashanth KumarCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
36Assault Mitigation System Using Machine LearningP.NagarajCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
37Crop Yield Prediction By Using Machinelearning TechniqueDr. Purushotham MunigantiCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
38Air Quality Monitoring system within area using IOTSanthosh RamachenderCSEJuni Khyat (UGC Care Group I Listed Journal)2019-20202278-4632
39Smart music player based on facial expressionSanthosh RamachenderCSEAdvanced Science Letters2019-20201936-7317
40Object detection and identification using deep learning M.Purushotham, V.Goutham, K.Ramya laxmi, CSEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019-2020 2278-3075
41Medical Image Classification Based On Normalized Coding Network with Multiscale PerceptionK. Arun Kumar, P. Rajashekar Reddy, Mahesh KusumaECEIJITEE2019-20202278-3075
42Mamdani fuzzy based vehicular grouping at the intersection of roads for smart transportation systemHarsha Vardan Maddiboyina and V. A. Sankar PonnapalliECEInternational Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics2019-2020
43Thinning of Sierpinski Fractal Array Antennas using Bounded Binary Fractal Tapering Techniques for Space and Advanced Wireless ApplicationsV. A. Sankar Ponnapalli and P.V.Y JayasreeECEThe Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences2019-2020
44FPGA Implementation of Adaptive Multiplier-Based Linear Image InterpolationC. John Moses, D. SelvathiECEInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering2019-20202278-3075
45Fractal Antenna Design for Overtaking on
Highways in 5G Vehicular Communication
Ad-hoc Networks Environment
V. A. Sankar PonnapalliECEInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology2019-20202249 – 8958
46Color Object Detection Based Image Retrieval Using ROI Segmentation with Multi-Feature MethodDr. Sandeep KumarECEWireless Personal Communications2019-20201572-834X
47Optimal Polyphase Coded Signal DesignPandu Ranga Rao JECEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)2019-20202277-3878
48Distortion Control in Laser Beam
Welding using Taguchi ANOVA
Vemaaboina, Harinadh, Suresh Akella, and Buddu Ramesh KumarMECHFME Transactions 48.1 (2020): 180-186.2019-20201451-2092
49Validation of Residual Stress Distributions In Multipass Dissimilar Joints For GTAW Process V Harinadh, Akella Suresh, G. EdisonMECHJournal of Engineering Science and Technology 14.5 (2019): 2964-2978.2019-20201823-4690
50Weld bead temperature and residual stresses evaluations in multipass dissimilar INCONEL625 and SS316L by GTAW using IR thermography and x-ray diffraction techniquesHarinadh Vemanaboina, G Edison and Suresh AkellaMECHMaterials Research Express 6.9 (2019): 0965a9.2019-20202053-1591
51A Study on Association of Demographic Attributes with employee satisfaction: with respect to compensation policies of IT sector, HyderabadDr.Gampala Prabhakar, Mrs.R.PrabhavathiH&SInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews2019-20202348-1269
52Application of Electrical Resistivity data sets for the evaluation of groundwater using ipiwin softwareG.Ramya and M.A.KalamCivilJournal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology2019-20201006-7930
53Prediction of broadband noise from symmetric and cambered airfoils Vasishta bhargava, Rahul Samala,
Chandramouli Anumula
MECHINCAS 2019-20202066-8201
54Aerodynamic performance of micro aerial wing structures YD Dwivedi, Vasishta bhargava,
PMV Rao, Donepudi Jagadeesh
MECHINCAS 2019-20202066-8201
55Holistic English Language AssessmentD.JYOSHNAH&SThe
International Journal Of Analytical &
Model Analysis

56An Improved Network-Based Spam Detection Framework for Review In online Social MediaDr. Rohit RajaCSEJournal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)2019-20202590-1892
57Design and Analysis of Multi Band Fractal Antenna for 5G Vehicular CommunicationV. A. Sankar PonnapalliECETest Engineering and Management2019-20200193-4120
58Detector Signal Design for MIMO RadarPandu Ranga Rao JECEInternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking2019-20202233-7857

2018 – 2019

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1Democratize Data Processing in Big Data By using Hive Interface and Cloud ComputingDr V. GouthamCSEInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2018-20191311-8080
2Cloud Based Building Confidential and Efficient Query ServicesDr V. Goutham , Dr. A RamamurthyCSEInternational joural of Adv Research in Dynamical and Control System2018-20192393-9028
3A Light Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for cloud SecurityBiksham Vankudoth, Vasumathi DevaraCSEIntentional Journal of Information and Computer Security.2018-2019 1744-1765
4A Novel Free Space Communication system using non linear InGaAsMicrosystem Resonators for Enabling Power- Control towards smart CitiesSivakumar, Regonda Nagaraju, Debrabrata Samanta, M. Sivaram, MN Hindia, Iraj S AmiriCSEWireless Network 2018-20191022-0038 , 1572-8196
5An Improved Active Contour Method for Medical Segmentation usingRegonda Nagaraju, M. E. Purushothaman, Bhavani ButhukuriCSEIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development2018-20190976-0245,0976-5506
6 ICT Utilization and Improving Students Performance in Higher Education with ICTSumati Pathak, Rohit Raja, Vaibhav Sharma, Srinivas AmbalaCSEInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 2018-20192277-3878
7Devise and Accomplishment of Hadoop Distributed File System by Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Amplify the Refuge: A StudyRagonda NagarajuCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review2018-20192279-543X
8Hybrid Encryption with Vertifiable Delegation using Cloud ComputingRagonda Nagaraju, Raddygari Aishwarya Reddy, S. Yamini, P. MythryCSEInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering 2018-20192348-2281
9An Improved Traffic Congestion Control and Vechile Monitoring SystemRegonda Nagaraju, M. Kavya Reddy, M. Harika, N. Sravani Reddy , P. DeepthiCSEInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering 2018-20192348-2281
10Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Based Fusion Of Medical Image,Laxmikant Tiwari, Rohit Raja, Vaibhav Sharma, Rohit Miri(2019)CSEInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering2018-20192086-2081
11A Framework Of ICT Implementation On Higher Educational Institution With Data Mining Approach,Sumati Pathak, Rohit Raja, VaibhavSharma, and K. Ramya Laxmi(2019),CSEEuropean Journal of Engineering Research and Science2018-20192506-8016
12The Impact of ICT in Higher Education.Sumati Pathak, Rohit Raja, Vaibhav Sharma,(2019)CSEInternational Journal Of Research In Electronics And Computer Engineering2018-20192393-9028, 2348-2281 ,2393-9028
13Survey on Swine Flu PredictionP.Nagaraj Dr.A.V.K.PrasadCSE International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering2018-2019 2249-7455.
14A Survey on Automatically Mining Facets for Queries from their search ResultsK. Ramya Laxmi, N Ramya, S. PallaviCSEInternational Journal of Management Technology and Engineering 2018-20192249-7455
15Thinning of Sierpinski fractal array antennas using bounded binary fractal-tapering techniques for space and advanced wireless applicationsV. A. Sankar PonnapalliECEIct Express (Elsevier)2018-192405-9595
16Fractal Antenna Design for Overtaking on Highways in 5G Vehicular Communication Ad-hoc Networks EnvironmentV. A. Sankar PonnapalliECEInternational Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)2018-20192249 – 8958
17Mamdani fuzzy-based vehicular grouping at the intersection of roads for smart transportation systemV. A. Sankar PonnapalliECEInternational Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics2018-20191758-8723
18A Survey on Light Fedility Transmission Scheme using VLCV Meenakshi, Shaik Mohammed RafiECEInternational journal og Management, Technology and Engineering2018-20192249 - 7455
19Adaptive Adder-based Stepwise Linear InterpolationC. John MosesECEJournal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research2018-20192349-5162
20FPGA Implementation of 16-Point FFT Algorithm Using Digital Signal ProcessingDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education2018-20192538-4155,2455 –5630
21Hiding Text in Video by linked list method ,Dual StegonographyMrs. Neha AnjumECEAsian Journal of Convergence in Technology2018-20192350-1146
22FPGA Implementation of Reduced Complexity LDPC CodesDr. N Murali KrishnaECEDJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering2018-20192455-3980
23FPGA Implementation of On-Chip NetworkDr. N Murali KrishnaECEDJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering2018-20192455-3980
24Advanced Medical Dispenser Device Using Rasberry PiSOWJANYA.AECEInternational Journal of Hybrid Information Technology2018-20191738-9968
25A Survey on automatically mining facets for queries from their search resultsS. PallaviECEInternational Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering2018-20192249-7455
26Multimodal Biometric Authentication System for Automatic Certificate GenerationDr Sandeep KumarECEJournal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education2018-192230-7540
27Effect of Residual Stresses of GTA Welding for Dissimilar MaterialsHarinadh Vemanaboinaa, Gundabattini Edisona, Suresh AkellabMechMaterials Research2018-20191516-1439,1980-5373
28Optimization of capillary tube dimensions using different Refrigerants for 1.5 ton mobile air conditionerKasubaSainatha. KishenKumar Reddy, Suresh AkellaaMechCase Studies in Thermal Engineering2018-20192214-157X
29Design for Manufacturing of a Portable Air ConditionerKasuba Sainath
, G. Chaitanya kuma
MechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
30Determination of LDR in deep drawing using reduced number of blanksA.C.Sekhara Reddy, SrajeshamMechMaterialsToday Proceedings2018-2019 2214-7853
31Multipass Welding On Inconel Material with Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingVemanaboinaHarinadha, G.Edison,Suresh Akellab, L.Sanjeev, ReddybRamesh KumarBudduMechMaterialsToday Proceedings2018-2019 2214-7853
32Thermal Analysis Simulation for Laser Butt Welding of Inconel625 Using FEAHarinadh Vemanaboina , G. Edison, Suresh AkelMechInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology2018-20192227-524X
33Evaluation of residual stresses in multipass dissimilarbutt-welded of SS316L to Inconel625 using FEAHarinadh Vemanaboina , G. Edison, Suresh AkelMechInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology2018-20192227-524X
34Simulation Of Hybrid Laser-Tig Welding Process Using FeaHarinadh Vemanaboina,G. Edison,Suresh Akella, Ramesh Kumar BudduMechJournal of Engineering Science and Technology2018-20191823-4690
35Design and CAD development of Low Cost
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
T.Ravi,K.Sainath,Suresh Akella, P. Madhu SudhanMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-2019 2581-5782
36CFD Analysis on Electronic Heat Sink of Al and
Cu Metals
M. Praveen Kumar, A. C. Uma Maheshwar RaoMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5792
37Exam Results Fit to a Normal DistributionDr.suresh akellaMechDJ Journal of Engineering and Applied Mathematics2018-20192455-362X
38CFD Analysis of Giromill Type Vertical Axis Wind TurbineK Sainath, T Ravi, S Akella, PM SudhanMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-2019 2581-5782
39Structural and Modal Analysis of Electric Overhead Travelling CraneDr Chary, Y Krishnaiah, K SainathMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
40Electric Vehicle Chassis Design and Structural Analysis by using CAD and CAE TechniquesD Arun, DV Paleshwar, K SainathMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
41Design of Mobile Air Conditioning SystemMr. Kasuba Sainath , Dr.T. Kishen Kumar Reddy, Dr.Suresh AkellaMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
42Design And Fabrication Portable AC With Cooling
I.Saichandu, Mr. K. Sainath ,T. Kishen Kumar Reddy, Suresh AkellaMechInternational Journal Of Applied Research In Science And Engineering2018-20192395-1052
43Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Integrated AC with Water CoolerDSA kasuba Sainath , Sandeep Enakoti,Dr.TKK ReddyMechInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Review2018-20192279-543X
44Thermal Modelling of Electric Arc WeldingA. Akshay Kumar, D. V. Paleshwar, Sainath KasubaMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
45Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of Various Additive Manufacturing MethodsK. Shilpa, D. V. Paleshwar, Sainath KasubaMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
46Experimental Evalution of Mechanical Properties of Stereolithography , Selective laser Sintering ,Fused Deposition modeling and Other Additive Manufacturing MethodsK. Shilpa, D. V. Paleshwar, Sainath KasubaMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
47Sandwich Composite for UAV Wing Design and FabricationSyed Ibadaddin, D.V. Paleshwa, K. SainathMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5792
48Design & Frabri\cation portable AC with cooling chamberI.Saichandu, K. Sainath, S Akella TKK ReddyMechJournal of emerging technologies and innovative research2018-20192349-5162
49Simulation of heat effected zone in welding process and characterisation of arc in mig tigA. Akshay kumar,DV Paleshwar, K SainathMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2018-20192581-5782
50Validation Of Residual Stress Distributions In Multipass Dissimilar Joints For Gtaw Process
Harinadh Vemanaboinaa, Gundabattini Edisona, Suresh AkellabMechJournal of Engineering Science and Technology2018-20191823-4690
51Weld bead temperature and residual stresses evaluations in multipass dissimilar INCONEL625 and SS316L by GTAW using IR thermography and x-ray diffraction techniquesHarinadh Vemanaboinaa, Gundabattini Edisona, Suresh AkellabMechMaterials Research Express2018-2019 2053-1591
52Determination of LDR in deep drawing using reduced number of blanksA. C. Sekhara Reddy, RajeshamT. MahenderMechElsevier Matearls today Proceedings2018-2019 2214-7853
53Free and Forced Convective Heat Transfer through a Nanofluid with Two Dimensions past Inclined Vertical PlateB.Suresh babuH&STEST Engineering Management2018-20190193-4120
54Diffusion-Thermo Effect on a Free Combined
MHD Flowwith Mass Diffusion and
Temperature Variationpast an Inclined
Oscillating Plate
B.Suresh babuH&SInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume-8 Issue-4, November 20192018-20192277-3878
55Effects of Variable Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on MHD Convective Heat Transfer of Immiscible fluids with Heat SourceB.Suresh babuH&STEST Engineering
56Mass Transfer Effects on MHD Flow through Porous
Medium past an Exponentially Accelerated Inclined
Plate with Variable Temperature and Thermal Radiation
B.Suresh babuH&SInternational Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology2018-20192706-9885
57Design and fabrication of hybrid silicon solar systemB.HimabinduH&Smaterials today2018-20191369-7021
58A study on association of demographic attributes with employee satisfaction with respect to compensation policies of IT sectorR.PrabhavathiH&SInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Review2018-20192348-1269,2349-5138
59Synthesis and characterization of pbo nanoparticles by solution combustion methodDr.SudhakarH&SInternational Journal of Research and Analytical Review2018-20192348-1269,2349-5138
60Synthesis and characterization of copper nanoparticles by chemical reduction methodDr.SudhakarH&SANV Publication2018-20190975-4393,2349-2988
61A review on chemical and physical synthesis methods of nanomaterialsDr.SudhakarH&SSpringer2018-20192321-9653
62Experimental study on strength aspects of geopolymer concrete with forta ferro fibersKiranmayeeCivil International journal of civil engineering and technology2018-20190976-6316

2017 – 2018

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1Building Scalable Cyber-Physical-Social Networking Infrastructure Using IoT and Low Power SensorsRakesh Kumar Lenka, Amiya Kumar Rath, Zhiyuan Tan, Suraj Sharma, Deepak Puthal, N V R Simha, Rohit Raja, Shankar Sharan Tripathi, and Mukesh PrasadCSEIEEE Access2017-20182169-3536, 2169-3536
2A Study on Data Center Performance and QoS In Iaas Cloud Computing, Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical And Control SystemDr. V. Goutham, Dr M V Bramhanandha ReddyCSEJournal of Advance Research in Dynamical System2017-20181943-023X
3Physiological Trait Based Biometrical Authentication of Human-Face Using LGXP and ANN TechniquesRohit Raja, Tilendra Shishir Sinha, Raj Kumar Patra and Shrikant TiwariCSEInt. J. of Information and Computer Security2017-20181744-1773
4User Identity Verification for Secure Internet Services using CASHMA.Develapalli Shushma, Joshi Padma N, Dr. Suresh AkellaCSEInternational Journal of Research2017-2018 2348-6848
5Performance of Machine Learning Techniques for Email spam Filtering.M. Deepika, Shilpa RaniCSEnternational Journal of Resent Trend in Engineering and Research2017-20182455- 1457
6An Efficient Spam Filtering using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques.Deepika MallampatiCSEInternational Journal of Scientific Research2017-20182319-7064
7Proposal of a Novel Approach for Stabilized of image from Omni- Direction System in the case of Human Detection and Tracking.Dr Vignesh Janarthanan, Dr. G. Manoj SomeswarCSEInternational Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research2017-20182456 - 3080
8An Evaluation of Naïve Bayesian Classifier for Anti-Spam Filtering Techniques”.Deepika MallampatiCSEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering.2017-20182278-8875
9An Efficient Symmetric Based Algorithm for Data Security in Cloud Computing Through Homomorphic Encryption Scheme .V Biksham, D VasumathiCSEInternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research.2017-20180973-4562
10Getting Down to Brass Tacks of Prevention Mechanism of Sql Injection in Php based Web Application.Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviCSEInternational journal of electronics communication and computer engineering2017-20182249-071X
11Encryption and Decryption Using Bit Operatiom.Gurubasava Rajesh BudihalCSEInternational Journal of Science and Research 2017-20182319-7064
12Seed and Grow Algorithms to Identify users from Anonymized social Networks.N. Deepthi, G. Shivakanth, I. Haripriya, G. Sreevani,CSEInternatinal journal of Engineering and Management Research2017-20182394-6962
13Driver fatique detection and accident preventing system.A. SwathiCSEInternational Journal of Advance Research, Ideas And Innovations In Technology 2017-20182454-132X
14Image Reconstruction using Data Mining and Image processing Techniques.P. Vijaya Lakmsi, P. Archana, M. Madhavi LathaCSEInternational Journals for Advance research in Science and Technology2017-20182395- 1052
15An EFH: Hybrid-Based Attribute Technique in Cloud ComputingPurushotham Muniganti, Naveena.P and Suresh AkellaCSEInternational Journal of Research2017-20182348-6848
16Empowering Cloud Storage Examining with Certain Out Sourcing of Key UpdatesPurushotham Muniganti, Akhila.M and Suresh AkellaCSEInternational Journal of Research2017-20182348-6848
17Extraction of geometric and prosodic features from human-gait-speech data for behavioural pattern detection.Raj Kumar Patra, Rohit Raja and Tilendra Shishir SinhaCSE Springer Book Series, Proceeding Of International Conference on ICACCP2017-20182194- 5365
18Possibilities for Finding the Interference between a Power Supplies Network & A Converter Fed DriveG. Srinivasarao, K. ChanduECEInternational journal for research in engineering application & management.2017-20182454-9150
19Health Care System by Monitoring the Patient Health Using IOT and GSMK. Meena Kumari, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, B.SreenivasuECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278 – 909X
20Web based Monitoring and Controlling of Mobile Robot Through Raspberry PI BoardB Mahesh, J Pandu Ranga Rao, Sreenivasu BECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909X
21IoT Based Driver Alertness And Health Monitoring SystemT Shwetha, J.Pandu ranga rao, B.SreenivasuECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909X
22Printing Watermark Image By Using Direct Binary Search Half ToneV Ashok, J Pandu ranga rao, B.SreenivasuECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909X
23Smart Drip Irrigation System With Intelligent Nutrition Management SystemCh.Shwetha, V A Shanker P, B.SreenivasuECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909X
24Execution For Remote Sensor System For ESP 8266 Linux Pauling Built Web-ServerS.Shyam. A.Praveena, G Vijay Goud, B.SreenivasuECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909X
25Wireless Transmission of Electrical Power Overview of Recent Research & DevelopmentG.VijayGoud, B Sreemovasi, G.D.BasavarajECEInternational Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology2017-20182250-3676
26SERBEGS: Security Enhanced Routing for Best Effort Service using GT Slack in QNOC systemsDr. S. Ramani, S V Maruthi Rao, C MehathabECEInternational Journal of Emerging Technolgy and Advanced Engineering2017-20182250-2459
27Raspberry - Pi based traffic density observation with an associating control systemBolla Swathi, Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909x
28Execution For Remote Sensor System For ESP 8266 Linux Pauling Built Web-ServeSangani Shyam, A.PraveenaECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering2017-20182278 – 909X
29A Study on Smart Home Automation Based on IOTDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative Research2017-20182278-7844
30A Study on Solar/Wind Hybrid Energy Harvesting For Super Capacitor-Based Embedded SystemDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative Research2017-20182278-7844
31A Study on Various Health Parameters Monitoring Using PPG SensorDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative Research2017-20182278-7844
32Smart Baby Cradle Using Arduino and IoT” in the International Journal of Advance and Innovative ResearchDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Advance and Innovative Research2017-20182278-7844
33A Study on Internet of Things Applications and Related IssuesDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research2017-20182456-3080
34A Comparative Analysis On Image Denoising Using Different Median Filter Methods”.Dr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology2017-20182321-9653
35An Improved Face Detection Technique for a Long Distance, Near-Infrared Images”.Dr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education.2017-20182455 - 4200
36Advance Card Locking System using MicrocontrollerDr Sandeep KumarECEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication2017-20182278-909X
37Survey on various Channel Models for Data TransmissionDr S VenkateswarluECEInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology2017-20182321-9653
38Review on Classification on Models and Determination of the Parameters for Channel ModelingDr S VenkateswarluECEInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology2017-20182321-9653
39Channel Modelling -Parameters and Conditions to be ConsideredDr S VenkateswarluECEInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology2017-20182321-9653
40Distortion control in multi pass dissimilar GTAW process using Taguchi ANOVA analysisHarinadh Vemanaboina, G Edison, Suresh AkellaMechInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology2017-20182227-524X
41Portable Air Conditioner Design for FabricationJ Rajesh, S Akella, K SainathMechInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management2017-20182581-5782
42Thermal Analysis Simulation for Laser Butt Welding of
Inconel625 Using FEA
Harinadh Vemanaboina1*
, G. Edison1
, Suresh Akella2
, Ramesh Kumar Buddu
MechInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology2017-2018 2227-524X
43Evaluation of residual stresses in multipass dissimilar
butt-welded of SS316L to Inconel625 using FEA
Harinadh Vemanaboina1*
, G. Edison1
, Suresh Akella2
, Ramesh Kumar Buddu
MechInternational Journal of Engineering & Technology2017-2018 2227-524X
44Effect of Residual Stresses of GTA Welding for Dissimilar MaterialsHarinadh Vemanaboina1*
, G. Edison1
, Suresh Akella2
, Ramesh Kumar Buddu
MechMaterials Research2017-20181516-1439,1980-5373
45Effects of variable viscosity and thermal conductivity on MHD convective heat transfer of immiscible fluids in a vertical channelB.Suresh BabuH&S
International journal of engineering, sciences and research technology(IJESRT)
46Unsteady heat and mass transfer flow of cu-water nano-fluid over an inclined plate with free convection and chemical reactionsB.Suresh BabuH&SInternational Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics(IJPAM)2017-20181311-8080
47Fea of heat transfer with heat source and viscous dissipation under convective boundary conditionsB.Suresh BabuH&SInternational journal of multidisciplinary research and modern education2017-2018 2454-6119
48Finite element analysis of diffusion effects on convective heat and the mass transfer of two fluids in a vertical channelB.Suresh BabuH&SInternational Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering2017-20182229-8649,2180-1606
49Spectroscopic and laser induced second harmonic generation studies in TiO2 doped Li2O-Al2O3-B2O3 glass systemA.Prabhakar ReddyH&SInternational journal emerging technology and advanced engineering(IJETAE)2017-2018 2250-2459
50Synthesis and characterization of Zno nanostructures by oxidation techniqueB.Hima BinduH&SInternational Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering(IJARSE)2017-20182319-8354,2319-8346
51Numerical techniques to estimate rate constant of an EsterMD.NaseeruddinH&SANV Publication2017-20180975-4393,2349-2988
52An investigation to propose signal free corridor at mandamalla junctionM.Vamsi and T. divya sreeCIVIL National conference on engineering science, technology2017-20182320-2882

2016 – 2017

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1Diversify Based On the Context of the Word Queries for Xml DataJoshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviCSEInternational journal of research2016-20172348-6848
2Enhanced QoS Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommender SystemJoshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviCSEInternational Journal of Research in Information Technology2016-20172001-5569
3Flexible and Secure Key Exchange Mechanism for Network File Systems.Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviCSEInternational Journal of Research in Information Technology2016-20172001-5569
4The Strong Confidence: The Process of Computational Dynamic Trust Model for Secure Communication in Multi-Agent Systems.Joshi Padma N, Dr. N. Ravishankar, Dr. M. B. Raju, N.CH. RaviCSEInternational journal of research IJR2016-20172348-6848
5A Research on Big Data Mining with Hadoop F/W and It’s Echo Systems.G. Sravan KumarCSEInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology 2016-20172321-9653
6Unsupervised Learning for Outlier Detection from High-Dimensional Datasets.G. Sravan KumarCSEInternational Journal of Research in Information Technology2016-20172001-5569
7Enabling Fine Grained Multi-Keyword Search Encrypted Cloud Data.G. Sravan KumarCSEInternational Journal of Research in Information Technology 2016-20172001-5569
8Cloud Privilege of Access to Data And Anonymity with the unknown Entirely Based Encryption to Control CharacteristicsJoshi Padma, NCSEInternational Journal of Research2016-20172348-6848
9Optimization of Orthogonal Polyphase Coded Waveform for MIMO radar using Mo-Micro Parti Swarm Optimization AlgorithmAlladi Praveena, A. SowjanyaECEInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)2016-20172278-0181
10A new design and operation of microgrid control based wind power generation systems sing fuzzy logic controllerG.Srinivasa Rao, N.RameshECEInternational Journal Of Advanced Research Trends In Engineering And Technology2016-20172394-3785
11High Speed Modified Booth Recoder For FAM Design Using SPST In DSP ApplicationsG.Durga prasad, A.Sowjanya, Sreenivasu BECEInternational Journal of Eminent Engineering Technologies2016-20172454-1907
12Novel Deployment Schemes for Target Coverage and Network Connectivity in Mobile Sensor NetworksCH.Swathi , G.D.BasavarajECEInternational Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology2016-20172278-0181
13An Elementary Proposal on Fault Tolerant Devices for memory scenarioP. Lavanya, N. S. Murthy Sarma, Ch. S. V. Maruthi RaoECEInternational Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication2016-20172321-8169
14Stochastic Transmission Impedance Control for Enhanced for Renewable Power IntegrationY. Sravan Kumar,
K. Kranthi Kumar ,
ECEInternational Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management
15Single-Stage Grid-Connected fly back micro inverter with hybridY. Sravan Kumar ,
K. Chandu,
ECEInternational Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management
16Power Electronics Application On Wind TurbinesY. Sravan Kumar
ECEInternational Journal For Research & Development In Technology2016-20172349-3585.
17A Review on Taguchi’s Technique of forming Orthogonal ArraysMr.Ramakrishna Vanukuru, Mr.K.L.N Murthy, Mr.B SandeepMechJournal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science2016-20172455-0957's_Technique_of_forming_Orthogonal_Arrays
18Multi-Tool Design and Development of Operating MachineJ Sreedhar, B Sanjanna, K Nageswara Rao, K.P ReddyMechJournal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science2016-20172455-0957
19A Study on Anaerobic Co-digestion of Sewage Sludge for Bio-gas ProductionP.M. DiazMechDJ International Journal of Advances in Microbiology and Microbiological Research2016-20172456-1932
20A Study on the Transient Plasma Ignition (TPI) for ICEs with Bio-Gas PropulsionP.M. DiazMechJournal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science2016-20172455-0957
21Design and Development of Low Friction More Efficient Magnetically
Levitated Wind Turbines
S K Halli, N G Meti, S J Hittalamani, M M Dandinavar, A S ReddyMechInternational Journal of Current Engineering and Technology2016-2017 2277-4106,2347 – 5161
22Design and Analysis of Disc Brake PlatesAK Sainath kasubaMechInternational journal & magazine of engineering technology management and research2016-20172348-4845
23Synthesis and characterization of Zno nanostructures by oxidation techniqueY.Kiran KumarH&SInternational Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering 2016-20172319-8354
24Superconductors in the field of communication and study various electric propertiesY.Kiran KumarH&SInternational Journal of Science and Research 2016-20172319-7064
25Optimization of Orthogonal Polyphase Coded Waveform for MIMO radar using Mo-Micro Parti Swarm Optimization AlgorithmAlladi Praveena, A. SowjanyaECEInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)2016-20172278-0181

2015 – 2016

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1Window method Based Cubic Spline Curve Public Key Cryptography, International Journal of Electronics and Information EngineeringAddepalli V. N. Krishna, Addepalli Hari Narayana, K. Madhura Vani (2016)CSEInternational Journal of Electronics and Information Engineering2015-20162313-1527
2High Power Microwave Sources And ApplicationsG.VijayGoud, B Sreemovasi,G.D.BasavarajECEInternational Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology2015-20162250-3676
3Design of DFC Waveforms for MIMO Radar using Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization AlgorithmPandu. JECEGlobal Journal of Researches in Engineering:
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4Analysis and Comparison of different types of Thermal Energy Storage
Systems: A Review
PM. DiazMechJournal of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Science2015-20162455-0957
5Mechanical Assistance of SS316 using single TIG Welding ProcessMr.KLN Murthy, B. Sandeep, Krisna ChaithnyaMechInternational Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology2015-20162278-621X
6Flow and Thermal analysis of Mobile Air Conditioner by using Roll bond evaporatorMr. Kasuba Sainath Mr. V. Prashanth Reddy Mr. G. Nikhil Mr. Yasho VardhanMechInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research2015-2016 2229-5518
7Thermal Buckling and Post-Buckling of Columns of Variable Cross-SectionVenkateshwarlu, N; Akella, Suresh; Reddy, T Kishen Kumar; Rao, G Venkateswara.MechThe IUP Journal of Structural Engineering2015-20160974-6528
8Performance Assessment of HFC Group Refrigerants in Window Air Conditioning SystemBoda Hadya1 , A. M. K. Prasad1 , Suresh Akella2MechInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications2015-20162330-023X, 2330-0248
9New cytotoxic clerodane diterpenes from the leaves of premna tomentosaA.HYMAVATHIH&STandfonline2015-20161028-6020,1477-2213

2014 – 2015

SNOTitle of paperName of the author/sDepartment of the teacherName of journalYear of publicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the JournalLink of the Document (Journal PDF article)
1Hand Gesture Recognition using MEMS for Specially Challenged PeopleJ. Swetha, Maruthi RaoECEInternational Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies2014-2015 2455-0876
2Experimental and computational analysis of roll bond evaporator and geyserT. Kishen Kumar Reddy Kasuba Sainath, M. Nagendra babu, Suresh AkellaMechUniverse of Emerging Technologies and Science2014-20152214-7853
3Comparative Study and Design of Solar Water HeaterK Sainath, Y Krishna, M Salahuddin, MS Ahmed, M Ismail, S RahmanMechInternational journal of engineering research2014-20152319-6890
4Comparative Study of Down comer pipe's elbow joint using CFD AnalysisDTKKR Mr. Kasuba SainathMechInternational journal of engineering research2014-20152319-6890
5Comparative study of Economiser using CFD analysisDTKKR Mr. Kasuba SainathMechInternational Journal of Modern Engineering Research2014-20152319-6890
6Vibrational Analysis a Key for Pump Maintenance-Case StudyAditya U. Ganapathy, K. SainathMechInternational Journal Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)2014-20152249-6645
7Aluminium Roll Bond- A Single Innovative Circuit For Air Conditioner, Car Radiator, Refrigerator And Water HeaterSainath, Dr sureshMechInternational Journal Of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)2014-20152348-4845
8Experimental and Computational Analysis of Radiator and EvaporatorDSA ,Mr. Kasuba Sainath , Dr.T. Kishen Kumar ReddyMechMaterials today Proceedings2014-20152214-7853
9Overview of '' HVAC Systems'' in General AspectsMr. Kasuba Sainath, Dr.T. Kishen Kumar Reddy, Dr.Suresh AkellaMechInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
10Design and Fabrication Portable AC with Cooling ChamberMr. I. Saichandu, Mr. Kasuba Sainath, Dr.T. Kishen Kumar Reddy, Dr.Suresh AkellaMechInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology2014-20152278-0181
11Experimental and Theoritical Analysis of Roll Bond Evaporator as Air ConditionerMr. Kasuba Sainath , Dr.T. Kishen Kumar Reddy, Dr.Suresh AkellaMechInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering2014-20152277 128X
12Heat transfer and Thermal Stress Analysis in Internal Grooved tube in
comparison with bare tube by Finite element method
K.SainathȦ, Yogendra BrijMohan Rathi, T.K.K ReddyMechInternational Journal of Current Engineering and Technology2014-20152277 – 4106, 2347 - 5161
13Aluminium Roll Bond-A Single Innovative Circuit For Air Conditioner, Car Radiator, Refrigerator And Water Heater.K Sainath, S AkellaMechInternational Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and science2014-20152348-4845
14Design of Mechanical Hydraulic JackK. Sainath, S Akella TKK ReddyMechIOSR JournalOf Engineering2014-20152250-3021
15Performance Assessment of HFC Group Refrigerants in Window Air Conditioning SystemBoda Hadya1 , A. M. K. Prasad1 , Suresh Akella2MechInternational Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications2014-20152330-023X,2330-0248
16Applicability of simple intuitive formulation for predicting thermal post-buckling behaviour of columns resting on hardening nonlinear elastic foundationN Venkateshwarlu, Suresh Akella, T Kishen Kumar Reddy, G Venkateswara RaoMechThe IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering2014-20151937-3260,1937-3279
17Evaluation Of Inside Heat Transfer Coefficient of Roll Bond Evaporator for Room Air ConditionerP.S.Ravi 1 , Dr Arkanti Krishnaiah 2 , Dr Suresh Akella 3 , Dr Md. AzizuddinMechInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology2014-2015 2319 - 8753, 2347 - 6710
18Experimental Study of Free Convection Heat Transfer From Array Of Vertical Tubes At Different InclinationsA.Satyanarayana.Reddy1 , Suresh Akella2 , AMK. Prasad3MechInternational Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering2014-20152250-2459