score — Викиречник Пређи на садржај


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From Средњи Енглески score, skore, schore, from Стари Енглески scoru (notch; tally; score), from Old Norse skor, from Пра-Германски *skurō (incision; tear; rift). Cognate with Icelandic skora, Шведски skåra, Дански skår. Related to shear. (For twenty: The mark on a tally made by drovers for every twenty beasts passing through a tollgate.)



score (plural scores)

  1. The total number of goals, points, runs, etc. earned by a participant in a game.
    The player with the highest score is the winner.
  2. The number of points accrued by each of the participants in a game, expressed as a ratio or a series of numbers.
    The score is 8-1 even though it's not even half-time!
  3. The performance of an individual or group on an examination or test, expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol; a grade.
    The test scores for this class were high.
  4. Twenty, 20 (number).
    • 1863 November 19, Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, based on the signed "Bliss Copy"
      "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
    Some words have scores of meanings.
  5. A distance of twenty yards, in ancient archery and gunnery.
    (Можете ли пронађите и додајте цитат од en на овај унос?)
  6. A weight of twenty pounds.
  7. (music) The written form of a musical composition showing all instrumental and vocal parts below each other.
  8. (music) The music of a movie or play.
    • 2013 јун 29, “Travels and travails”, in The Economist, volume 407, number 8842, page 55:
      Even without hovering drones, a lurking assassin, a thumping score and a denouement, the real-life story of Edward Snowden, a rogue spy on the run, could be straight out of the cinema. But, as with Hollywood, the subplots and exotic locations may distract from the real message: America’s discomfort and its foes’ glee.
  9. Subject.
    • 2005, Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. 245e.
      Well, although we haven't discussed the views of all those who make precise reckonings of being and not [being], we've done enough on that score.
  10. Account; reason; motive; sake; behalf.
    • (Can we датум this quote by Hudibras and provide title, author’s full name, and other details?)
      But left the trade, as many more / Have lately done on the same score.
    • (Can we датум this quote by Dryden and provide title, author’s full name, and other details?)
      You act your kindness in Cydria's score.
  11. A notch or incision; especially, one that is made as a tally mark; hence, a mark, or line, made for the purpose of account.
    • (Can we датум this quote by Shakespeare and provide title, author’s full name, and other details?)
      Whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printing to be used.
  12. An account or reckoning; account of dues; bill; hence, indebtedness.
    • (Can we датум this quote by Shakespeare and provide title, author’s full name, and other details?)
      He parted well, and paid his score.
  13. (US, crime, slang) a criminal act, especifically:
    1. A robbery.
      Let's pull a score!
    2. A bribe paid to a police officer.
    3. An illegal sale, especially of drugs.
      He made a big score.
    4. A prostitute's client.
  14. (US, vulgar, slang) A sexual conquest.



Derived terms

Terms derived from score (noun)



Lua грешка in Модул:en-headword at line 1145: Legacy parameter 1=STEM no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params.

  1. (transitive) To cut a notch or a groove in a surface.
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, “Foreword”, in The China Governess[1]:
      A very neat old woman, still in her good outdoor coat and best beehive hat, was sitting at a polished mahogany table on whose surface there were several scored scratches so deep that a triangular piece of the veneer had come cleanly away, […].
    The baker scored the cake so that the servers would know where to slice it.
  2. (intransitive) To record the tally of points for a game, a match, or an examination.
  3. (transitive, intransitive) To obtain something desired.
    1. To earn points in a game.
      It is unusual for a team to score a hundred goals in one game.
      Pelé scores again!
      • 2011 септембар 29, Jon Smith, “Tottenham 3 - 1 Shamrock Rovers”, in BBC Sport[2]:
        And White Hart Lane was stunned when Rovers scored just five minutes after the restart in front of their away following.
    2. To achieve (a score) in e.g. a test.
      • 2004, Diane McGuinness, Early reading instruction: what science really tells us about how to teach reading
        At the end of first grade, the children scored 80 percent correct on this test, a value that remained unchanged through third grade.
    3. (slang) To acquire or gain.
      • 1971, “Sister Morphine”, in Sticky Fingers, performed by The Rolling Stones:
        What am I doing in this place? / Why does the doctor have no face? / Oh, I can't crawl across the floor / Ah, can't you see, Sister Morphine, I'm trying to score
      I scored some drugs last night.
      Did you score tickets for the concert?
    4. (US, crime, slang, of a police officer) To extract a bribe.
    5. (vulgar, slang) To obtain a sexual favor.
      Chris finally scored with Pat last week.
  4. (transitive) To provide (a film, etc.) with a musical score.
    • 1974, New York Magazine (volume 7, number 45, page 98)
      Godfather II is nothing like ready. It is not yet scored, and thus not mixed. There remain additional shooting, looping, editing.

Derived terms







  1. (US, slang) Acknowledgement of success

See also



  • Tom Dalzell, The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English, 2008, page 846







Borrowed from Енглески score.



score c (singular definite scoren, plural indefinite scorer)

  1. A score, a number of points earned.




  1. score a goal/point
  2. land (to acquire; to secure)
  3. (slang) steal
  4. persuade (someone) to have sex with oneself [from 1959]




Derived terms






Borrowed from Енглески score.



score m (plural scores, diminutive scoretje n)

  1. score (number of points earned)

Derived terms






Borrowed from Енглески score.



score m (plural scores)

  1. score (in a sport, game)

Derived terms


Further reading




Norwegian Bokmål


Alternative forms




Via Енглески score, from Old Norse skor. Related to Old Norse skera (modern Norwegian Bokmål skjære).

score m (definite singular scoren, indefinite plural scorer, definite plural scorene)

  1. a score

score (imperative scor, present tense scorer, passive scores, simple past and past participle scora or scoret, present participle scorende)

  1. to score (earn points in a game)

Derived terms




Norwegian Nynorsk


Alternative forms




From Енглески score

score m (definite singular scoren, indefinite plural scorar, definite plural scorane)

  1. a score

score (present tense scorar, past tense scora, past participle scora, passive infinitive scorast, present participle scorande, imperative scor/score)

  1. to score (earn points in a game)









score m (plural scores)

  1. score (in sports)