plum records plum records’s tracks 愛しのマシュマロッパ / ミキティ&ザ・ローガンズ(feat.広報女子リズ) by plum records published on 2016-02-04T12:37:16Z スリーピン/まどかママ&The Rawgunz feat.CR78 by plum records published on 2015-12-11T02:51:22Z ママブルース / ママ & The Rawgunz by plum records published on 2015-11-13T05:19:01Z Daddie Only Knows / Ameria & The Rawgunz by plum records published on 2015-09-28T06:04:15Z Chu! Chu! Chu! / 広報女子&The Rawgunz feat.リズ&アンヌ&きなこ by plum records published on 2015-09-18T11:17:35Z シャンソン / Sheeno & The Rawgunz by plum records published on 2015-08-11T02:29:24Z Viva la Babie Love/さなちゅわ~ん & The Rawgunz by plum records published on 2015-07-18T01:04:03Z Cowbell Song/つばさ(きょんきょんきょん)& the Rawgunz by plum records published on 2015-06-06T02:21:17Z Summertime Blues/はな & TheRawgunz by plum records published on 2015-05-01T04:56:44Z なんぼがわがるべが/こころ&The Rawgunz by plum records published on 2015-04-10T09:01:44Z