AU - Lopez, Martin Andreoni
AU - Duarte, Otto Carlos M. B.
AU - Pujolle, Guy
PY - 2019
TI - A Monitoring and Threat Detection System Using Stream Processing as a Virtual Function for Big Data
JF - Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC); 2019: Anais Estendidos do XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos
DO - 10.5753/sbrc_estendido.2019.7789
KW -
N2 - The late detection of security threats causes a significant increase in the risk of irreparable damages, disabling any defense attempt. As a consequence, fast real-time threat detection is mandatory for security guarantees. In addition, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provides new opportunities for efficient and low-cost security solutions. We propose a fast and efficient threat detection system based on stream processing and machine learning algorithms. The main contributions of this work are i) a novel monitoring threat detection system based on stream processing; ii) two datasets, first a dataset of synthetic security data containing both legitimate and malicious traffic, and the second, a week of real traffic of a telecommunications operator in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; iii) a data pre-processing algorithm, a normalizing algorithm and an algorithm for fast feature selection based on the correlation between variables; iv) a virtualized network function in an open-source platform for providing a real-time threat detection service; v) near-optimal placement of sensors through a proposed heuristic for strategically positioning sensors in the network infrastructure, with a minimum number of sensors; and, finally, vi) a greedy algorithm that allocates on demand a sequence of virtual network functions.
UR - https://sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/sbrc_estendido/article/view/7789