Bug Report | SiteFarm

Bug Report

Before filing your bug report, please review the list of known bugs to see if the SiteFarm team is already aware of the issue.

If you find a bug that isn't in this list, please contact the team by submitting a bug report using our webform.

List of Known Bugs

Current as of January 8, 2019

  • Stale Content notifications - message is displaying that stale content is listed for review when, in fact, there isn't any stale content.
  • Button styles - When button styles are used on a brand-colored focus box or basic block the lack of color contrast creates accessibility issues.
  • Multilingual - when an article is provided one or more translations, all versions of the article will appear in the View list instead of the user's preferred language version.
  • RSS Block - when using a taxonomy term's page as the source of an RSS feed, the resulting feed outputs links that is missing the /news/ portion of the URL.
  • Priority links block padding displays slightly differently in Firefox than other browsers.
  • When content body images are view in IE11, the image will not be resized to the width of the body content area.
  • When a Feature Box is paired with a bullet list, the list will not wrap beneath the box.
  • Exposed Filters on people pages do not allow the display of a Reset button even when configured to do so.
  • Basic block fails to display bullet points when unordered list style is chosen.
  • If a description is added a View, the resulting output has too little space between the end of the description and the first record outputted on the page.
  • In a multi-page View, the 'Page' text is hard to read and visually unappealing given how tight the background is to the edges of the text.
  • When a submenu block is added to a sidebar and then view in mobile it adds an oddly positioned plus sign (+) suggesting an accordion effect, even if the menu is already expanded to show child content links
  • Events - If the event filter start date field is left empty, the search filter will fail
  • AggieFeed - not allowing multiple selected feeds to display
  • External links added to the menu will cause the sub_main_menu block to not display

List of Fixed Bugs 

  • SiteFarm search tool is too exclusive in its requirements to display results. User must be exact and partial terms won't return any results. [Google Custom Search added to SiteFarm in release 6.0.0, which offers greater flexibility in searching options]
  • AddThis Social Share - when on an article and a user clicks on the Twitter icon to share the article, the interface isn't offering a link back or an image, assuming the user can click on the Tweet button at all since, in some browsers, its grayed out. [Make sure your tweets are within the character limit]
  • When a button style is applied to text with an embedded link in the main content area, the button pushes out from the edge of the content area in mobile view instead of wrapping to fit the space.
  • The AddThis social sharing icons included in Articles randomly generates a "Bad Request" error when one of the icons is selected. 
  • Adding people to an Article's Related Content section will output people, but it won't display in your preferred order.
  • Media Link added via the WYSIWYG will convert any '&' to '&' and the change in encoding will prevent any preferred parameters to stop functioning.
  • When the Mega Menu is enabled for the main menu the menu will push the page content down instead of covering it. Additionally, at the breakpoint, the menu displays a visual hop.
  • Menu blocks added to the Top Content regions are unstyled
  • If a slogan is set to display in the Site Credits block, the output is only showing the first letter in the slogan field, cutting out the rest.
  • Teaser Link Box displays in only half its width when viewed in IE 11 browser.
  • The Teaser Link Box will fail and break all the content in the main content area of a page if too many characters are added to the box
  • Trumba calendar has been fixed and will now let users choose the appropriate radio button to indicate if the main calendar is on the same page or not, and if not, then display a URL field where the user can indicate where the main calendar block lives
  • Bullet lists using the accordion style are not allowing titles to wrap
  • When an event has a date span of more than one day, the system will use the End Date as its expiration point
  • Default blocks included in a brand new site instance are locked unable to be edited, disabled, or deleted.
  • If a Block description Content related by Tags is used but there is less than 5 related the title gets repeated
  • Person pages are not migrating from Cascade to SiteFarm
  • The update migration action needs to be updated for clarity for the Cascade Migration tool
  • The "Delete Migration" action entry needs to be rewritten for clarity for the Cascade Migration tool
  • Multi-column bullet points are partially hidden in columns 2+
  • Caption text is hard to read when image added to body of Basic block
  • Custom submenu blocks based on 'Main navigation' menu block are not displaying the Title when selected to do so
  • Photo gallery - swipe options in the gallery don't work
  • Photo gallery - directional arrows aren't displaying
  • Photo gallery - the promotions section should not contain "promote to front page" option
  • Blocks won't automatically refresh when edited. User winds up having to "clear caches" to manually refresh content.
  • On edit, the primary navigation links rearrange themselves
  • Footer - content added to this region is stacking instead of fitting itself across the field, side by side
  • Site logo - users are unable to replace the default SiteFarm logo with their own, or choose not to use a logo at all
  • Links embedded in body content are very hard to see
  • Article content type - the Related Photo Gallery title is displaying even if a gallery has not been attached
  • Person - The mechanism that will auto-populate the person title from the person name doesn't work
