FPGAs Semiconductor Engineering

Balancing Programmability And Performance In Cars

The rate of change in the automotive industry is accelerating with the shift toward software-defined vehicles and ongoing advancements in algorithms and chip architectures. The challenge now is to figure out the best way to prevent rapid obsolescence, improve safety, and keep the cost of these changes to a minimum. Today, updatable automotive hardware is typically achieved through FPGAs, but... » read more

CHERI RISC-V: HW Extension for Conditional Capabilities

A technical paper titled “Mon CHÈRI <3 Adapting Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC with Conditional Capabilities” was published by researchers at Ericsson Security Research, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and KU Leuven. Abstract: "Up to 10% of memory-safety vulnerabilities in languages like C and C++ stem from uninitialized variables. This work addresses the prevalence and lack of ade... » read more

Leveraging LLMs To Explain EDA Synthesis Errors And Help Train New Engineers 

A technical paper titled “Explaining EDA synthesis errors with LLMs” was published by researchers at University of New South Wales and University of Calgary. Abstract: "Training new engineers in digital design is a challenge, particularly when it comes to teaching the complex electronic design automation (EDA) tooling used in this domain. Learners will typically deploy designs in the Veri... » read more

New Ways To Optimize GEMM-Based Applications Targeting Two Leading AI-Optimized FPGA Architectures

A technical paper titled “Efficient Approaches for GEMM Acceleration on Leading AI-Optimized FPGAs” was published by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Arizona State University. Abstract: "FPGAs are a promising platform for accelerating Deep Learning (DL) applications, due to their high performance, low power consumption, and reconfigurability. Recently, the leading FPGA... » read more

Adapting To Evolving IC Requirements

As chip designs become increasingly heterogeneous and domain-specific, packing a device with one-size-fits-all chips or chiplets doesn't make sense. The key is rightsizing different components based on real workloads, so they don't waste power when there is too little utilization of logic, and so they don't struggle to complete tasks because they are undersized. Jayson Bethurem, vice president ... » read more

Rethinking Chip Economics

As process nodes shrink, so does the selection of chips developed at those nodes. Consumers demand more features and functionality, but that carries a high price tag in terms of both complexity and real dollars. In addition, because costs are skyrocketing, there is growing pressure for those chips to remain reliable and up-to-date for longer periods of time. Jayson Bethurem, vice president of m... » read more

Enabling Scalable Accelerator Design On Distributed HBM-FPGAs (UCLA)

A technical paper titled “TAPA-CS: Enabling Scalable Accelerator Design on Distributed HBM-FPGAs” was published by researchers at University of California Los Angeles. Abstract: "Despite the increasing adoption of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in compute clouds, there remains a significant gap in programming tools and abstractions which can leverage network-connected, cloud-scale... » read more

IC Security Issues Grow, Solutions Lag

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the growing chip security threat and what's being done to mitigate it, with Mike Borza, Synopsys scientist; John Hallman, product manager for trust and security at Siemens EDA; Pete Hardee, group director for product management at Cadence; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera; and Dave Kelf, CEO of Breker V... » read more

Automated Tool Flow From Domain-Specific Languages To Generate Massively Parallel Accelerators on HBM-Equipped FPGAs

A new technical paper titled "Automatic Creation of High-bandwidth Memory Architectures from Domain-specific Languages: The Case of Computational Fluid Dynamics" was published by researchers at Politecnico di Milano and TU Dresden. The paper states "In this article, we propose an automated tool flow from a domain-specific language for tensor expressions to generate massively parallel acceler... » read more

Selecting The Right RISC-V Core

With an increasing number of companies interested in devices based on the RISC-V ISA, and a growing number of cores, accelerators, and infrastructure components being made available, either commercially or in open-source form, end users face an increasingly difficult challenge of ensuring they make the best choices. Each user likely will have a set of needs and concerns that almost equals th... » read more

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