London Group on Environmental Accounting, 23rd Meeting | System of Environmental Economic Accounting

London Group on Environmental Accounting, 23rd Meeting

Tuesday, 17 October 2017 - 9:00am to Friday, 20 October 2017 - 3:00pm

The London Group is an informal group of experts primarily from national statistical agencies but also international organizations. The London Group generally meets annually, and the meetings provide a forum for review, comparison and discussion of work underway by participants towards development of environmental accounts.

The 23rd meeting of the London Group will be held in San José, Costa Rica, from 17 October, 2017 to 20 October, 2017 and is by invitation only.




Documents for the Meeting

Logistics note

Agenda (13 October 2017)

Meeting minutes


Papers and Presentations for the Meeting

Session A: Introduction

LG/23/A2  Work Plan (presentation)

LG/23/A5  Furthering the coordination of the SEEA (presentation)

Session B: Methodological Work - SEEA Central Framework

LG/23/B6  Introduction to the SEEA CF research agenda (presentation)

LG/23/B7  Global data structure definitions (DSDs) /// presentation

LG/23/B8  A note on EW-MFA and physical supply and use tables /// presentation

LG/23/B8  Material flow accounts in raw material equivalents /// presentation

LG/23/B8  Material flows from final use to production - how to treat in RME?

LG/23/B9  Integrated framework for environmental activity accounts /// presentation

LG/23/B10  Climate change - fossil subsidies - development of statistics on fossil fuel transactions from the SEEA /// presentation

LG/23/B11  Adapted goods /// presentation

Session C: Methodological Work - SEEA Experimental Ecosysstem Accounting

LG/23/C14  General up-dates on state of play (presentation)

LG/23/C15 Integrating and scaling data to create ecosystem accounts relevant to management decisions /// presentation

LG/23/C15  Ecosystem service valuation and ecosystem asset accounts in Japan /// presentation

LG/23/C16  Experimental ecosystem accounts - the experience of Mexico

LG/23/C16  Modelling ecosystem services for ecosystem accounting at national scale; experience in the Netherlands

LG/23/C17  Experimental ecosystem accounting in urban areas - challenges for valuation techniques and relevance for municpal policy and planning with examples from the Oslo metropolitan area

LG/23/C17  Urban accounts /// presentation

LG/23/C18  Review of ecosystem condition indicators /// presentation

LG/23/C19  Ecosystem services definitions and classifications - CICES V5.1, final (paper) /// presentation

LG/23/C19  Ecosystem services definitions and classifications - CICES V5.1, final (excel)

LG/23/C19  Ecosystem services definitions and classifications - Outcome of consultation on CICES V4.3 and introducing CICES V5.1

LG/23/C19  Developing ecosystem service classification(s) for ecosystem accounting

LG/23/C19 Complementing CICES and NESCS (presentation)

LG/23/C20  Valuation of ecosystem services /// presentation

LG/23/C21  Valuing water purification and crop pollination services for ecosystem accounting: a multi-country study

LG/23/C21  Measurement, valuation and recording of the water provisioning services in the SEEA /// presentation

LG/23/C21  Physical and monetary ecosystem service accounts for Europe: A case study for in-stream nitrogen retention

LG/23/C23  Future price and physical flow projections

LG/23/C23  Valuation of ecosystem assets (presentation)

LG/23/C24  Proposal for additional accounts to assess sustainability and to track the causality nexus

LG/23/C25  The SEEA EEA carbon account for the Netherlands /// presentation

LG/23/C25  Accounting for ecosystem and biodiversity related themes in Uganda /// presentation

Session D: Implementation and Extensions

LG/23/D28  Mapping IPCC greenhouse gas emissions categories to ISIC A in the SEEA AFF /// presentation

LG/23/D28  Completing the links between UNFCCC reporting categories and SEEA AFF air emission accounts - An application to the Italian case /// presentation

LG/23/D29  Physical energy flow accounts /// presentation

LG/23/D29  Roadmap for global energy accounts

LG/23/D30  Energy accounts (presentation)

LG/23/D31  On differences and connections between EGSS, bioeconomy, circular economy and cleantech /// presentation

LG/23/D32  Environmental economic accounts for forests (CEAF): Proposal of a methodological and institutional approach for application in Brazil /// presentation

LG/23/D32  Environmental economic accounts in Colombia (presentation)

LG/23/D32  Use of energy and CO2 emission accounts for policy in Costa Rica (presentation)

Session E: Policy Applications and Links between SEEA Central Framework and SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting

LG/23/E34 Presenting SEEA CF and SEEA EEA statistics together: UK experience and lessons learnt /// presentation

LG/23/E35  Natural capital accounting in the United States: Recent efforts in developing land and water accounts and the path forward /// presentation

LG/23/E36  Land accounts and a link to ecosystem services in Sweden /// presentation

LG/23/E37 Monitoring of the ecological tax reform in Estonia, present state and way forward /// presentation

LG/23/E38  Natural capital accounting for policy - a global view of achievements, challenges and prospects


Meeting conclusions (presentation)


Background Documents for the Meeting

Abstracts for the 23rd meeting of the London Group

Wentworth Group 2016: Accounting for nature - a scientific method for constructing environmental asset condition accounts

Implementing an EU sysstem of accounting for ecosystems and their services