To list local firewall rules
sudo iptables -L (look for the appgate-filter-input/output chains)
Client settings
These are found in
In the following file ~/.config/appgatesdp-service/user.settings find <configuration><appSettings> and:
•to not show the data usage user acceptance screen the first time the client starts:
<add key="userApprovalPref" value="True" />
•to prevent the running of device claim scripts. Remember these run with full admin privileges so present a security risk:
<add key="scriptsDisabledPref" value="True" />
To clean all client settings
rm -rf ~/.config/appgate-ui ~/.config/appgatesdp-service ~/.local/share/appgatesdp-service
To remove a Client profile link
Open gnome-keyring (seahorse) or kwallet. Look for "AppGate (Profile:123456etc)".
Open an item and reveal the password to see the profile name.
Delete the required Profile.
To remove all stored passwords/certificates
Open gnome-keyring (seahorse) or kwallet.
Delete all entries containing 'AppGate'
DNS configuration
The client comes with a "set_dns" script which tries to change the network configuration when connecting to Appgate SDP, so that the Appgate SDP DNS is called for Appgate SDP domains, while the regular DNS remains in charge of resolving everything else.
To achieve this the built-in script runs a dns resolver (dnsmasq) which is executed locally under the name "appgate-resolver". If systemd-resolved is detected to be running, then it will be used instead of dnsmasq. The script resets the network configuration when Appgate SDP disconnects.
The set_dns script has some requirements:
• dnsmasq
• dbus
• systemd as pid 1
This was tested against network-manager and wicd.
Since the built-in script can't possibly cover every network configuration, it is possible to write a custom script that must use the same command line. More information about the command line can be found running:
/opt/appgate/linux/set_dns --help
journalctl -u appgatedriver.service | grep set_dns
Any such script must be configured in /etc/appgate.conf, and will then replace the built-in one.
If the network configuration is left in a strange state, it is possible to do the following steps to restore it:
/opt/appgate/linux/set_dns --reset
chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf
mv /etc/resolv.appgate /etc/resolv.conf
then restart your network manager