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The byleid o Newcastle is kent as Geordie, an haes a lairge amoont o vocabulary an distinctive wird pronunciations no uised in ither pairts o Ingland. The Geordie byleid haes muckle o its oreegins in the leid spoken bi Anglo-Saxon mercenaries, that war employed bi the Auncient Breetish fowk tae fecht Pechtish invaders, follaein the Romans leavin Breetain in the 4t century. This leid wis the forebeir o Modren Inglis; but while the byleids o ither Inglis regions haes been muckle chynged bi the influences o ither furrin leids—Norman an Norman–French in parteecular —the Geordie byleid hauds tae mony chairactereestics o the auld leid.


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Geordie haes a lairge amoont o vocabular no heard ithergates in Ingland, tho some is shared wi (or seemilar tae) Scots. Wirds still in ordinar uiss the day includes:

(Aw translates are gien in Inglis for tae compear them)

  • alreet (/'a:lri:t/ a variation on alright
  • cannit 'can nae'
  • canny for "pleasant" or tae mean 'very'. A body coud therefore be 'canny canny'.
  • geet for "very", *muckle an aw (uised mair in Northumberland)
  • hyem for "home"
  • deeky for "look at"
  • kets for "sweets/treats"
  • knaa for "to know/know"
  • divint for "don't"/
  • bairn/grandbairn for "child/grandchild"
  • hacky for "dirty"
  • gan for "to go/go"
  • hoy for "to throw"[1]
  • toon for "Town"
  • nettie|bog for "toilet"
  • naa for "no"
  • ayee|yerr for "yes"
  • neb for "nose" (nebby=nosey)
  • banter for "chat/gossip"
  • clart for "mud" as in "there's clarts on yar boots"
  • hadaway for "get away"
  • hinny a term o endearment - "Honey"[1]
  • haad for "hold/ ie keep a hadd/ keep a hold/ had yer gob/ keep quiet/ that polite little notice in the parks aboot keepin' yor dog on a lead ye cud hev Keep A-Hadden Yor Dog[1]
  • divvie for "stupid person"
  • tab for "cigarette"
  • chor "to steal"
  • chiv for "knife"
  • wor for "our", uised mainly in the context o wor kid, meanin 'friend', yer siblin or literally 'our kid'. Uised mainly tae mean a faimily member.
  • nowt for "nothing"[1]

Howay or Haway is braidly comparable tae the invocation "Come on!" or the French "Allez!" ("Go on!"), "Howay" an "Haway" bein the geordie an 'mackem' derivatives o the same wird, respectively. Ensaumples o common uise include Howay man! or Haway man!, meanin "come on" or "hurry up", Howay the lads! or Haway the lads! as a term o encouragement for a sports team for ensaumple, or Ho'way!? (wi stress on the seecont seellable) expressin incredulity or disbelief.[1] The literal opposite o this wird is "Haddaway" (gang awa), that isnae as popular as Howay, but haes foond frequent uise in the phrase "Haddaway an' shite" (Tom Hadaway, Figure 5.2 Haddaway an' shite; ’Cursing like sleet blackening the buds, raging at the monk of Jarrow scribbling his morality and judgement into a book.’[2]).

Divvie or divvy seems tae come frae the Co-op dividend,[3] or frae the twa Davy lamps (the mair dangerous explosive Scotch Davy[4] uised in 1850, commission disapproved o its uise in 1886. (inventor isnae kent, an nicknamed Scotch Davy probably gien bi miners efter the Davy lamp wis makkit aiblins bi north aest miners that uised the Stephenson Lamp[5][6]), an the later better designed Davy designed bi Humphrey Davy cried the Divvy an aw.[7]) As in a north aest miner sayin ‘Marra, ye keep way from me if ye usin a divvy.' It seems the wird divvie then translated tae daft lad/lass. Aiblins comin frae the fact ye’d be seen as foolish tae gang doun a mine wi a Scotch Divvy whan there are safer lamps oot, like the Geordie, or the Davy.

The geordie wird netty, meanin a toilet[8] or bathroom mebbe cam frae the Italian wird gabinetto, tho many Etymologists ween hit is frae the Auld Inglis wird neid[9] or the Modren Inglis needy[10].

A poem, cried ‘YAM’ narrated bi author Douglas Kew, demonstrates the uissage o a lot o Geordie wirds[11][12]

See Forby

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  1. a b c d e "Dorphy dialog". Archived frae the original on 13 Apryle 2003. Retrieved 4 November 2007.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  2. Colls, Robert; Lancaster, Bill; Bryne, David; Carr, Barry; Hadaway, Tom; Knox, Elaine; Plater, Alan; Taylor, Harvey; Williamson; Younger, Paul (2005). Geordies. Northumbria University Press. p. 90. ISBN 1904794122. Hadaway an’ shite; ’Cursing like sleet blackening the buds, raging at the monk of Jarrow scribbling his morality and judgement into a book.’
  3. IMS: Customer Satisfaction: BIP2005 (Integrated Management Systems). BSI Standards. 2003. p. 10. ISBN 0580414264. An early example, which may be remembered by older readers was the Co-op dividend or 'divvie'. On paying their bill, shoppers would quote a number recorded ...
  4. Henderson, Clarks, NEIMME: Lamps - No. 14. SCOTCH DAVY LAMP., archived frae the original on 20 November 2008, retrieved 2 December 2007, CONSTRUCTION. Gauzes. Cylindrical, 2 ins diameter. 41/2" high with conical top, a double gauze 1 ins. in depth at the peak. 24 mesh iron. Light. Candle. line feed character in |quote= at position 14 (help)
  5. Smiles, Samuel (1859). The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. p. 120. As to the value of the invention of the safety lamp, there could be no doubt; and the colliery owners of Durham and Northumberland, to testify their sense of its importance, determined to present a testimonial to its inventor.
  6. Henderson, Clarks, NEIMME: Lamps - No. 16. STEPHENSON (GEORDIE) LAMP., archived frae the original on 20 November 2008, retrieved 2 December 2007
  7. Henderson, Clarks, NEIMME: Lamps - No. 1 - DAVY LAMP., archived frae the original on 20 November 2008, retrieved 2 December 2007
  8. Graham, Frank (November 1986), The Geordie Netty: A Short History and Guide, Butler Publishing; New Ed edition, ISBN 0946928088
  9. Griffiths, Bill (2005-12-01). A Dictionary of North East Dialect. Northumbria University Press, p. 122. ISBN 1904794165. "Netty outside toilet, Ex.JG Annfield Plain 1930s. “nessy or netty”Newbiggin-in-Teesdale C20/mid; “outside netties” Dobson Tyne 1972; ‘lavatory’ Graham Geordie 1979. EDD distribution to 1900: N’d. NE 2001: in circulation. ?C18 nessy from necessary; ? Ital. cabinette; Raine MS locates a possible early ex. “Robert Hovyngham sall make… at the other end of hys house knyttyng” York 1419, in which case root could be OE nid ‘necessity’. Plus “to go to the Necessary” (public toilet) Errington p.67 Newcastle re 1800s: “lav” Northumbrian III C20/2 re Crawcrook; “oot back” G’head 2001 Q; “larty – toilet, a children’s word, the school larties’” MM S.Shields C20/2 lavatory"
  10. Trotter Brockett, John (1829). A glossary of north country words, in use. From an original manuscript, with additions (PDF). Oxford University. p. 214. NEDDY, NETTY, a certain place that will not bear a written explanation; but which is depleted to the very life in a tail-piece in the first edition of Bewick’s Land Birds, p. 285. In the second edition a bar is placed against the offending part of this broad display of native humour. Etymon needy, a place of need or necessity. Cite has empty unkent parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  11. YAM narrated by author Douglas Kew. 29 Julie 2007. Retrieved 2 Januar 2008. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS IS ENGLISH!? "YAM" Pitmatic poem from a Trimdon Lad. From the book "A TRAVELER'S TALE" by Douglas Kew.; DouglasKew TRIMDON Poet YAM pitmatic Geordie line feed character in |quote= at position 35 (help)
  12. Kew, Douglas (7 Februar 2001). A Traveller's Tale. Trafford Publishing. ISBN 1552125521.