Science Arts Inc. - Next-Gen Frontline DX Platform

Power to the


Cutting-edge DX solutions for frontline workers,
creating a society filled with vibrant working environments.

Frontline workers often work in remote locations,
facing stress and anxiety on their own.

We offer services that allow instant communication, such as voice, text, video, location sharing, and AI-powered support across countries and languages. We aim to create a reliable infrastructure where frontline workers worldwide can work with peace of mind.



Buddycom - Supporting Frontline DX

Buddycom is an IP communication app for smartphones capable of group voice calls. It offers high-quality audio, a mobile-friendly experience, with features unique to digital technology, making it a next-generation communication tool.

※Source: Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute “Status and Outlook of the Deskless SaaS Market 2024” Based on sales and contract numbers of voice (video) communication tools (non-desk workers).


Over 0


Client Retention Rate

0 %

Growth Rate

0 %

※Based on sales three years to date

In-house Development

0 %

Monthly Call Volume


billion calls

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Company Overview

We are one of a small handful of companies dedicated to supporting the needs of frontline workers, who make up 80% of the global workforce. Find out more about us below.


At Science Arts, we're looking for enthusiastic individuals to take on challenges with us. We're strengthening recruitment in various roles across business, product, and corporate.
Find out more about our job vacancies.