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RRID:SCR_001161 RRID Copied      
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LONI Pipeline Processing Environment (RRID:SCR_001161)
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Proper Citation: LONI Pipeline Processing Environment (RRID:SCR_001161)

Description: A free workflow application primarily aimed at neuroimaging researchers that allows users to easily describe their executables in a graphical user interface (ie. create a module) and connect them together to create complex analyses all without having to code a single line in a scripting language. The Pipeline Client runs on your PC/Mac/Linux computer upon which you can create sophisticated processing workflows using a variety of commonly available executable tools (e.g. FSL, AIR, FreeSurfer, AFNI, Diffusion Toolkit, etc). The Distributed Pipeline Server can be installed on your Linux cluster and you can submit processing jobs directly to your own compute systems. Once you����??ve created a module for use in the LONI Pipeline, you can save it into your personal library and reuse it in other workflows you create by simply dragging and dropping it in. Because the LONI Pipeline is written in Java, you can work in whatever operating system suits you best. If there are tools that you need that can only work on another operating system, you can install a Pipeline server on that computer and connect from your client to do processing and analysis remotely.

Abbreviations: LONI Pipeline

Synonyms: LONI Pipeline Environment

Resource Type: software resource, workflow software, software application, data processing software

Defining Citation: PMID:12880830

Keywords: workflow, neuroscience, afni brik, analyze, bshort, bfloat, computational neuroscience, dicom, imaging genomics, java, linux, macos, microsoft, minc, minc2, nifti, pet, spect, posix/unix-like, sunos/solaris, windows, windows nt/2000, atlas, birn, ccb, functional, na-mic, registration, segmentation, statistical, surface analysis, visual processing environment, volume, warping, image processing

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