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  • darkblurbg
    UCSD FAIR Data Informatics Lab
    SciCrunch Data and Resource Infrastructure
About the FAIR Data Informatics Lab

The FAIR Data Informatics Lab at UCSD is a leader in developing and providing novel informatics infrastructure and tools for making data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. We started in 2008 as the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) and have since expanded to support additional biomedical domains. Read more about the history of NIF and the FDI Lab at our website.

Check out some of our communities

NIDDK Information Network

dkNET provides a catalog of resources important to research on kidney, urologic, hematologic, digestive, metabolic and endocrine diseases, diabetes and nutrition.

Neuroscience Information Framework

The Neuroscience Information Framework is a dynamic inventory of Web-based neuroscience resources: data, materials, and tools accessible via any computer connected to the Internet.

Resource Identification Portal

Providing shared identifiers for citing research resources in the biomedical literature.

SPARC Anatomy Working Group

The management of multimodal anatomical knowledge is one of the mainstays of MAP-CORE’s effort in SPARC. At the core of this effort is the curation of computable and FAIR knowledge for the inferencing of multiscale parts and connectivity route pathways in support of SPARC metadata discovery. The SPARC Anatomy Working Group (SAWG) is responsible for the integrity of anatomical knowledge in SPARC.

What is SciCrunch®

SciCrunch® is a data sharing and display platform. Anyone can create a custom portal where they can select searchable subsets of hundreds of data sources, brand their web pages and create their community. SciCrunch® will push data updates automatically to all portals on a weekly basis. User communities can also add their own data to Scicrunch®, however this is not currently a free service.

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