"Perceptions of Web 2.0 tools as catalysts for teacher and librarian co" by Peggy Milam Creighton


Perceptions of Web 2.0 tools as catalysts for teacher and librarian collaboration: A case study

Date of Conferral


Date of Award

January 2010


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)




Shepard, Maryfriend


Scheduling collaborative planning sessions with classroom teachers is a substantial challenge for school librarians. Research indicates that lack of time is a major barrier to collaboration. The purpose of this study was to explore perceptions of Web 2.0 tools as a potential means of overcoming the time barrier to collaboration. Participants were school librarians and classroom teachers from a large suburban school district. Loertscher's taxonomy and school library 2.0 provided a conceptual framework for the design of this case study. Research questions focused on (a) ways Web 2.0 tools can be used to collaborate and (b) which tools are most effective. Data collection strategies included face-to-face interviews and participant observations. Collaborative planning documents provided by the school librarians and a researcher's journal were also examined. Data were analyzed using Hatch's (2007) eight-step interpretive analysis model, and included quality assurances such as peer review, member checking, and triangulation. Results indicated that (a) the practice of collaboration varied by school and depended upon school culture, time and scheduling constraints, interpersonal characteristics, and perceptions of the meaning and benefits of collaboration; and (b)Web 2.0 tools are underutilized due to a lack of training, comfort levels, dependence upon tested technology tools, and perceptions of Web 2.0. These findings suggest that school librarians, administrators, and other educators should evaluate the use of Web 2.0 tools as catalysts for teacher and librarian collaboration in their schools so that student achievement through the school library program might be increased.

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