RIST-4 Room 4409
Assistant Professor
Machine Learning Lab (ML Lab)
National AI Research Lab
Global AI Frontier Lab
Team Atlanta
Computer Security Lab
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence (GSAI)
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Research Interests: Trustworthy AI/ML and Computer Security
I’m looking for motivated students, interested in trustworthy AI/ML and computer security! Please check out hiring steps.
For POSTECH undergraduate research (intern/CSED399/CSED499), please check out here!
I will serve as an area chair for NeurIPS 2025.
Selective Generation got the Best Paper Award from POSTECH GSAI BK21.
I will serve as an area chair for ICML 2025.
We have 4 top conference papers in 2024.
Selective Generation is accepted to NeurIPS24 (spotlight).
I give an invited talk at Samsung Security Tech Forum 2024.
We, POSTECH GSAI, provide a breakout session at Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) Summit.
I give a talk at National Statistics Development Forum.
We, Team Atlanta, advance to the DARPA AIxCC finals with a $2M team award.
I will serve as an area chair for NeurIPS 2024.
TRAQ is accepted to NAACL24.
MedBN is accepted to CVPR24.
Label Shift is accepted to ICLR24.
2023 or before
TRAC got a Best Paper award at ICML23 TEACH Workshop.
I will start as an assistant professor in fall 2023 at POSTECH Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence (GSAI)!
CODiT is a Best Paper Award finalist at ICCPS23.
Angelic Patch is accepted to CVPR23.
ACon² is accepted to Security23.
CODiT is accepted to ICCPS23.
Meta PAC Prediction Set is accepted to NeurIPS22.