Issue List
Sun Mar 16 2025 23:46:05 UTC
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12 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
125980 Internat localeda arielch CLOS FIXE Set default currency to Euro in Lithuanian locale 2016-10-14
127113 Build To configur issues CLOS FIXE Xcode 10.11 SDK not recognized 2020-05-13
127140 Installa code arielch CLOS FIXE Installer includes VC package older than 4.1.2 2016-10-28
127103 General code issues CLOS FIXE Update metadata for OpenOffice 4.1.3 release 2016-10-16
127100 Build To code arielch CLOS FIXE Make NSIS 3.* a build requirement for building Windows installers 2017-12-10
127108 General code arielch CLOS FIXE Update the Copyright year 2017-01-23
127112 General code arielch CLOS FIXE Update bundled dictionaries for AOO 4.1.3 release 2017-03-01
127118 Build To configur arielch RESO FIXE Update dmake URL in configure 2016-10-05
127120 Build To code arielch CLOS FIXE Update code for downloading dependencies 2022-10-28
127119 Build To configur arielch RESO FIXE configure does not check all Perl modules that are used at build time 2016-12-03
126840 Build To external issues RESO FIXE Windows/MSVC build often fails in main/icu 2016-09-18
127121 Build To code arielch RESO FIXE Update broken download URLs of external dependencies 2019-05-21
12 issues found.
