Python Project - Rye
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Python Project (pyproject.toml)

Rye tries to avoid a lot of proprietary configuration in the pyproject.toml file but a bit is necessary. Here are the most important keys that Rye expects:


This key is used to manage dependencies. They work exactly like you expect from a regular pyproject.toml file and in fact Rye changes nothing about this. However Rye is capable of modifying these entries with the rye add and rye remove commands.

dependencies = [


This key specifies the scripts that are to be generated and installed into the virtual environment during sync. These scripts will invoke the configured entry point.

my-hello-script = 'hello:main'
This configuration will generate a script my-hello-script that will call the main function of the hello module.

Scripts can be installed using rye sync and run using rye run:

$ rye sync
$ rye run my-hello-script
Hello from hello!

This works similar to project.dependencies but holds development only dependencies. These can be added here automatically via rye add --dev.

dev-dependencies = ["black~=23.3.0"]

Dev dependencies are installed automatically unless --no-dev is passed to sync.


This is a special key that contains dependencies which are never installed, even if they are pulled in as indirect dependencies. These are added here automatically with rye add --excluded.

excluded-dependencies = ["cffi"]


new in 0.36.0

When this flag is enabled all lock and sync operations in the project or workspace operate as if --universal is passed. This means that the dependency resolver will attempt to generate a resolution that's valid on all platforms, operating systems, and architectures, rather than a resolution that's specific to the current platform.

universal = true


new in 0.35.0

When this flag is enabled all lock and sync operations in the project or workspace operate as if --generate-hashes is passed. This means that all dependencies in all lock files will include a hash.

generate-hashes = true


new in 0.18.0

When this flag is enabled all lock and sync operations in the project or workspace operate as if --with-sources is passed. This means that all lock files contain the full source references. Note that this can create lock files that contain credentials if the sources have credentials included in the URL.

lock-with-sources = true


new in 0.3.0

This key tells rye that this project is supposed to be managed by Rye. This key primarily affects some automatic creation of virtualenvs. For instance Rye will not try to initialize a virtualenv when using shims without this flag. It can be forced enabled in the global config.

managed = true


new in 0.20.0

If this key is set to true the project is declared as a virtual project. This is a special mode in which the package itself is not installed, but only the dependencies are. This is for instance useful if you are not creating a Python project, but you are depending on Python software. As an example you can use this to install software written in Python. This key is set to true when rye init is invoked with the --virtual flag.

virtual = true

For more information consult the Virtual Project Guide.


This is an array of tables with sources that should be used for locating dependencies. This lets you use indexes other than PyPI. These sources can also be configured in the main config.toml config file with the same syntax.

name = "default"
url = ""

For more information about configuring sources see Dependency Sources.


This key can be used to register custom scripts that are exposed via rye run. Each key is a script, and each value is the configuration for that script. Normally the value is an object with different keys with the most important key being cmd which holds the command to execute. However if only cmd is set, then the object is optional. cmd itself can either be set to a string or an array of arguments.

# These three options are equivalent:
devserver = "flask run --app ./ --debug"
devserver-alt = ["flask", "run", "--app", "./", "--debug"]
devserver-explicit = { cmd = "flask run --app ./ --debug" }

The following keys are possible for a script:


The command to execute. This is either a string or an array of arguments. In either case shell specific interpolation is unavailable. The command will invoke one of the tools in the virtualenv if it's available there.

devserver = { cmd = "flask run --app ./ --debug" }
http = { cmd = ["python", "-mhttp.server", "8000"] }


This key can be used to provide environment variables with a script:

devserver = { cmd = "flask run --debug", env = { FLASK_APP = "./" } }


new in 0.30.0

This is similar to env but rather than setting environment variables directly, it instead points to a file that should be loaded (relative to the pyproject.toml):

devserver = { cmd = "flask run --debug", env-file = ".dev.env" }


This is a special key that can be set instead of cmd to make a command invoke multiple other commands. Each command will be executed one after another. If any of the commands fails, the rest of the commands won't be executed and the chain fails.

lint = { chain = ["lint:black", "lint:flake8" ] }
"lint:black" = "black --check src"
"lint:flake8" = "flake8 src"


This is a special key that can be set instead of cmd to make a command invoke python functions or modules. The format is one of the three following formats:

  • <module_name>: equivalent to python -m <module_name>
  • <module_name>:<function_name>: runs <function_name> from <module_name> and exits with the return value
  • <module_name>:<function_name>(<args>): passes specific arguments to the function

Extra arguments provided on the command line are passed in sys.argv.

serve = { call = "http.server" }
help = { call = "builtins:help" }
hello-world = { call = "builtins:print('Hello World!')" }


When a table with that key is stored, then a project is declared to be a workspace root. By default all Python projects discovered in sub folders will then become members of this workspace and share a virtualenv. Optionally the members key (an array) can be used to restrict these members. In that list globs can be used. The root project itself is always a member.

members = ["mylib-*"]

For more information consult the Workspaces Guide.