Supports... - Ross Wintle


Both personally and through my business I support a number of businesses and organisations that I like and admire. Sometimes this is through donations or sponsorship, and sometimes this is through paying for products that they make.

I list them here so that you can try them out and support them too, and to inspire and encourage you to use your money to say you appreciate peoples’ work and the value they create, and to make the things you love sustainable.

Some of my sponsorships have wound down, and others have moved to more formal commercial setups where their work is supported through commercial endeavour. These are now listed on the Uses… page.

So this feels a bit light right now, but hopefully it will ramp up again in the future.

People and projects

  • John Blackbourn – who makes free tools and plugins for WordPress that I use a LOT

Products and companies

  • Mostly moved to the Uses… page
  • I support good journalism by paying for a digital subscription to The Guardian.
  • Darkroom Espresso is a local coffee shop run by my friend Steve. Steve is humble, brave, friendly and an awesome barista. And he lets me work from his place a lot. I really want his business to thrive so I buy coffee and supplies from him whenever I can.

Previous support

My donations and subscriptions get reviewed from time to time. Here are some people and things that I used to support and that you may want to…

  • WorkNotes and the Independent Work community – because Dave Smyth does such great work here
  • Doing It for the Kids – to thank Frankie for the huge amount of work she puts into curating this community of freelancing parents
  • – I did the Kickstarter for Manton’s IndieWeb project and had a paid account for a long time. It’s a great little platform and I love the concept behind it, but it never really got traction with me. Perhaps I’ll be back one day.
  • Smashing Magazine – I supported Smashing Magazine for a long while as a member. But I’m off exploring other lands now. Membership is still worthwhile and recommended if you’re more design-focussed than I am. But the content isn’t for me right now.
  • Zuzana Kunckova – for her important work on the inclusive Larabelles community.
  • A Big Orange Heart (was WP&UP) – Dan and the team’s work on mental health for remote workers seems so needed and valuable
  • Caleb Porzio – for Livewire, AlpineJS and everything else (I now support him buy buying his commercial products)

Finally, if I’ve helped you in some way and you want to support ME then you can buy me a coffee – it will genuinely put a smile on my face! Thanks!