Book: Recursion - Blake Crouch - Ross Wintle

Book: Recursion – Blake Crouch

[Contains mild spoilers]

I’m not sure how I came across Blake Crouch. Probably recommended by the Kobo algorithm. Or his book was in a sale and sounded cool. I remember downloading a free preview of “Dark Matter” and reading it and thinking it was good.

Anyhow, I ended up reading “Recursion” first. “A compulsive, breathtaking exploration of memory and what it means to be human.”

I got through it pretty quickly and was pretty gripped. It’s essentially a time travel story, but one which tries to escape all the “but what about”s of regular time travel in its execution. It held together well though, helped by not having to many main characters to keep track of.

About half way through I thought it had ended and was wondering what else would happen. It turns out the answer is: a whole load of weird and unnecessary traumatic and violent stuff!

It was good. Good story. Well written. A fun romp. I enjoyed reading. But that second half could have been a lot shorter and I felt the ending was missing something. The characters put SO much effort into fixing what they had messed up and then, in the end, the solution – if that’s what it was – was pretty simple.

I will read more from Crouch. He’s a good storyteller!