Cac san pham nha Dalba luon sieu thich, tu xit mat, kem duong am, kem chong nang den mat na.Toi dung het cac loai ke tren no cam am sieu tot, lam da toi luon cang bong ke ca vao mua dong ben Nhat nay, no thuc su phu hop voi da hon hop thien kho giong toi. Toi dung cac san pham nay khong bi kich ung, do rat hay noi mun nen toi khuyen cac ban ai giong da toi nen mua ve dung va trai nghiem, se khong lam cac ban dau nha.
Dalba products are always super favorite, from facial spray, moisturizer, sunscreen to mask. I have used all of the above products, they are super moisturizing, keep my skin plump even in winter here in Japan, it is really suitable for dry combination skin like mine. I use these products without any irritation, redness or acne, so I recommend anyone with skin like mine to buy and experience .