The Allure of the Exotic.....
Edward cannot complete the simplest of tasks.
His strange hands interfere with the most mundane of daily tasks.
There's an incident with a waterbed and another with a single pea to highlight this idea.
These things make poor Edward a freaksomething to be stared and laughed at.
But, within his heart lies the soul of an artist. He can sculpt the most beautiful and amazing things out of hedges, dogs, and womens hair.
This quality of course makes him a mini-hero, but just one slip sends him back into the category of freak.
Johnny Depp does an absolutely amazing job at portraying the stoic Edward.
He seems small, wounded, and full of loneliness within his shell. Yet at the same time he wants nothing more than to love and be loved in return.
With pasty white skin, stiff black hair, scars, and the prominent scissors for hands, Edward is strange to look at.
I enjoyed seeing Vincent Price (albeit briefly) as Edward's father.
Wiest was hilarious in her pivotal role.
Put simply, 'Edward Scissorhands' is a beautiful film, by a confident director at the height of his powers, and featuring a faultless cast.
I gape with astonishment when this film fails to make lists of the best ever movies because for me, this film redefines the potential of cinema.
I'm not the crying sort where films are concerned, but I have to quietly admit that, as the snowflakes gently tumble and everything seems to be falling into place for a happy ending... well, if I'm in a soppy mood, you might catch a quiet sniffle.
She quizzes him on why he agreed to help break into her boyfriend's house (long story). He looks calmly back and whispers, 'Because you asked me to.'
Once again, Jim appears.
Edward's despair at this point becomes apparent, which is ironic given that Ryder is busy rejecting the arrogant git.
If you've not yet seen this film, I urge you to discover it as soon as possible.
This is a contribution to the "This Movie Really Made Me Cry Write Off."