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. 2008 Jul;124(1):562-75.
doi: 10.1121/1.2918540.

Speech identification based on temporal fine structure cues


Speech identification based on temporal fine structure cues

Stanley Sheft et al. J Acoust Soc Am. 2008 Jul.


The contribution of temporal fine structure (TFS) cues to consonant identification was assessed in normal-hearing listeners with two speech-processing schemes designed to remove temporal envelope (E) cues. Stimuli were processed vowel-consonant-vowel speech tokens. Derived from the analytic signal, carrier signals were extracted from the output of a bank of analysis filters. The "PM" and "FM" processing schemes estimated a phase- and frequency-modulation function, respectively, of each carrier signal and applied them to a sinusoidal carrier at the analysis-filter center frequency. In the FM scheme, processed signals were further restricted to the analysis-filter bandwidth. A third scheme retaining only E cues from each band was used for comparison. Stimuli processed with the PM and FM schemes were found to be highly intelligible (50-80% correct identification) over a variety of experimental conditions designed to affect the putative reconstruction of E cues subsequent to peripheral auditory filtering. Analysis of confusions between consonants showed that the contribution of TFS cues was greater for place than manner of articulation, whereas the converse was observed for E cues. Taken together, these results indicate that TFS cues convey important phonetic information that is not solely a consequence of E reconstruction.

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Figure 1
Figure 1
For a narrowband ∕asa∕ speech signal, instantaneous-frequency functions with processing algorithm indicated in the upper right-hand corner of the panel, and long-term magnitude spectra (bottom-right panel). Analysis used a 0.4-octave-wide, third-order zero-phase Butterworth filter centered at 900 Hz. Magnitude spectra: Unprocessed speech (dashed line), PMz speech (continuous thin line), PMr speech (continuous line), and FM speech (continuous heavy line). Magnitude spectra were smoothed for clarity of presentation. In large part the two PM magnitude spectra overlap.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Assessment of envelope reconstruction in condition 16B. Mean correlation estimates between the original speech envelopes and the envelopes of the stimuli in the PMz (circles), PMr (triangles), and FM (squares) conditions are shown a function of gammatone-filter CF. Left panel: correlation coefficient; middle panel: depth-dependent correlation estimate; right panel: level-dependent correlation estimate. The number in parentheses below each panel title is the mean correlation across gammatone-filter channels estimating E fidelity in the E condition. In each figure legend, numbers between parentheses correspond to the mean correlation estimate across filter channels in the respective TFS condition.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Mean identification performance (left panel) and percent of information received for each phonetic feature (middle and right panels) as a function of session number for the 16-band PMz (open circles), PMr (filled circles), and FM (filled triangles) TFS-speech conditions. Mean performance averaged across four repeated session in the 16-band E-speech condition is indicated with stars on the right side of each panel. Error bars represent one standard error of the mean. A score of 6.25% corresponds to chance identification performance.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Mean identification performance (left panel) and percent of information received for each phonetic feature (middle and right panels) calculated in each speech-processing condition: PMz (black bars), PMr (light gray bars), FM (dark gray bars), E (open bars). In each panel, data are from the 16B [16-band analysis filterbank, 80 dB(A)], HF [16-band analysis filterbank with the five lowest bands removed, 80 dB(A)], 32B [32-band analysis filterbank, 80 dB(A)], and LL [16-band analysis filterbank, 45 dB(A)] conditions. Error bars represent one standard error of the mean.
Figure 5
Figure 5
For experiment 3, assessment of envelope reconstruction in condition 32B. Stimuli were processed with a 32-band analysis filterbank. Except for the omission of the mean correlation estimates for the E condition which was not run in experiment 3, otherwise as in Fig. 2.
Figure 6
Figure 6
For experiment 4, assessment of envelope reconstruction in condition LL. Stimulus level was 45 dB SPL, otherwise as in Fig. 2.
Figure 7
Figure 7
Assessment of fidelity of TFS transmission in condition 16B. Mean correlation estimates computed between the TFS of the original and processed speech stimuli in the PMz (open circles), PMr (open triangles), and FM (open squares) conditions are shown a function of gammatone-filter CF. Left panel: correlation coefficient; right panel: level-dependent correlation estimate. In each figure legend, numbers between parentheses correspond to the mean correlation estimate computed across gammatone-filter channels.
Figure 8
Figure 8
Assessment of fidelity of TFS transmission in condition 32B. Stimuli were processed with a 32-band analysis filterbank, otherwise as in Fig. 7.
Figure 9
Figure 9
Mean identification scores across listeners as a function of fidelity of E reconstruction (top panels) and TFS transmission (bottom panels). Each panel corresponds to a given correlation estimate. In each panel, individual symbols correspond to a given experimental condition (16B, HF, 32B, LL) and TFS-speech processing scheme (PMz, PMr, FM). Variance of identification scores accounted for by each correlation estimate (R2) is shown in each panel.

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