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On-Site Programs

Maintenance Management Certification Program

Achieve your Maintenance Management Certification (MMC) in this four-course program offered in partnership by one of the country’s top engineering schools and the Life Cycle Institute. In this program you will learn practical skills that can be applied on the job right away, demonstrate your commitment to building a solid maintenance program, and increase your value to your organization. Learn more!

Reliability Engineering Certification Program

This program equips participants to build and sustain a reliability engineering program, prepare control strategies that reduce risk and improve asset utilization, determine predictive strategies and an effective predictive maintenance program, and establish a root cause analysis program that will lead to reduced downtime, increased production and a culture of continuous improvement. Candidates who complete the four required courses and fulfill the work project requirement will earn the Reliability Engineering Certification.
Learn more! 

Planning and Scheduling Certification Program 

Achieve your Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Certification (PSC). In this program you will learn practical skills that can be applied on the job right away, demonstrate your commitment to building a solid maintenance planning and scheduling program, and increase your value to your organization. Learn more! 

Digital Solutions Gallery

This nationally recognized program, intended for primary executives and senior leaders in the technology and operations communities, is unmatched. Uniquely organized around peer learning, the audience and content are both carefully "curated" to ensure a unique, content-rich, and thought-provoking exchange that is well-respected in the senior leader community.  Learn more!

FANUC Robotics Basic Material Handling Certificate

The FANUC (Fuji Automatic Numerical Control) Robotics Basic Material Handling Certificate program covers the material in FANUC’s “HandlingTool Operations and Programming course.” The training concludes with a task where the student incorporates all of the individual lessons leanred into a comprehensive Robotic Workcell project and demonstrates their grasp of the material.  Learn more!

Kaizen Facilitator Certificate

The Kaizen Facilitator Certificate training program covers the fundamentals of Kaizen Event facilitation and the deployment of many commonly used process improvement tools. A Kaizen Event is a short workshop in which a team spends all of their time on discovering a problem's root causes, formulating proper solutions, and immediately implementing them.  Learn more!