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CER-2TL铣刀 样品

编号:589669 浏览:86次
中山市盈易贸易有限公司 商铺
86 0760 22235298/22102237


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是否进口 是否涂层 涂层
适用机床 其他 是否库存 非库存
是否批发 非批发


订购指南 精工细琢 专业品牌
wa 46 k 5 v 5 a 350x40x127
磨料 粒度 结合剂 组织号 制法 型状 缘形 尺寸(dxtxh)
磨料粒度: grit
精度是用来表示磨料颗粒几何尺寸的大小,其选择 grit is designated to represent the geometrical size of
依据主要是加工工件所需要的表面粗糙度,同时也需 abrasive grain.the grit size is chosen for customer"s
考虑其他一些因素.以外圆磨为例,常用粒度与表面 required surface finish as well as other conditions.for
糙度有下面的大致关系: example,in cylindricai grinding,there is relationship
between grit and surface finishes listed as bellow;
粒度 36-46 54-60 70-80 90-100 grit 36-46 54-60 70-80 90-100
粗糙度 ra 1.6 ra 0.8 ra 0.4 ra 0.2 finish ra 1.6 ra 0.8 ra 0.4 ra 0.2
●粗料度的磨料适用于磨削: ●use coarse grit:
1)材质较软,延伸率大以及类似软铁和有色金属等 1.for soft,ductile,stringy material such as softsteel
材料 and nonferrous material
2)进给量大,磨削速度要求高的场合. 2.for rapid stock removal,high grinding speed
3)表面粗糙度要求不高的场合. 3.where finish is not important
4)磨削接触面大的场合. 4.for large areas of contact
●细粒度的磨料适用于磨削: ●use fine grit:
1)硬度较高以及类似高碳工具钢,硬质合金钱类的金 1.for hard,brittle materials such as hard tool steels,
属材料和玻璃等脆性材料. cemented carbide and glass.
2)表面粗糙度及精度要求高的场合. 2.for fine finishes
3)磨削接触面小的确场合. 3.for small areas of contact
4)工件半径或弧度小的场合. 4.for holding small corner radii
硬度: grade:
e f g h i j k l m n o p q r e f g h i j k l m n o p q r
软----------------------硬 soft------------------hard
砂轮的硬度是指磨料之间的结合度,砂轮中结合 the grade indicates the relative holding power of the
剂量的多少决定了砂轮的硬度大小.用户需根据具 bond which holds abrasive grains in a wheel.ln general,
本的磨削(如进刀量,粗糙度,材质)要求来灵活选 with a given type of bond it is the mount of bond which
择砂轮的硬度. determines a wheel"s should select the grade of a wheel
一般砂轮硬度选择的原则是: based on the grinding parameters such as feed rate.
finish requirements,materiials i.e..the following rules
should be followed with regard to grade
●较软的硬度 ●use soft grade:
1)进刀量大的粗磨. 1.for rapid stock removal
2)磨削接触面大的场合. 2.for large greas of contact
3)材质较硬的工件,如高硬度工具钢和硬质合金钢等. 3.for hard materials such as hard tool steels and carbide.
4)工件抗热性能差,严防表面烧伤和磨削. 4.for heat sensitive workpieces and grinding can not has
burning and discoloration on surface
●较硬的硬度 ●use hard grade:
1)进刀量小的精磨. 1.for fine finish with little feed
2)延长砂轮寿命. 2.for longer wheel life
3)材质较软的工件. 3.for soft materials
4)磨削接触面小或窄的场合. 4.for small or narrow areas of contact
组织号: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 structure: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
密--------------- 疏 close------------open
组织号用以表示砂轮内相邻的磨料颗粒之间的距 the structure number indicates the space between neighboring
离也就是间隙的大小.砂轮中磨料颗粒所占的体积百 grains which can also be called grain spacing in a wheel the
分比,也就是其浓度的大小,决定的砂轮的组织号.陶 volume percentage of abrasive grains which represents the
瓷砂轮组织号变化范围一般是从5到13,数字越小表 density of grain in a wheel determines the structure number
示砂轮组织越密,数字越大表示砂轮组织越疏松.组 of a wheel.the structure of vitrified sheels ranges from 5 to
织11,12和13通常是指气孔砂轮. 13.the smaller the number,the more closed structure the wheel
the large the number,the more open structure wheel the numbers
11.12.13normally indicate porous wheels.
所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 铣刀
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主要经营:平面磨砂轮 ; 无心磨砂轮 ; 瓦楞辊砂轮 ; 工具磨砂轮 ; 冲子研磨砂轮 ; 油石砂条 ; 鞋材研磨砂轮
我公司为台商独资企业.专业生产制造“台研”牌砂轮,台湾东升砂布轮,工厂始建于1985年,建厂初期,产品仅供外销,进入1990年以来,“台研”牌砂轮开始进入国内市场在重庆/东莞/深圳/广州/中山等多个大 ...
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