2020-06-01から1ヶ月間の記事一覧 - ppt2’s diary


- 30. JUNE * Ernest Satow *

182日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:28 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-08.8 DAYS _ Archaeologists discover first evidence for polo—on donkeys https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/03/archaeologists-discover-evidence-donkey-polo/ 夏越祭・大はらい, ハーフ…

- 29. JUNE * Saint Exupery *

181日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:28 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-07.8 DAYS _ This pharaoh's painted tomb was missing its mummy https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/magazine/2020/05-06/pharaoh-seti-painted-tomb-missing-its-mummy/ 呉服の日, ビートルズ記…

- 28. JUNE * Robert Franz *

180日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:28 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-06.8 DAYS _ Here's how to stop the virus from winning https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/06/how-to-stop-coronavirus-surges-from-winning-the-war-cvd/ インポート・デー, パフェの日, …

- 27. JUNE * Augustus de Morgan *

179日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:27 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-05.8 DAYS _ Here's how to stop the virus from winning https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/06/how-to-stop-coronavirus-surges-from-winning-the-war-cvd/ 仏壇の日, 奇跡の人の日, 日照権…

- 26. JUNE * Pied Piper of Hamelin *

178日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:27 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-04.8 DAYS _ Humans and dogs have been sledding together for nearly 10,000 years https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/06/humans-dogs-sledding-together-ten-thousand-years/ 国連憲章調印…

- 25. JUNE * Carly Simon *

177日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:27 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-03.8 DAYS _ Millions barred from 2020 hajj pilgrimage to Mecca due to pandemic https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/millions-barred-2020-hajj-pilgrimage-mecca-pandemic/ 救らいの日…

- 24. JUNE * Jeff Beck *

176日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-02.8 DAYS _ Why weren’t we ready for this virus? https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2020/07/why-werent-we-ready-for-this-virus/ UFOの日, ドレミの日, 清正公忌, タイ国革命記念日, 林檎(…

- 23. JUNE * Sahib Shihab *

175日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-19:01 MOON-01.8 DAYS _ Himalaya ‘ghost cats’ are finally coming into view https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2020/07/himalaya-snow-leopards-are-finally-coming-into-view-feature/ オリンピック・デ…

- 22. JUNE * miffy *

174日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-19:00 MOON-00.8 DAYS _ Documenting the challenges—and joys—of fatherhood in an upended world https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/features/2020/06/documenting-challenges-joys-fatherhood-in-upend…

- 21. JUNE * Teshima Aoi *

173日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-19:00 MOON-29.4 DAYS _ What is the summer solstice? Here’s what you need to know. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/what-is-summer-winter-solstice-answer-might-surprise-you/ 対話と発展のた…


172日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-19:00 MOON-28.4 DAYS _ Floppy-nosed antelope has baby boom, raising hope for critically https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/06/saiga-antelope-baby-boom-endangered-species/ ベルトの日, かばんの…

- 19. JUNE * Gabrielle Vincent *

171日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-19:00 MOON-27.4 DAYS _ Discover the planet’s last few ‘naturally quiet’ places https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/2020/06/discover-the-planets-last-few-naturally-quiet-places/ ベルトの日, 理化学研…

- 18. JUNE * Paul McCartney *

170日目 TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:59 MOON-26.4 DAYS _ First soft-shelled dinosaur eggs shed light on prehistoric parenting https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/06/first-dinosaurs-laid-soft-eggs/ 海外移住の日, 考古学出発の日,…

- 17. JUNE * Charles-Francois Gounod *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:59 MOON-25.4 DAYS _ The latest updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/coronavirus-coverage/ 薩摩の日, 興教大師誕生会, おまわりさんの日, 砂漠化および干ばつと闘う世界デー, …

- 16. JUNE * Gérard Grisey *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:59 MOON-24.4 DAYS _ How will the protests end? History tells us much depends https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/how-will-protests-end-history-says-depends-government-response/ 和菓子の日, 麦と…

- 15. JUNE * Edvard Hagerup Grieg *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:59 MOON-23.4 DAYS _ A rare look at fireflies that blink in unison, in a forest without tourists https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/06/synchronous-fireflies-rare-look-congaree-national-park/ 弘法大…

- 14. JUNE * Johann Simon Mayr *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:58 MOON-22.4 DAYS _ Without ceremony, new college grads step into an uncertain workforce https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/college-graduation-a-time-of-uncertainty-during-coronavirus-pandemic/…

- 13. JUNE * Carlos Chavez *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:58 MOON-21.4 DAYS _ Mysterious crocodile relative may have walked on two legs https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/06/fossil-footprints-crocodile-relative-walked-on-two-legs/ 小さな親切の日, 鉄人の…

- 12. JUNE * Hiroji Miyamoto * ( ELEPHANT KASHI )

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:57 MOON-20.4 DAYS _ Dogs can be 'early-warning systems' for toxic chemical exposure at home https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/06/dogs-early-warning-systems-toxic-chemical-exposure/ アンブレラ・デ…

- 12. JUNE * Hiroji Miyamoto * ( ELEPHANT KASHI )

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:57 MOON-20.4 DAYS _ Dogs can be 'early-warning systems' for toxic chemical exposure at home https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/06/dogs-early-warning-systems-toxic-chemical-exposure/ アンブレラ・デ…

- 11. JUNE * Jacques Cousteau *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:57 MOON-19.4 DAYS _ Dogs can be 'early-warning systems' for toxic chemical exposure at home https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2020/06/dogs-early-warning-systems-toxic-chemical-exposure/ かさの日, 雨漏…

- 10. JUNE * Joao Gilberto *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:56 MOON-18.4 DAYS _ They were on a quest to visit every country. Then coronavirus happened. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/2020/06/how-coronavirus-brought-competitive-travel-to-screeching-halt/ 時の…

- 09. JUNE * Johnny Depp *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:56 MOON-17.4 DAYS _ ‘I want to be part of the change’: Why thousands are demanding https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/why-thousands-are-demanding-racial-justice/ ロックデー, ロックウールの日, …

- 08. JUNE * Scott Adams *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:55 MOON-16.4 DAYS _ To enact change in the world, we must protest https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/to-enact-change-world-we-must-protest/ 学校の安全確保・安全管理の日, 大鳴門橋開通記念日, 虫…

- 07. JUNE * Prince *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:55 MOON-15.4 DAYS _ To enact change in the world, we must protest https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/to-enact-change-world-we-must-protest/ 緑内障を考える日, 母親大会記念日, 計量記念日, 緑内障…

- 06. JUNE * Diego Velazquez *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:54 MOON-14.4 DAYS _ To enact change in the world, we must protest https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/to-enact-change-world-we-must-protest/ 楽器の日, おけいこの日,いけばなの日, ヨーヨーの日, …

- 05. JUNE * Julia LIPNITSKAIA *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:25 SUNSET-18:54 MOON-13.4 DAYS _ It was a modern-day lynching’: Violent deaths reflect a brutal https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/2020/06/history-of-lynching-violent-deaths-reflect-brutal-american-legacy/ ウェスト…

- 04. JUNE * Angelina Jolie *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-18:53 MOON-12.4 DAYS _ Armored dinosaur's last meal preserved in stunning detail https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/06/borealopelta-armored-dinosaur-last-meal-fossilized-in-stunning-detail/ 侵略によ…

- 03. JUNE * Josephine BAKER *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-18:53 MOON-11.4 DAYS _ Traveling to Hong Kong? Here’s what you need to know. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/destinations/asia/china/hong-kong/how-four-months-of-protests-are-affecting-tourism/ 測量の日…

- 02. JUNE * Cagliostro *

TOKYO_SUNRISE-04:26 SUNSET-18:52 MOON-10.4 DAYS _ ‘We’re hurting, we’re hurting’— grief and outrage converge https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/2020/05/were-hurting-were-hurting-grief-and-outrage-converge-in-minneapolis/ 横浜港…