Manage your renewable energy targets
Sustainability leaders have moved beyond 100% annual renewable energy targets to 24/7 carbon free energy. Powerledger can support you on your journey.
Powerledger works with its customers in development of strategies to progress towards 24/7 carbon free energy, by delivering technology solutions for energy traceability and provenance. This is done by matching customer’s load profile with electricity supply at a granular level, in near real-time, through Powerledger’s blockchain-enabled energy tracking and trading platform.

Identify the gaps between the hourly energy consumption and the hourly energy production from your contracted sources.
Fill the gaps by purchasing Energy Attribute Certificates (RECs/GoOs) or Time-based Energy Attribute Certificates (T-EACs) for those hours your contracted sources are not covering.
Trim your surplus RECs, GoOs, or T-EACs at an hourly level in each location where you have renewable energy procured or a surplus of renewable energy generated.
Ease of operation
24/7 carbon free energy is now overtaking 100% renewables as the gold standard by which green organisations are judged. TraceX simplifies this process, by visualising your renewable energy needs, thus making it easy to achieve, and just as easy to report what you have done.

Granular and accurate reporting
Reporting on energy production and claiming the renewable credits are made simpler with Vision. A comprehensive dashboard of options will illustrate what has been consumed, and what hasn’t been consumed, during any given period.
Time based energy
Matching your energy consumption with granular certificates is the final step for any gaps that exist. Powerledger is compliant with EnergyTag and working with it’s REC tracking partners in the development of time-based energy attribute certificates (T-EACs).

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