- 请求信息 : 2025-02-18 11:35:47 HTTP/1.0 GET : /
- 运行时间 : 0.5040s ( Load:0.0055s Init:0.0007s Exec:0.4934s Template:0.0045s )
- 吞吐率 : 1.98req/s
- 内存开销 : 5,884.13 kb
- 查询信息 : 29 queries 0 writes
- 文件加载 : 115
- 缓存信息 : 44 gets 15 writes
- 配置加载 : 159
- 会话信息 : SESSION_ID=8b3c6d8253eccb1ca4d3841c9eaf46a3
- [8] Undefined index: LOCAL_ADDR /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/common~runtime.php 第 1 行.
- [8] Undefined index: LOCAL_PORT /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/common~runtime.php 第 1 行.
- [8] Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Behavior/MarkTrackingOrderSourceCheckBehavior.class.php 第 44 行.
- [8] Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Behavior/MarkTrackingOrderSourceCheckBehavior.class.php 第 208 行.
- [8] Undefined index: center_password_token /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Controller/BaseController.class.php 第 234 行.
- [8] Undefined index: public_praise /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/CompanyLogicModel.class.php 第 64 行.
- [8] Undefined index: public_praise /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/CompanyLogicModel.class.php 第 64 行.
- [8] Undefined index: public_praise /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/CompanyLogicModel.class.php 第 64 行.
- [8] Undefined index: public_praise /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/CompanyLogicModel.class.php 第 64 行.
- [8] Undefined index: public_praise /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/CompanyLogicModel.class.php 第 64 行.
- [8] Undefined index: public_praise /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Logic/BizMarketing/CompanyLogicModel.class.php 第 64 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 945 行.
- [8] Array to string conversion /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/CasesModel.class.php 第 283 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 948 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 945 行.
- [8] Array to string conversion /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/CasesModel.class.php 第 283 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 948 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 945 行.
- [8] Array to string conversion /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/CasesModel.class.php 第 283 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 948 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 945 行.
- [8] Array to string conversion /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/CasesModel.class.php 第 283 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 948 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 945 行.
- [8] Array to string conversion /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/CasesModel.class.php 第 283 行.
- [8] Undefined index: keyword /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 948 行.
- [8] Undefined index: company_id /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/ZxsRoomcasesModel.class.php 第 45 行.
- [8] Undefined index: non_id /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Common/Model/Db/BizMarketing/ZxsRoomcasesModel.class.php 第 48 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: areaCompany /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Sub/Controller/IndexController.class.php 第 275 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: topbanner /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/18e8ef26e8223c40d6cc3becda24f928.php 第 47 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: tabIndex /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/18e8ef26e8223c40d6cc3becda24f928.php 第 330 行.
- [8] Undefined variable: var /www/sites/www.qizuang.com/index/qzwww/Application/Runtime/Cache/Sub/18e8ef26e8223c40d6cc3becda24f928.php 第 1370 行.
- SELECT a.px_abc,a.cid as cid,a.cname,a.uid,a.type,a.bm,a.px,a.px_abc,a.parent_city,a.parent_city1,a.parent_city2,a.parent_city3,a.parent_city4,a.other_city,b.qz_areaid,b.qz_area,b.orders,c.qz_province,c.qz_bigpart,c.qz_bigpart_name,a.lng,a.lat FROM qz_quyu a inner join qz_area as b on a.cid = b.fatherid and b.type = 1 inner join qz_province as c on c.qz_provinceid = a.uid WHERE a.bm = 'pizhou' AND b.type = 1 ORDER BY a.bm,qz_area DESC [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- SELECT `bm`,cname name,`cid` FROM qz_quyu WHERE `cid` IN ('320300','320324','320381') ORDER BY field(cid,320300,320324,320381) [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SELECT t1.*,case
when t1.on = 2 and t1.fake=0 then 1
when t1.on <> 2 and t1.fake=0 then 2
else 3 end paixu FROM ( SELECT t.*,uc1.liangfang,uc1.haoping,uc1.qiandan,uc1.wanzhengdu,uc1.ping,uc1.roi_quality,uc1.public_praise,uc1.public_praise_rank,uc1.public_praise_rank_update_date FROM ( SELECT a.user,a.logo,a.jc,a.qc,a.qx,a.case_count,a.dz,a.`on`,b.fake,b.comment_count,b.cooperate_mode,a.id,a.id as company_id,e.cname as cityname,z.qz_area as area_name,a.register_time FROM qz_user a INNER JOIN qz_user_company as b on b.userid = a.id LEFT join qz_quyu as e on e.cid = a.cs LEFT join qz_area as z on a.qx = z.qz_areaid WHERE b.is_show = 1 AND a.on = 2 AND b.fake = 0 AND a.cs = '320382' AND a.id <> '815495' GROUP BY a.id ) t left join qz_user_company_rank uc1 on uc1.comid = t.id and uc1.day = '2025-02-17' ORDER BY day desc ) t1 ORDER BY paixu,t1.fake,t1.public_praise_rank asc,t1.public_praise_rank_update_date desc,t1.public_praise desc,t1.register_time LIMIT 6 [ RunTime:0.0056s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_user_vip` [ RunTime:0.0018s ]
- SELECT a.user,a.logo,a.jc,a.qc,a.qx,a.dz,a.case_count,a.`on` 'real',a.register_time,b.fake,b.comment_count,b.cooperate_mode,a.id,a.id as company_id,a.id,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(v.end_time) as end_time,q.bm,q.cname as cityname,z.qz_area as area_name,CASE WHEN a.`on` = -1 THEN 1
WHEN a.`on` = 2 AND b.fake = 1 THEN 2
WHEN a.`on` = 0 AND b.fake = 0 THEN 3
else 99 end sort FROM qz_user a INNER JOIN qz_user_company as b on b.userid = a.id INNER JOIN qz_quyu as q on q.cid = a.cs LEFT join qz_area as z on a.qx = z.qz_areaid LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM qz_user_vip ORDER BY end_time desc ) vip GROUP BY company_id ) as v on v.company_id = a.id WHERE ( a.on <> 2 OR b.fake <> 0 ) AND ( a.logo <> '' AND a.logo IS NOT NULL AND a.logo <> 'https://staticqn.qizuang.com/Public/default/images/default_logo.png' AND a.logo <> '/Public/default/images/default_logo.png' ) AND ( a.qc <> '' AND a.qc IS NOT NULL ) AND a.cs = '320382' AND b.is_show = 1 GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY `sort` asc,`end_time` desc,a.register_time desc LIMIT 6 [ RunTime:0.1512s ]
- SELECT t.*,count(cases.id) case_count FROM ( SELECT t1.*,user_des.jobtime,user_des.fengge,user_des.cost,convert(user_des.popularity,UNSIGNED) pv,q.bm FROM ( SELECT ce.id,ce.logo,ce.nick_name as name,ce.position as zw,ce.company_id,2 as company_type,user.cs FROM qz_user_company_employee ce INNER JOIN qz_user as user on user.id = ce.company_id INNER JOIN qz_user_company as userc on userc.userid = user.id WHERE ce.position IN (2,3,4) AND ce.state = 1 AND user.on = 2 AND user.classid IN (3,6) AND userc.fake = 0 AND user.cs = '320382' ) t1 INNER JOIN qz_quyu as q on q.cid = t1.cs INNER JOIN qz_user_des as user_des on user_des.userid = t1.id ORDER BY convert(user_des.popularity,UNSIGNED) desc,t1.id desc LIMIT 6 ) t LEFT JOIN qz_cases as cases on cases.userid = t.id AND cases.isdelete = 1 AND cases.uid = t.company_id AND cases.`status` = 2 AND cases.classid < 3 GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.pv desc,t.id desc [ RunTime:0.0019s ]
- SELECT t2.* FROM ( SELECT t.*,q.bm FROM ( SELECT c.id,c.comid,c.name,c.text,c.time,c.sj,c.fw,c.sg,u.logo,u.jc,u.cs,c.company_recommend FROM qz_comment c INNER JOIN qz_user u on u.id = c.comid and u.cs > 0 INNER JOIN qz_user_company as com on com.userid = c.comid WHERE c.isveritfy = 0 AND u.on = 2 AND com.is_show = 1 AND c.cs = '320382' ORDER BY c.company_recommend desc,c.time desc, c.id desc ) t INNER JOIN qz_quyu q on q.cid = t.cs GROUP BY t.comid ORDER BY t.company_recommend desc,t.time desc,t.id desc ) t2 GROUP BY t2.jc ORDER BY t2.company_recommend desc,t2.time desc,t2.id desc LIMIT 6 [ RunTime:0.0059s ]
- SELECT t1.*,c.name as zstyle,hx.name as huxing_name,lx.name as leixing_name,d.name as zcost,e.jc as writer,e.qc,f.bm,g.bm AS bmt,co.contract,g.cname FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.*,b.img_path as src,b.img,b.img_host,b.img_on FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.classid,a.huxing,a.leixing,a.mianji as zarea,a.fengge,a.zaojia,a.time,a.uid,a.cs,a.thumb FROM qz_cases a FORCE INDEX ( idx_cs_classid_on ) left join qz_user_company b on a.uid = b.userid and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.isdelete = 1 AND a.on = 1 AND a.status = 2 AND a.classid = 1 AND a.fengge = 1 AND a.cs = '320382' ORDER BY usort DESC, a.id desc LIMIT 0,8 ) a left JOIN qz_case_img as b on a.id = b.caseid AND b.status < 3 ORDER BY b.img_on desc,b.px ) t GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.id desc ) as t1 LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as hx on hx.biz_id = t1.huxing and hx.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as lx on lx.biz_id = t1.leixing and lx.type ='leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t1.fengge and c.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on d.biz_id = t1.zaojia and d.type = 'jiage' LEFT JOIN qz_user as e on e.id = t1.uid LEFT JOIN qz_user_company as co on co.userid = e.id LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as f on f.cid = e.cs LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as g on g.cid = t1.cs [ RunTime:0.0149s ]
- SELECT t1.*,c.name as zstyle,hx.name as huxing_name,lx.name as leixing_name,d.name as zcost,e.jc as writer,e.qc,f.bm,g.bm AS bmt,co.contract,g.cname FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.*,b.img_path as src,b.img,b.img_host,b.img_on FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.classid,a.huxing,a.leixing,a.mianji as zarea,a.fengge,a.zaojia,a.time,a.uid,a.cs,a.thumb FROM qz_cases a FORCE INDEX ( idx_cs_classid_on ) left join qz_user_company b on a.uid = b.userid and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.isdelete = 1 AND a.on = 1 AND a.status = 2 AND a.classid = 1 AND a.fengge = 2 AND a.cs = '320382' ORDER BY usort DESC, a.id desc LIMIT 0,8 ) a left JOIN qz_case_img as b on a.id = b.caseid AND b.status < 3 ORDER BY b.img_on desc,b.px ) t GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.id desc ) as t1 LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as hx on hx.biz_id = t1.huxing and hx.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as lx on lx.biz_id = t1.leixing and lx.type ='leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t1.fengge and c.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on d.biz_id = t1.zaojia and d.type = 'jiage' LEFT JOIN qz_user as e on e.id = t1.uid LEFT JOIN qz_user_company as co on co.userid = e.id LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as f on f.cid = e.cs LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as g on g.cid = t1.cs [ RunTime:0.0144s ]
- SELECT t1.*,c.name as zstyle,hx.name as huxing_name,lx.name as leixing_name,d.name as zcost,e.jc as writer,e.qc,f.bm,g.bm AS bmt,co.contract,g.cname FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.*,b.img_path as src,b.img,b.img_host,b.img_on FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.classid,a.huxing,a.leixing,a.mianji as zarea,a.fengge,a.zaojia,a.time,a.uid,a.cs,a.thumb FROM qz_cases a FORCE INDEX ( idx_cs_classid_on ) left join qz_user_company b on a.uid = b.userid and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.isdelete = 1 AND a.on = 1 AND a.status = 2 AND a.classid = 1 AND a.fengge = 5 AND a.cs = '320382' ORDER BY usort DESC, a.id desc LIMIT 0,8 ) a left JOIN qz_case_img as b on a.id = b.caseid AND b.status < 3 ORDER BY b.img_on desc,b.px ) t GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.id desc ) as t1 LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as hx on hx.biz_id = t1.huxing and hx.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as lx on lx.biz_id = t1.leixing and lx.type ='leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t1.fengge and c.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on d.biz_id = t1.zaojia and d.type = 'jiage' LEFT JOIN qz_user as e on e.id = t1.uid LEFT JOIN qz_user_company as co on co.userid = e.id LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as f on f.cid = e.cs LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as g on g.cid = t1.cs [ RunTime:0.0109s ]
- SELECT t1.*,c.name as zstyle,hx.name as huxing_name,lx.name as leixing_name,d.name as zcost,e.jc as writer,e.qc,f.bm,g.bm AS bmt,co.contract,g.cname FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.*,b.img_path as src,b.img,b.img_host,b.img_on FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.classid,a.huxing,a.leixing,a.mianji as zarea,a.fengge,a.zaojia,a.time,a.uid,a.cs,a.thumb FROM qz_cases a FORCE INDEX ( idx_cs_classid_on ) left join qz_user_company b on a.uid = b.userid and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.isdelete = 1 AND a.on = 1 AND a.status = 2 AND a.classid = 1 AND a.fengge = 3 AND a.cs = '320382' ORDER BY usort DESC, a.id desc LIMIT 0,8 ) a left JOIN qz_case_img as b on a.id = b.caseid AND b.status < 3 ORDER BY b.img_on desc,b.px ) t GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.id desc ) as t1 LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as hx on hx.biz_id = t1.huxing and hx.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as lx on lx.biz_id = t1.leixing and lx.type ='leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t1.fengge and c.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on d.biz_id = t1.zaojia and d.type = 'jiage' LEFT JOIN qz_user as e on e.id = t1.uid LEFT JOIN qz_user_company as co on co.userid = e.id LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as f on f.cid = e.cs LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as g on g.cid = t1.cs [ RunTime:0.0102s ]
- SELECT t1.*,c.name as zstyle,hx.name as huxing_name,lx.name as leixing_name,d.name as zcost,e.jc as writer,e.qc,f.bm,g.bm AS bmt,co.contract,g.cname FROM ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT a.*,b.img_path as src,b.img,b.img_host,b.img_on FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.classid,a.huxing,a.leixing,a.mianji as zarea,a.fengge,a.zaojia,a.time,a.uid,a.cs,a.thumb FROM qz_cases a FORCE INDEX ( idx_cs_classid_on ) left join qz_user_company b on a.uid = b.userid and b.is_show = 1 WHERE a.isdelete = 1 AND a.on = 1 AND a.status = 2 AND a.classid = 1 AND a.fengge = 7 AND a.cs = '320382' ORDER BY usort DESC, a.id desc LIMIT 0,8 ) a left JOIN qz_case_img as b on a.id = b.caseid AND b.status < 3 ORDER BY b.img_on desc,b.px ) t GROUP BY t.id ORDER BY t.id desc ) as t1 LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as hx on hx.biz_id = t1.huxing and hx.type = 'huxing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as lx on lx.biz_id = t1.leixing and lx.type ='leixing' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as c on c.biz_id = t1.fengge and c.type = 'fengge' LEFT JOIN qz_base_deco_config as d on d.biz_id = t1.zaojia and d.type = 'jiage' LEFT JOIN qz_user as e on e.id = t1.uid LEFT JOIN qz_user_company as co on co.userid = e.id LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as f on f.cid = e.cs LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as g on g.cid = t1.cs [ RunTime:0.0120s ]
- SELECT a.id,a.title,a.case_from,a.tag_id,a.views,a.fake_views,a.collects,a.fake_collects,a.room_mianji,count(zpi.id) as img_num,zp.id as pic_id,zpi.url as img_url,zpi.width as img_width,zpi.height as img_height,a.owner_name,a.owner_logo,a.tag_id FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.title,a.case_from,a.views,a.fake_views,a.collects,a.fake_collects,a.room_mianji,group_concat(t.tag_id) as tag_id,a.publish_time,up.nickname as owner_name,up.avatar as owner_logo FROM qz_zxs_room_cases a inner join qz_zxs_room_cases_tag t on a.id = t.room_case_id left join qz_ucenter_profile up on up.uuid = a.owner_uuid WHERE a.publish = 1 AND a.is_delete = 2 GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.publish_time desc,a.id desc ) a inner join qz_zxs_picture zp on zp.room_case_id = a.id and zp.is_delete=2 inner join qz_zxs_picture_info zpi on zpi.pic_id = zp.id GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY a.publish_time desc,a.id desc,zpi.px asc,zpi.id LIMIT 0,8 [ RunTime:0.0699s ]
- SELECT * FROM ( SELECT img_path as url,`width`,`height`,`room_case_id` FROM qz_zxs_room_cases_img a WHERE `room_case_id` IN ('216','214','152','133','128','124','169','193') ORDER BY px,id ) as a GROUP BY a.room_case_id [ RunTime:0.0026s ]
- SHOW COLUMNS FROM `qz_www_article_class` [ RunTime:0.0018s ]
- SELECT c.id FROM qz_www_article_class c INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class c1 on c1.id = c.pid WHERE c.is_new = 1 AND c1.shortname = 'shigong' [ RunTime:0.0016s ]
- SELECT a.id,a.title,c.shortname,c.classname,a.face,a.subtitle,a.likes,a.imgs,a.face,a.pv FROM qz_www_article a force index(idx_state) INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class_rel rel on rel.article_id = a.id INNER JOIN qz_www_article_class c on c.id = rel.class_id WHERE a.state = 2 AND c.id IN ('94','95','96','97','98','99','100') ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 0,4 [ RunTime:0.0614s ]
- SELECT a.*,b.bm,c.jc FROM ( SELECT * FROM qz_adv_banner WHERE `status` = 1 AND `module` = 'home_advbanner' AND ( ( `start_time` <= 1739849747 AND `end_time` >= 1739849747 ) OR ( `start_time` <= 1739849747 AND `end_time` >= 1739894399 ) OR ( `start_time` = 0 AND `end_time` = 0 ) ) AND `city_id` = '320382' AND `img_url` <> '' ORDER BY sort,id desc ) a LEFT JOIN qz_user as c on a.company_id = c.id AND c.on = '2' LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on c.cs = b.cid ORDER BY a.sort,a.op_time DESC [ RunTime:0.0020s ]
- SELECT a.*,b.bm,c.jc FROM ( SELECT * FROM qz_adv_banner WHERE `status` = 1 AND `module` = 'home_advbanner' AND ( ( `start_time` <= 1739849747 AND `end_time` >= 1739849747 ) OR ( `start_time` <= 1739849747 AND `end_time` >= 1739894399 ) OR ( `start_time` = 0 AND `end_time` = 0 ) ) AND `city_id` = '0' AND `img_url` <> '' ORDER BY sort,id desc LIMIT 5 ) a LEFT JOIN qz_user as c on a.company_id = c.id AND c.on = '2' LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on c.cs = b.cid ORDER BY a.sort,a.op_time DESC [ RunTime:0.0018s ]
- SELECT a.*,b.bm,c.jc FROM ( SELECT * FROM qz_adv_banner WHERE `status` = 1 AND `module` = 'home_bigbanner_a' AND ( ( `start_time` <= 1739849747 AND `end_time` >= 1739849747 ) OR ( `start_time` <= 1739849747 AND `end_time` >= 1739894399 ) OR ( `start_time` = 0 AND `end_time` = 0 ) ) AND ( `city_id` = '320382' OR `city_id` = '' OR `city_id` IS NULL OR `city_id` = '0' ) AND `img_url` <> '' ORDER BY sort,id desc LIMIT 3 ) a LEFT JOIN qz_user as c on a.company_id = c.id LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on c.cs = b.cid [ RunTime:0.0021s ]
- SELECT a.*,b.bm FROM ( SELECT a.id,a.cs,a.state,a.authid,a.classid,a.title,a.description,a.img,a.keywords,a.face,a.addtime,a.createtime,a.optime,a.pv,a.istop,a.tags,a.realview,a.pre_release,b.shortname,b.title as classtitle,b.description as littledescription,b.keywords as classkeywords,b.name as classname FROM qz_little_article a INNER JOIN qz_infotype as b on b.id = a.classid WHERE a.state = 2 AND a.cs = '320382' ORDER BY addtime desc,id desc LIMIT 0,4 ) a INNER JOIN qz_quyu as b on a.cs = b.cid ORDER BY addtime desc [ RunTime:0.0055s ]
- SELECT a.link_name,a.link_url,a.link_page,b.cname,b.bm FROM qz_friend_link a LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on find_in_set(b.cid,a.show_cs) WHERE a.cs = '320382' AND a.show_class = 1 AND a.show_on = 1 AND a.link_page = '' ORDER BY addtime desc [ RunTime:0.0024s ]
- SELECT a.link_name,a.link_url,a.link_page,b.cname,b.bm FROM qz_friend_link a LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on find_in_set(b.cid,a.show_cs) WHERE a.cs = '320382' AND a.show_class = 2 AND a.show_on = 1 AND a.link_page = '' ORDER BY addtime desc [ RunTime:0.0027s ]
- SELECT a.link_name,a.link_url,a.link_page,b.cname,b.bm FROM qz_friend_link a LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on find_in_set(b.cid,a.show_cs) WHERE a.cs = '320382' AND a.show_class = 4 AND a.show_on = 1 AND a.link_page = '' ORDER BY addtime desc [ RunTime:0.0022s ]
- SELECT a.link_name,a.link_url,a.link_page,b.cname,b.bm FROM qz_friend_link a LEFT JOIN qz_quyu as b on find_in_set(b.cid,a.show_cs) WHERE a.cs = '320382' AND a.show_class = 5 AND a.show_on = 1 AND a.link_page = '' ORDER BY addtime desc [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- SELECT a.url,t.name as tag_name,c.name as sub_tag_name FROM qz_subthematic a left join qz_tags as t on t.id = a.tagid left join qz_sub_tag as c on c.id = a.sub_tagid WHERE a.cs = '320382' AND a.is_top = 1 ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 50 [ RunTime:0.0011s ]
- SELECT `id`,`name`,`type` FROM qz_thematic_words WHERE `is_delete` = 1 AND `is_show` = 1 AND `type` = 2 ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 30 [ RunTime:0.0205s ]
- SELECT `id`,`name`,`type` FROM qz_thematic_words WHERE `is_delete` = 1 AND `is_show` = 1 AND `type` = 2 AND `is_hot` = 1 ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 30 [ RunTime:0.0206s ]
- SELECT m.id,m.cs,m.title,m.keywords,m.description,q.bm FROM qz_managetdk m left join qz_quyu as q on m.cs = q.cid WHERE m.cs = '320382' AND m.model = 1 AND m.location = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0015s ]
- 服务器主机名 : 4246bee615e5
- 服务器系统 : Linux 4246bee615e5 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 14:43:51 UTC 2024 x86_64
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