Piazza • Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever.

The incredibly easy, incredibly engaging Q&A platform

Save time and help students learn using the power of community

  • Wiki style format enables collaboration in a single space
  • Features LaTeX editor, highlighted syntax and code blocking
  • Questions and posts needing immediate action are highlighted
  • Instructors endorse answers to keep the class on track
  • Anonymous posting encourages every student to participate
  • Highly customizable online polls
  • Integrates with every major LMS
Learn more about how Piazza complies with FERPA
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Hear from professors on how they use Piazza

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Driving Student Engagement in Large Classes with Piazza
Engaging Women in
STEM Fields on Piazza
Engaging Small Discussion Based Classes on Piazza
Managing Effective Teaching Teams with Piazza
Framing Student Behaviour with Piazza Tricks
Bridging the Digital Divide
with Piazza

Our story

Piazza is designed to connect students, TAs, and professors so every student can get the help they need when they need it.

Today, millions of students across thousands of campuses are using Piazza for their classes. It warms me to think I started something that is impacting the way students learn and the way instructors teach.

I sincerely hope Piazza enhances your experience as a student, as a TA, and as a professor.

— Pooja Nath Sankar, Piazza Founder

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