⚓ T307695 Display coordinate markers in Kartographer maps from QID
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Display coordinate markers in Kartographer maps from QID
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a new feature to add coordinate markers with QIDs, similar to the existing feature to add geoshapes by QID

  • Syntax to be the same, except called geopoint T305822
  • Allows adding one QID or multiple


  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geopoint",
  "ids": "Q1218, Q801"


  • The actual coordinate is pulled from Wikidata. See T304859.

Open questions:

  • When multiple coordinates exist for one QID, display all. Any message to users needed? T306540
  • Can markers automatically display information about the item? Design to investigate what should be shown. T307707
  • Is there a maximum number of QIDs that can be used?

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