⚓ T305115 Generate template parameter alignments for wikis (April-June)
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Generate template parameter alignments for wikis (April-June)
Closed, ResolvedPublic4 Estimated Story PointsFeature


Generate template parameter alignments for,

wikis as a part of enabling ContentTranslation out of Beta and SectionTranslation enablement.

Event Timeline

KartikMistry triaged this task as Medium priority.
KartikMistry set the point value for this task to 4.

We have already generated template parameter alignments for Persian, Greek, and Basque. @Pginer-WMF Is it OK to go ahead with these Wikipedias?

Current statistics of template parameters aligned for el (Greek), fa (Persian), and he (Hebrew):

sqlite> select count(*) from templates where source_lang='en' and target_lang='el';

sqlite> select count(*) from templates where source_lang='en' and target_lang='fa';

sqlite> select count(*) from templates where source_lang='en' and target_lang='he';

We have already generated template parameter alignments for Persian, Greek, and Basque. @Pginer-WMF Is it OK to go ahead with these Wikipedias?

I marked that checkbox as completed in this and their corresponding tickets.
Going ahead with the enablements depends on the remaining steps on each one.

Change 784625 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Generate template parameter alignments for Czech and Basque


Change 784625 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Added template parameter alignments for ckb, cs, eu and de


Change 785120 had a related patch set uploaded (by KartikMistry; author: KartikMistry):

[operations/deployment-charts@master] Update cxserver to 2022-04-21-081331-production


Change 785120 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/deployment-charts@master] Update cxserver to 2022-04-21-081331-production
