⚓ T229405 Test out-of-beta experience
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Test out-of-beta experience
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Different parts of the Content translation experience have been adjusted in preparation for the moment Content translation becomes default in a wiki (i.e., no longer a beta feature). These pieces have been tested in test servers simulating the out-of-beta configuration. Once the tool moves out of beta for one wiki (T102107 or T225302), we may need to re-check key workflows.

The list below includes aspects to check:

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF added a subscriber: Jpita.
Pginer-WMF raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Sep 4 2019, 5:07 PM

Regarding the new invite (T216032), I found it has a weird behavior as the screen becomes narrower:

Sep-05-2019 14-58-59.gif (306×480 px, 3 MB)

The current behavior generates a massive white space that compresses the UI to the left while there is still enough room to show it better even with responsive adjustments. Ideally the layout could change to make the button appear below the text when the with is very narrow (but that can be a separate ticket once the main issue is solved)

I found some "issues":
Following these steps I don't see the popup with the start translating button

  1. go to jv.wiki
  2. go to the login area
  3. change language to english
  4. create a new user
  5. try to create a new Paneer article. Now we should see the popup but nothing shows
NOTE: on T216032 this says in the description: Don't show if it is the very first time for the user in the editor. The first time the user access the editor other welcome messages and tutorials appear and we don't want to interfere with those. I tried with creating another article before and going back to try to create Paneer and the popup still doesn't show. this is how the localStorage looks like
image.png (440×810 px, 86 KB)

@Pginer-WMF correct me if I'm assuming something I shouldn't

Also, according to the description on T216032 Shown only once. Now that Global preferences are available, we can make sure that once the user replied once (accepting or closing), the user will not see the invite again for any other language..

Using a previously created user that sees the popup, if I try to create another article I still see the popup

according to the description on T216032

Compact when typing
If users starts typing, the invite will become compact to (a) show only the first line of text, and (b) make the button frameless. Supporting the change with a transition will make it more fluent.

This only works with the code editor, not with the visual editor

image.png (570×1 px, 56 KB)

@santhosh do you want to fix these things on this ticket or should we create one ticket for each?

we removed this dialog, and have new dialog with translation suggestion. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T216500 overrides this ticket

Testing the end-to-end experience can start once T237607 is resolved.

only missing the test for Generic invite for T232372