⚓ T227559 Wikidata infoboxes workshop @ Wikimania hackathon 2019
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Wikidata infoboxes workshop @ Wikimania hackathon 2019
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Workshop to learn how to reuse and adapt a powerful Wikidata infobox on your own project.

  • Title: Adapt and reuse a Wikidata infobox (suggestion)
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Day and time: Thursday 15th at 16:00
  • Room: Bergsmannen / Curie
  • Facilitation: @RexxS and @Mike_Peel
  • Video recording: TBD
  • Description: (to be improved)

You would like to have a nice Wikidata-powered infobox on your project, but you don't know where to start? Let's have a look together at WikidataIB, the main template used on English Wikipedia. We'll discover its features, how to reuse it on another project and adapt it to your needs. No knowledge in Lua is required.

Requirements for the room: 15-20 seats, classroom setup, plenty of power plugs. Big screen/projector in front.

Event Timeline

Hey @RexxS, we didn't talk about this idea... yet ;) But I was thinking, this would be a different usecase from the Lua workshop, if people don't want to learn Lua from scratch but just how to reuse and adapt your infobox. Would you be willing to give such a workshop at the hackathon?
We could also ask @Mike_Peel for support.
Feel free to edit the task, what I added there is just suggestions.

@Rfarrand Do you think we can have some space for this workshop as well? Thanks!

Of course, I'd be happy to present this workshop.

I wouldn't have time in an hour to go into the complexities of template creation/coding, so we would probably need to assume some foreknowledge of what the inside of an infobox template looks like. No knowledge of Lua is necessary.

I'll be around. I think there's some overlap between this and T221394 though - and also https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Languages/Wikidata_Infoboxes - that we should figure out so there's not too much repetition!

@RexxS Thanks! Feel free to update the description to reflect the prerequisites you expect from participants.
@Mike_Peel I'm fine merging this proposal with another one if there's duplicate - just want to make sure that we have a session where people can have time to try and experiment :)

The session was unfortunately not recorded, but you can see the output of the demo:
(look at the history).

For more information, see the following pages / examples:

The main module, with documentation:

The list of infoboxes using WikidataIB on enwp - good examples to copy-paste from:

The infobox on Commons, uses WikidataIB extensively - also a good place to copy-paste from:

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Mike_Peel claimed this task.