Centre for Student Affairs, Education and Admissions - Bialystok University of Technology
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Centre for Student Affairs, Education and Admissions

Centre for Student Affairs, Education and Admissions is directly subject to the Vice-rector for Student Affairs.

We deal with all matters related to the process of studying at the first-cycle or second-cycle programmes – from the begining to the graduation.

Director of the Centre for Student Affairs, Education and Admissions Ewa Wojciuk, MSc

room P1/09, Centre for Modern Education, 16 Zwierzyniecka St
+48 85 746 90 24
e.wojciuk [at] pb.edu.pl

Head of the Department for Student Affairs Justyna Walendziewicz, MSc

room P2/37, Centre for Modern Education, 16 Zwierzyniecka St
+48 85 746 90 38
j.walendziewicz [at] pb.edu.pl

Head of the Department for Education and Admissions Artur Kozłowski, MSc

room P1/08, Centre for Modern Education, 16 Zwierzyniecka St
+48 85 746 71 45
a.kozlowski [at] pb.edu.pl

We coordinate:
  1. Proceedings related to the appeal proceedings of the students in the scope of studying process and benefits for the students (first-cycle, second-cycle and Ph.D. students);
  2. Matters connected with the benefit granting – scholarship and financial aid for first-cycle, second-cycle and Ph. D. students;
  3. Affairs reffered to fixing the amount of payment charged from the students studying in Polish or foreign language.
  4. Proceedings related to the appeal proceedings of students (first-cycle, second-cycle and Ph. D. students) in the scope of exemption from the payment for educational services;
  5. Matters connected with the ministry scholarship for the students’ significant scientific, artistic and sport achievements;
  6. Ministry programmes dedicated to the students, e.g. Academic Legion (Legia Akademicka), Students’ scientific associations create innovations (Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje);
  7. NAWA scholarship programmes, e.g. Solidarity with Belarus (Solidarni z Białorusią), Anders Scholarship Programme (im. gen. Andersa);
  8. Kalinowski Scholarship Programme implemented by the Polish Government (im. Kalinowskiego);
  9. Intercollegiate student exchange programme – MOSTECH;
  10. Process of defining 10% of the best graduates of the first-cycle, second-cycle and doctoral studies;
  11. Affairs related to concluding and registration of the civil-law contracts to conduct classes at first-cycle, second-cycle and doctoral studies, as well as at the Doctoral School and postgraduate studies;
  12. Matters connected with the academic teachers’ assessment in the scope of their teaching and organizational activities to the extent delegated to Department for Student Affairs and Education.
We organise:
  1. Contest for the Best Student of Bialystok University of Technology;
  2. Contest for the Best Ph.D. Student of Bialystok University of Technology.
We handle administrative service of the tasks implemented by:
  1. Student Council;
  2. D. Student Council;
  3. Collegiate student organisations, including scientific associations;
  4. Disciplinary Proceedings Representative for Student and Ph.D. Student Affairs;
  5. Disciplinary Commitee for Student and Ph.D. Student Affairs.
We develop inner legal acts of Bialystok University of Technology, such as:
  1. Study Regulations;
  2. Doctoral Studies Regulations;
  3. Regulations of doctoral scholarship granting and its increase;
  4. Regulations of financial support for students and Ph.D. students;
  5. Sample and principles of preparing the university diploma;
  6. Sample of a contract for internship;
  7. Academic year schedule;
  8. The amount of fees charged from students;
  9. Principles of charging students and exemption from the fees;
  10. Rules of defining 10% of the best graduates of the first-cycle, second-cycle and doctoral studies;
  11. Principles and procedure of preparation the dissertation and its defence;
  12. Rules of creating, operating and termination of collegiate student organisations in Bialystok Universty of Technology;
  13. Principles of financial resources disbursement for student and Ph.D. student activities;
  14. Instructions of the settlement of payment for teaching activities implemented by the academics.